I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 272 – Is he the mayor?

After the following Norm for some time, Larissa came to a room that was on the second floor. It was a room just like that library, but it was different. It had a large desk with several seats.

It also had the air of an old office of some company that exists on planet earth.

'This must be the mayor's meeting room.' Larissa stood next to Norm as she watched everything she did.

Norm took a piece of paper and then with a pen began to write a rather formal letter to Ingutth.

'She writes well. She would serve to be an author.' Larissa joked in her mind as she read every word Norm wrote. And of course, she was also saved every important detail in her head, like the address Norm put on the envelope.

Getting the address, Larissa said her goodbyes to the mayor's mansion and went out the window.

"So that Ingutth guy lives in Waldrop, I've never visited that town before. But from the information I've had from this world, it town is not too far from the capital. It's a town with a low population."

'I think I can go there now, first I will get the exact location of that city.'

Larissa flew towards her mansion and entered through a window on the second floor without anyone noticing her presence.

Then she entered the library and began to vascular in search of demographic information of the world or perhaps a map.

'I have studied the countries very little, I should have paid more attention to that because it is good to know about the world me I am living in.'

After searching for some time, Larissa found a detailed map of the entire world.

It had all the cities of Mabely, which is where Larissa was, and it also contained the cities of all the countries in the world.

"It's kind of big, but now let's get down to business."

Looking closely, Larissa searched for Waldrop and found the city easily.

To the east of the capital more or less a two-day carriage ride away was where the city was located.

'It's not that far, if I fly in I can get there today.' Larissa put a smile on her face and then put the map away. Soon after doing so, Emily came into the room and then picked up some bock to read.

Larissa watched this quite happily and then left the room.

Since Emily was distracted, she couldn't even hear the window opening.


After a few hours, the evening had arrived.

Larissa was hovering over the town called Waldrop as she analyzed the behavior and structure of the town.

Just like Grenrok, it was a not very big city, the only difference was that in Waldrop the city was quite lively. Unlike Grenrok which had just suffered a sudden attack and was in crisis.

"Right, now how am I going to find this Ingutth guy? In the letter, it was only written that he lives in the noble area and that he is a duke. In other words, he has the highest position of nobility, second only to the queen."

Larissa lowered her altitude and then landed on top of a building.

After that, she descended into one of the alleys and deactivated her invisibility magic.

After deactivating her magic, she gracefully began to walk down the main street of the city, drawing the attention of many people.

"Hey, look at that little girl."

"I wonder how old she is?"

"Is she a noblewoman?"

Many people started arguing, but Larissa just ignored them and made her way to the adventurer's guild.

As soon as she arrived at the guild, she soon began to be stared at by everyone again. But without caring, she approached the counter.

"What can I do for you?" The receptionist who was a slightly older woman asked while maintaining a smile.

Larissa noticed that she was forcing her smile. Perhaps she was thinking that Larissa was just a child playing in the adventurers guild.

"I have come for information."

"First I need your guild card."

"Sure, here it is."

Larissa pulled out the guild card that she had put in her storage and then showed it to the receptionist.

Not wanting to show off her storage magic, Larissa pretended to take the card from her dress pocket ( Which didn't exist )

"Okay, let me see." The woman took the card and another for him.
She then widened her eyes and glanced between the card and Larissa.

"What is it?" Larissa asked curiously.

"That card isn't a fake, is it?"

"Of course not, you can look it up if you want. And hurry because I need some information."

"Oh, right."

After that, the woman went into a door just behind the counter. It took a few minutes for her to return.

"Okay, I've already checked everything, here's your card. What information would you like to get?"

"I would like to know where Duke Ingutth lives."

"The Duke?"

"That's right."

"But why? And how come you don't know him? He's the mayor of the city, you know. He's very easy to find."

"Hm..." Larissa tilted her head in confusion.

'He's the mayor? I guess that makes sense since he's a duke.'

"Well, he lives in the mansion that's right in the middle of town. You wanted to know just that?"

"Ah, yes, thank you."


Without saying goodbye, Larissa left the guild.

Inside the guild, the receptionist began to argue with her colleagues about Larissa being of a high rank adventurer.

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