I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 1: Nice Bed.

My weary eyes fluttered open. The bed under me felt soft. Has the NHS upgraded the linens? My eyes are fully open and in the dark room, navy cloth draped above me. A thick duvet covered me whole. I felt so snug that I wanted to take another nap until a knock on the door awoke me from my second slumber.

“Your Grace.” A voice belonging to an elderly woman spoke behind the door.

Mm? Do they think I am Prince William? am I in his suite?

“May I come in? I have brought your morning tea.”

Following along with the formality, I responded, "Yes, you may.”

Pushing my duvet down, I sat up. Looking through the expensive blinds hanging from the bed, I see a middle-aged woman with brown, tied hair. As pale as a white person can be. Wearing a maid costume?

Curiously, I watched the maid-dressed nurse walk along the large room. Her feet clacked on hardwood floors, placing the tray of piping hot tea on an extravagant table. Things started to click. Above the blazing fireplace, a large, great sword shone. The paintings hung on hunter-green walls. A massive painting framed with golden leaves hung proudly above it all. A family, dark-haired and all red-eyed but the mother. They smiled together.


“Yes, You Grace.” The woman scowled before her face turned stoic.

“A mirror, please.”

The woman looked at me with worry.

“Now!” I shouted. I feel my chest squeeze with pain. I coughed into my hand. Blood? From the accident? No. Where the hell is that mirror?

The maid walks next to the bed, mirror in hand. I grab it from her in a rush.

“Oh god… I look handsome!”

But not me.

“Y-yes, Your Grace.”

With her face closer, I finally see the details of a recognisable face.

A rush of memories flows through my mind. Memories of the soon-to-be dead.

I looked up at my killer.

“Susan. Thank you for your decades of loyalty. But your services are not needed anymore. Your fired.”

Is what I wish I had said. This weak body… I struggled to push off the duvets. I will have to bide my time. Get stronger.

“Thank you, Susan. That would be all.”

She bowed and quietly left.

I slid off the bed and tried to stand. Although this frame is tall, it's as feeble as a baby chick. A few steps exhausted the hell out of me. But with incredible will and a few rests, I make it to the table. I pick up the tea with trembling hands and splash it into the fire.

A giant sword glinted in the dark. I watch my reflection. Obsidian silky hair down to my shoulders, eyes that shone like rubies on QVS. An angular chin points down. Pale as moonlight, clearer than a kpop star, my soft skin glowed.

“So cool.”

It’s been an hour and the shock and coolness of being in a romance manhwa have worn off somewhat, as I planned for the treacherous days ahead. So many things to mind but let's work on one thing at a time.

I drank a jug of water as ideas churned in my mind.

First objective: Do not die. Easy peasy. As long as I don't drink the poison, I am good on not dying for a while.

Second objective: watch out for the evil stepmother.

Mrs. Edith Greystone is the widow of the deceased Duke Albus Greystone. My father? My memories say so. So very weird. The Duchess is the main culprit in it all. She is aiming to kill me so her stupid, red-headed son can inherit the title and all that comes with it. A half-brother... It is sad that he has such a terrible personality. One of many reasons the MC couldn't deal with him and divorced his ass.

Third Objective: Divorce the MC.

If I don’t die, her husband will still be me. The main plot of ‘The Annoying Prince Loves Me’ is that Vanessa, the main character, was forced to marry me as the two families aimed to build business relations. As a family of merchants, Vanessa’s family, the Hodges, desired a title, and Duchess Greystone desired funds for her and her son's lavish lifestyles. A lavish lifestyle is hard to get in the North unless you exploit the serfs under you. Greed rules their minds, thinking their status wasn't enough, so they forged a signature and feigned that I would be willing to marry. A man bedridden would have no way of knowing, as the staff are on the witch's side.

That leads to her finding that I died before she reached Osberg. To continue the deals the family made, she would have to marry her husband's murderer. From then on, the story revolves around meeting the prince, getting divorced, and yadda yadda.

To let the story go down the right path, I have to let her go.

I put the jug of water down. Feeling refreshed. I ring my bell. And Susan walked in. “Get me food. A lot.”

She left and a plan formed in my head.

Don’t drink the tea.

Getting healthy.

Wait a month for Vanessa.

Divorce Venessa.

Deal with the family.

I exhale deeply, trying to use one hundred percent of my brain.

Oh yeah, there is one thing.

I concentrate with closed eyes. Searching for the warmth mentioned in the manhwa. I grasp it tight. I twist and mould the torrent of energy into a ring. A gust of wind blew from me, moving the curtains. Magic simmered off me.

A mana circle around my heart hummed within my chest.

So cool.


A clear blue screen appeared in front of me.

“Oh, shit!!” I looked closer. “Haha! Oh shit!"


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