I Reincarnated as A Little Girl?!

Chapters 232 – Helping the girls.

"I have good weapons and armor for these girls. I separated the weapons some time ago because they said would get the money to pay, so I was waiting for them."

So that's what happened, well, he's a kind guy for doing this for three kids.

"I see, can you bring the weapons and armor here?" I asked the man to bring everything because I would evaluate it to see if everything was really high quality. Even though I don't understand much about it, I think I can do it.

The man agreed to take it and then went to the back. The sounds of iron being hammered were coming from the bottom, so that was probably where his workshop was where the blacksmiths worked.

He seemed to have a few employees since he could hear a few different voices coming from there.

For a smithy that is so far away and so "hidden", he manages to stay open and with some employees.

After waiting for Berpaul for a while, he returned carrying a huge wooden box, and there were all the things he had kept.

The first thing I put my eyes on was a short sword that was on top of everything, and I could also see another weapon that resembled an English punch. In addition to these two weapons, the rest were armor.

He started to take everything out of the box.

The armor was made of leather, but it also had an iron that covered all vital points. Looking at the quality of leather and iron, it was very good armor.

I tried to bend the iron plate with all my strength, and of course, I managed to bend it, but it was a little difficult.

Of course, then I just returned to its normal state without Berpaul noticing.

They were good armor and would serve them well. As it do not use much iron, the armor was not heavy and they would be able to use that armor easily.

So changing my focus, I took the sword.

The sword was a little heavy, but it had the ideal weight for a child to use, it even seemed to be made for people my age or the age of girls.

'That sword is certainly sharp.' The sword's edge was so good that just touching my finger was enough to cut it, it was a good sword.

It appeared to be made of iron, it was not a special sword...

When I cut my finger, the girls were concerned, but unlike them, Berpaul did not seem concerned. After healing with magic, they seemed to have seen that this cut was no big deal.

Next was the English punch. It was not surprising at all, it was made only of iron and was very resistant, perfect for punching someone or a monster in the face.

Depending on the force used, it would hurt a lot.

"They are all good quality items, this is incredible. You really do a good job here." I said as I continued to analyze one of the armor.

"This is no big deal, you see those other swords over there, they can cut a stone in half with just a swing."

"I see ..." I'm sure he was lying ... right?

"So, did you bring the money today? If you did, I will prepare everything for you to take." Berpaul looked at the three girls for an answer, but I interfered.

"Don't worry, I'll pay, you can prepare everything."

"Hm? Is that true Reda?" The man asked her, but Reda also seemed confused by this.

"I don't know, is it true?" Reda came over and stood in front of me, she was looking at me like a happy dog. If she had a tail, it would probably be swinging it now.

"Of course, why would I lie?"

"Is she really serious? Is she going to buy it for us?" Ceneli told Meriwil, but the other girl also didn't know how to react.

They didn't seem to be believing.

Throughout the purchase process, the girls looked at me in awe and with expectations, it was as if they were looking at the person who saved their lives. I confess that it was bothering me a little.

Altogether the weapons and armor cost me a gold coin. It was supposed to be a little more, but Berpaul lowered the value a little.

"Thanks for that. Now you can get this." I gave each one armor.

They were carrying all with a little difficulty, so I took the sword and the English punch: "So, who uses these weapons?" I held the guns in front of the girls.

"I will use the sword." The first to act was Ceneli. She took the sword from my hand and held it tight. Now she was having even more trouble holding on to the armor.

"And I take that." Then it was Reda's turn. She took the English punch and equipped it.

"Okay, give me the armor back now. I see that you guys are having trouble carrying it. I hope you can use these armor, as it seems that you are not able to even hold them."

"Of course we did it!" Rena protested.

"It's a little heavy, but I don't think I'll have any problems," Ceneli said with her expressionless face as usual.

"I can do it too," Meriwil said motivated.

"Well, anyway, give me the armor, let's go to my house first. Later we'll test your magics, okay?" I put their armor in my storage, but no one seemed to be surprised.

Wow, I expected a more fun reaction.

"Hm? To your home?"

"Yes, don't you want to?"

"Of course, I want to. Come on girls, let's go to Larissa's house! And bye Berpaul, see you later." Reda said and went outside the building.

"See you later, Berpaul." "See you later." Then the two girls said goodbye.

"See ya girls ... And you, take good care of these girls, understand?"

"I can't take care of children, I'm a child too."

"Don't play dumb, now go, they are waiting for you."

"Okay, see you later," I said goodbye to Berpaul and left the building too.

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