I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapter 33 – Did Lara manage to escape?

Lara kept running down the castle corridor after leaving the man behind.
She hopes not to find this man anymore and that this man will not surrender her, for she threatened him but did not know how she would fulfill her threat.

Lara who was running continued with search magic activated could see all signs of life inside the castle, so she could avoid meeting any guards.

She looked out the window and realized it was very tall, she thought it was no lower than the 5th floor of a modern building, it was extremely tall.
She didn't know what to do and didn't know where the castle stairs were.

Of course, there would be no elevators here, Lara didn't even think about it, so the only thing she could look for were stairs, and that would be a little boring.

The only thing she could see was signs of life, she did not have a perfect map of the place where she was. Well, in the future it could find a way to do something like that, but now it is impossible.

'What if I use body reinforcement magic?' Lara didn't know how to use this magic yet, so she would have to test it. But she believed that used body reinforcement magic she could jump straight to the floor without suffering injury.

Your body is already very strong, so if she turns this spell it will be indestructible.

Lara kept looking for a ladder, so if she couldn't use the magic, she could use the stairs of course as she ran through the castle, she was also trying to figure out a way to use body reinforcement magic.


Meanwhile, the man continued behind Lara, he kept pacing the place looking for her because she could not have gone that far.

He knows there are too many guards near the stairs to go downstairs, so she wouldn't run away that easily.
Although the man saw this in prison, he was doubtful if the guards could stop that girl.

If it was she who did that, she might be able to get out of the castle smoothly, for whoever did that had a strong magical power.
She couldn't realize this magical power in that girl, it's as if her magical power were contained within her.

Normally a person releases magic power even without having to, they keep releasing magic power from their body without even realizing it, but that girl is different.

She gave the feeling of someone who has no magical power, and the man found it frightening.
How could she do that if she had no magic power? This is hammering inside the man's head.

'I have to be careful with this girl.' This girl gives a very strange feeling to this man so he was sure not to let this girl get close to the queen because he was sure she would do something against the queen.

But the man does not know that Lara was already planning to flee this castle, she was not planning to attack the queen.
She had reasons for that, but she was running out of time and didn't want to do it now.


The queen was sitting on her throne when suddenly a guard opened the door of her room quickly.

When the queen saw this, she felt anger and disgust at the man who entered, but soon after she became even more furious at the man's words.
She thought these guards were mediocre, but now she's sure about that.

They let the girl she so badly wanted to kill run away. She knew she should have killed this girl when she had the chance, but now she managed to escape.

'If she comes here, I'm dead.' The queen still remembered that feeling that girl had provoked in her, that feeling of death.

The queen didn't want to find this girl, if she found her, would be killed, she's sure about it.

So the queen took the chance and hid in a secret room that was in mechanism just behind the throne, she was sure the girl would not find her here.

She wanted to run away from this child, for she was sure her mindset was no longer a child.
She also didn't know if the mindset of that girl who was once her granddaughter was normal.

She was just afraid of what was in that little girl's body.

The queen would not have to do anything now either, for the news of her granddaughter's execution was all spread by the capital, so she will be hunted to hell by the people and the guard.

She won't be able to live in peace from now on, she'll have to leave the country to live in peace, but even then the queen would chase her down to kill her, that's what the queen wanted.


Lara was still trying to use body-reinforcing magic.
She didn't know how to make the whole body be strengthened, so she had to try to reinforce only one body part with the power of imagination.

And it worked!

She didn't know why the magic didn't work when she imagined her entire body reinforced, but when she only imagined her reinforced arms the magic was activated.

Her entire arm began to glow a golden color, not a bright color but still visible.
When Lara punched the wall with her reinforced arm, the wall collapsed and fell off the floor so hard that the whole hallway shook.

Lara was even afraid to tear down a part of the castle.

The reinforcement was very strong, so Lara had a big smile on her face because now she could run away without any problems.
If she wore the leg brace, she would be able to jump down and still run at top speed.

She was already fast, with body reinforcement, she would be even faster and no one could go after her.

'Come on.' Lara came to a barred window and punched with a reinforced arm.

The punch was so strong that the bars flew away and Lara found it so much fun.

Lara then strengthened her legs and jumped out the window, it was an amazing feeling as she fell.
But when she fell off the floor and looked up.

She realized the man who kidnapped her was behind her.




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