I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 10: Almost there


Talon-like claws smashed into my great sword from above. My feet depressed the snow from the Jai’s weight. With two hands on the sword of Osberg, I moved the right claw away, riposting with a strike to the beast's belly. The mana blade’s effects on its thick hide were negligible and I jumped away from a left claw. Snow flew before me. The earth dug up but the armadillo-like creature. Keratin armour on the beast’s arm whacked at me to be blocked by steel. My sword slid under the arm, attacking again at an opening on its body. The shell broke, but not enough to see blood. I dropped back and a claw punched the air.

Everything but the stomach and chest are covered in heavy armour with a thick rock-like shell.


Points to strength, I charge. With a greystone tail stance, I dragged my blade with its point behind me. Deep snow does not hamper my speed as I get in close. Sparks as I bat away a claw, then another. Mana flowed around my sword in a plow stance, hilt by my belly, and my sword’s point to my opponent. I stabbed into an open chest, missing the heart.

Shit, I almost made a mistake.

The Jai wailed in pain, attacking with his claws, blind with fury.

My cloak flapped as I crouched down. I felt a breeze above me as the Jai cut just a stand of my long hair. Two circles revved up, and my sword flashed in an outburst of blue. Mana-engorged muscles sprung me within the beast's reach, sawing into the beast's shell. The Jai belly spurts blood onto the white snow. Its movement slowed as it trudged towards me. One last slash and my opponent fell with a heavy thud. A furry-shelled head rolled on the sparkling snow.

What's this? The tenth beast in the past two days? A third-circle beast. Not bad.


1 day until Vanessa arrives.


“Good job, sire.” Kurt walked up to me in a warmer navy blue uniform. An Osberg Guard regulation sword by his side, his metal chest plate shone in the bright white light of winter.

“Captain. How are the squads?” I sheathed my sword on my back. Pulling out a dagger, I step towards the beast.

“Alpha has worked through ninety per cent of Stahlring’s Pass. It should be clear of the cursed by tomorrow morning.”

“Have them clear by this afternoon.” Kicking the Jai over, I started cutting to the heart with a mana blade.

“Yes, your grace. Beta has defeated several cursed beasts of first-circled rank. The villagers of Hulte are mostly safe, with seven unfortunate souls falling victim to the attacks.”

“Shit… But with them so far away, there is a limit to how fast our horse can travel.” I exhale. What more can we do?

“Gamma?” I asked

“Gamma has found no traces of the cursed around Fulken Road.”

“None at all?”

“They searched the whole perimeter. There is no evidence of any cursed, let alone an animal being there.”

I dug in deep with gloved hands in the now open chest. Plunging in, feeling and hearing the squish of organs and blood, I hold on to a tough muscle.

“But there have been remnants of humans.”

I paused and lingered, my hand grasping a large heart, to turn to Kurt. “Intriguing…Bring them back. They need rest. For tomorrow will be a hard trek.”

Kurt looked up at the clear blue sky.

“Expecting something, your grace?”

“Shit weather. By the way, I see you getting stronger.” One great change from becoming Second Circle is the ability to see a person's stats. The average person seems to have one point on all attributes. My bodyguard forged a second circle silver grade, with sixes and sevens. His senses are exceptionally high, with a ten.

Kurt blushed. It took a while to get him to drink the revitalising tea. Something about hating the heat on his tongue. But after showing him the benefits the tea provided, he readily accepted my help. Now I have a fellow doping partner. Only the giant was left. But I am in no rush. You can't force a peaceful man to fight. But a time will come when the peace will end.

I pull hard on the heart, and thick vessels stretch. A swipe with my mana-coated blade and blood burst like a geyser all over me.

“Yuck. We are done here. ”

“Yes, your grace.”

I leave the beast's corpse with my hard-won prize—a heart for my special tea.

My master’s change had become more apparent as the days went by. With a bulkier body, far from the pile of bones he was earlier this month, he had also changed drastically in personality. Once timid, mouth quivering even with friends and family, the same mouth blurted curses like an off-duty sailor. His conduct is lethal and to the point. He orders around the men of the Osberg Guard like a veteran of many years. With bravado, that scares the living hell out of the privates. However, his brutal honesty shines when giving direction and instructions, always ready to advise the younger officers. Despite so many changes, his red eyes still shone the same. His smile is the same. Perhaps he has simply grown up.

Smartly dressed in butler attire, I waited outside with several maids in the courtyard after hearing his grace was coming back from hunting monsters in South Osberg. The maid's attitude completely transformed. Their judging eyes had become resolute. With their head maid in house arrest, they treat him with almost respect. Even a former stable hand is listened to. Maybe that's partly due to his grace’s torrid reputation. Bloody Duke. Mad Duke. Mentioning the rumours just made him laugh and wink at me.

The Duke arrived. Stepping out bloody again, the maids rushed inside to prepare the bath. He smiled wide at me.

“Welcome back.” I put my white-gloved hand on my chest. “Good hunting?”

“Very good. You will find it wrapped in the carriage.” Elation built up in him like a shaken bottle of wine.

“Something else?”

The duke chuckled. “Oh! I never told you! She is coming tomorrow. My ‘Bride’!”


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