I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 14: Meeting the family

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Diary log #11

I am still thinking of the first time we talked. I looked into his crystal, red eyes, dilating in the bright sunlight. The long-haired Duke towered over me. His sharp nose pointed down and scruffy beard made him look more like a beast. His presence was imposing as he strode on the snow as lithe as a cat. But those eyes… They sucked me in with every glance. His voice rumbled through my chest, enveloping me with a comfortable warmth. He was a gentleman despite his uncouthness. He was funny, too.








“Brother…TARION!” Joshua beamed with a smile too much like my father. Wearing his red Elizabethan jacket and hose, his white ruff around his neck bounced as he ran towards me. I put my hand to his chest, his reach couldn't mine. I peeked at his hue.

“Why didn't you fight?”

He looked at me, totally perplexed. “Huh? We have just met after a long-”

“Why. didn't. you. fight?”

“Come on, brother…” Joshua noticed my men staring. My duchess watched with questioning eyes.

I went closer to him, looking from above at his swoop of red hair. “A third circle hiding in a carriage as his men fight...”

“Hiding!? Our dare you insinuate that-”

“That you are a coward? I am not insinuating, brother, I am stating an immutable fact.”

Mouth screwed in anger, tears welled up in Joshua's eyes. Those red eyes that are too much like my father’s. He stammered, trying to say something stupid.

“Wipe your tears. Many months have passed since your 19th birthday. You can’t sob at the smallest scolding.”

He nodded, drying his eyes on his gold-embroidered jacket sleeve.

I stared directly at him, my large hands on his shoulders. “This jacket, how much gold did it cost to tailor? How much tax went into buying the jewellery you wear? How much of a peasant wage went into the carriage you hid in? We are not normal nobles. We are Greystone. Our wealth comes at a cost—a heavy but valiant cost. To fight. For our land, for our people.”

I pat Joshua on the shoulder. “Earn your keep, brother. Understand?”

“Y-yes, Tari… Yes, your grace.” My brother's ruby eyes shone brilliantly, they looked at me as they used to, before my circles shattered, with admiration.

“Can I say, look how much you changed, Tarion! Lands above, look at you! You could be taller than father ever was! And what you did out here…” he looked at a corpse I cut In half. “How!? It has been a single month!”

I brought him in, giving him a tight bear hug to shut him up. “Welcome back.”

“Very glad to be back,” Joshua hugged back. “I had the travelling sickness too many times for my liking.”

So this is what having a younger brother is like. I hope I can change you. Killing you would be very annoying.

Our brotherly embrace ended and I saw older officers gathering as if they were on break. They saw how to treat the former betting horse, realising things will permanently change from now on. They saw the carnage I wrought here with concerned faces. I can't wait to see your reaction to my work in the city.

“What is the commotion? You're holding us back!” a creaky old voice wailed.

Lands above, give me the strength to not kill her where she stands.


Huh? Chatty today, aren't you?

I must make it back to my castle before I die from the cold... Tarion, is that you…? said an older lady wearing a tick grey coat, gold hung from her thin neck. Rubies and diamonds adorn her red hair. A slim, grey-haired servant dressed like Charles stood close to her. She quivered as if she had seen a ghost. Well, she was expecting one.

The bitch.

OH! They didn't tell her, did they? Cowards protecting cowards.

I bowed slightly, “Dowager,” and switched my attention to my brother. “Did you make my wife uncomfortable during the journey?”

“Of course I didn't! I was the perfect gentleman as always.” Joshua smirked, hands on hips.

I sighed and turned to Vanessa. “I am sorry. I will make sure he never bothers you again.”

“What do you mean-” I pinched his lips with my left hand.


“He was no trouble, your grace.” Her eyes betray her glee at my brother being bullied.

“No need to lie for the boy. He is kind of a prick. We all know.”

Joshua mumbled within my fingers.

Vanessa chuckled, then immediately hid her laugh. Her voice is honey to the ears; if I hear her more, I will become addicted to the sweetness.

You're gonna divorce her.

A fan hit my fingers. “Let my son go from your bloody grasp!” said a furious Dowager Duchess.

I let Joshua's lips go with a laugh and caught Kurt walking with two first circles.


Kurt ran to me. “Grace.”


“Sorted, prepared.”

“How many?”

“Twelve, guard. Two civilians.”

“Fuck me…” I turned around, projecting my voice wide. “Everyone. In your carriages. On to your horses. We ride for the city!”

Every guard shouted, “YES, YOUR GRACE!” and left to complete my order.

“Hold on, boy, we were talking!”

I glared at the old bitch. So easy to snap. A single finger could blow a hole through her head.

“Didn’t you want to leave?”


I pointed to her red, gold-embossed carriage. “Your Duke orders you. INSIDE.”

She trembled in anger, unable to contain her childish rage. Davis held her arm and escorted her back. Joshua's eyes shone even brighter.

“That means you too.”

A hint of sadness crossed his face before he ran back to his mum.

Family, huh?

A small finger touched my sword hand. Vanessa smiled. Pushing her golden curls from her face, she squeezed my hand.

“Thank you. For saving my life.”

It was worth it. The blood. The sweat. The killing. To hear those words to hear those words. To see Jen beside her. It was worth it.

I put my hand over hers. “Thank you for staying down.”

Hands parted away and I already missed her warmth. “And it's Tarion. Formalities are for my subjects.”

I can do this. I will help you be with your true love, Saintess.



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