I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 290 – Who are you?

After almost an entire day had passed, Larissa was taking the last person to the elf village, which was Emily.

"What is the elf village like?

"It's a beautiful place, very welcoming and also very cheerful. I'm sure you'll like it."

"I understand. But I wanted you to stay with us. Do you have to go to the capital?"

"Yes. I have to do something, I can't let them destroy this new world that has accepted me so well."

"... You say some strange things sometimes."

"Hahaha, I know."

Flying quickly through the sky, Larissa ducked into the middle of the village in the middle of the forest and deactivated her invisibility magic. As always, Thasli was there waiting for her.

"Is that the last person?"

"Yes, she was my first friend, her name is Emily."

"I see. Nice to meet you, my name is Thasli."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

After greeting each other, the three of them headed to the village. As soon as they got there, the elves looked at Emily looking very surprised at her beauty. Larissa could understand that because Emily was a very beautiful woman.

"All right, I will take you to the house you will be staying in. Larissa, try to say goodbye before you leave."

"I'll do that right now."

"Wait, you're leaving already?" Emily asked in surprise and Larissa shook her head positively.

"The quicker I act, the better it will be. Tell the others I'll be back as soon as I can."


"See you later, Thasli. I'll talk to your mother before I leave."

"See you later and good luck."


After saying goodbye to Phiana, Larissa again activated her invisibility magic and flew to the capital. It was hours of travel.

As she imagined, the capital was silent and everyone was in their homes.

Outside, there was only a camp of soldiers, just as in Grenrok. The only voices Larissa could hear were those of the soldiers outside.

The number of soldiers was large, but it was not enough to win a war.

"The main army has surely already gone to the border. They must be here to protect the capital or something. And with this amount of soldiers, they surely won't be able to protect anything."

Larissa flew out and entered the capital, ignoring the soldiers outside.

Inside, everything was dark and silent. All the stores, bars, restaurants, inns, everything was closed and with their lights off.

"It even seems like all the people in the capital have disappeared, that's scary."

Larissa wondered if this had happened. Had that queen put all the people to fight in the war?

"No, even she's not crazy enough to do that."

Worried about this, Larissa decided to go to some houses and check if she could hear anything. Fortunately, she could hear some voices, but they were only female voices or children's voices.

"The men from the capital have all been taken too."

Larissa clenched her right fist and then flew toward the huge castle that stood in the middle of the capital.

Since she was annoyed, she didn't care and entered the front door, smashing the large wooden door.

As soon as this happened, all the lights in the castle went on and the guards went into a state of alert.

"Someone is breaking in!"

"Get ready!"

"Be careful!"

Larissa could hear several footsteps coming towards the door.

There were no soldiers in the hallway and garden before she arrived, but now she was surrounded. In just a minute every soldier in the castle was already around her.

In the hallway and also in the garden, she had no way to get out of there without fighting with any of them.

"You idiots." Even though she was surrounded by soldiers wearing sturdy armor and holding sharp swords, Larissa was acting as if she was surrounded by small goblins.

Taking a deep breath, she activated magic and created a large tornado of wind that carried away all the soldiers that were in the garden.

All the flowers and grass were uprooted in the process.

The soldiers flew meters high before falling to the ground, their armor and flesh cut by the strong wind.

In the corridors, the soldiers stood a little frightened by this scene. But they all remained determined not to let Larissa into the castle.

They held their swords and pointed them at Larissa, threatening her.

Then, to get rid of them all, Larissa created a black mass that engulfed all the soldiers in the hallways.

Before they could even cry out for help, their mouths, noses, and ears were all filled with the black mass Larissa had created.

After waiting less than two minutes, Larissa deactivated her magic and watched as all the soldiers fell to the floor already unconscious. Probably all of them were already dead.

"I don't have enough time to play with you guys." Larissa stepped over the soldiers and calmly walked to the throne room. It was such a nostalgic place, it felt like she had walked here several times.

Even now, it was still hard for Larissa to believe she was a princess.


Slowly, Larissa walked through the halls and approached the large door to the throne room.

As soon as she arrived in front of the door, she quickly opened it.

When she entered, she was not greeted with attacks, there were no soldiers. The only person inside the room was sitting on the throne.

And it was not the person she expected.

A woman with silver eyes, short black hair, pale skin, and a rather mature body.

She was wearing long pants, an ordinary shirt, and a simple shoe on her foot.

After seeing the woman sitting on the throne, Larissa stood still for a while in silence, she couldn't understand what was happening there.

"So you came all this way. I thought it would take me longer to meet you." The woman put a smile on her face. She then stood up and started walking towards Larissa.

Larissa went on guard because of this.

"Who are you? I don't remember seeing you here before. And why were you sitting on my grandmother's throne?"

"Grandmother? Do you still consider her your grandmother after all she's done?"

"It doesn't matter, I just want to know what you're doing here."

"Well, I'm just looking after the country, don't you see? I'm the new queen." The woman raised her two arms and began spinning while looking up at the ceiling.

Then she stopped spinning and looked at Larissa.

Her smile was gone.

"Well, but what have you come here for? I suppose it's because of the war."

"So it was you who started this war. I knew it, that old woman is crazy, but not to the point of starting a war like that."

"That woman is crazier than I am."

"I doubt that. Where is she?"

"What? Your grandmother?"


"She's in prison. If I were you I wouldn't go there. She still hates you, she thinks everything that's happening is your fault."

"I see. Well, I will visit her later, first I need to know the reason behind all this. And I also want to know how long this has been going on."

"Would you like to have some tea while I explain everything?"

"I'm not kidding." Larissa looked at the woman as if she wanted to kill her.

Because of this, the woman took a few steps back.

"You get angry very easily."

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