I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 27: Horn.


“The Horn.”

“Oh? Does my name float in the Halls of Greystone Castle? To think you would care for a simple commoner.”

“Had no choice in the matter as you tried to meet through proxy many a time. By the way sorry about the fellow downstairs. I try not to make a mess of someone's business, but I did warn him. I warned everyone. I warned you.”

“The declaration at Sovan Avenue…” The horn grinned. “Meant for me!? Surely you jest. I am just a businessman who wants nothing but to count my coins in peace. I wouldn't dare to touch a single hair of a dear customer’s family. However…” The Horn rubbed his goatee. “the way of things has been unsettled. A cog in the machine was taken and dismantled. You can’t condemn your citizens for wanting to restore what was.”

He could barely hide his joy. With my brother's robe in my grasp, I stepped over to the tall gang leader. I looked up at eyes so sure. Sure of his power and standing, a duke seemed like a simple pawn in his game. His hue showed the pulsing of six circles. Just like my brother, he stayed put. People dying not more than two blocks away and no sight of this confident man.

“Your ‘way of things’ was an oversight. It will soon be corrected.” I grew tired of the man and moved to push through into the corridor. A large hand held my arm.

“Give in.”

My arm was stuck in his vice grip. I was just an ant within his fingertips. His aura made him look like had grown hundreds of feet taller. His presence was all-encompassing, I felt sweat drip on my forehead. Only two baldies have made me feel fear like this.

“Trak gave in. The duchess gave permission. Your Father looked the other way. And soon… your brother will be mine. Regardless, I would rather not skip a greystone to get the inferior.“ I felt capillaries burst in my skin in his hold.

“I appreciate your governance. Efficient and the people love you and fear you. Your lady mayor has done quite a good job in her short tenure. Though she does play around too much in the slums. Accidents can happen anytime in these parts. ”

All four of my worn circles spun wildly. My mana flared outward, illuminating the room. “A SINGLE SCRATCH ON HER AND I WILL HAVE YOU GUTTED LIKE THE SWINE YOU ARE.”

Mana repulsed his hand and he blew on his smoking hand with a cheeky smile. “Haha sorry sorry. I understand that you are a bit touchy about your dear wife. What I was saying is that we could be partners! Osberg, your domain and The slums mine. We are not so different after all. We both have lands to lord and citizens to squeeze money from. Your way of things is just more legitimate.” He smiled as if he had given me a huge revelation.

I turned to my terrified brother. “This is why I stress the cost of power, dear brother.” I turned back to the brothel owner. “A man who can't protect his domain forsakes rights to it.”

I saw his wry smile twitch. “Can’t protect the businesses you racket? The people you extort? Those six circles must be as brittle as glass.” The Horn's smile began to disappear.

“Such power wielded by a coward is nothing but a sleeping toy to cuddle with as you hide away.”

I saw how my words hurt his ego and I twisted the dagger. “We are not the same, commoner. Coin and circles do wash the grime that fills your soul.”

“I will warn you as you warned me!” Fjord’s face bulged with red veins as he tried to restrain his anger.

“Submit. That is all I ask. Or we can end it here.” He lifted his fist and a raging storm of flames swallowed his hand.

Sudden flashes of memories hit me. Fire searing me bit by bit, excruciating pain from every part of me. No sign of escape.

I was back in the brothel room fifteen. I heard the quiet crying of sex workers hiding behind the bed. My brother tapped my arm, desperate to run. I sighed, calming my mind and my circles.

“Partners, you said? And you can’t deal with a bit of banter? Unfortunately, that would make us mismatched.”

The horn’s fist burns hotter. “I am sorry. That offer has expired.”

“Ah… Is that so? Then can you at least let me get back to you after a conversation with my uncle?”

The horn’s flaming fist calmed. “The Frost Knight…?”

“The one and same. He has the same penchant for banter. He and his knights are true lads. Do you want to meet him? He is waiting downstairs. But I do suggest you get better mead.”

Fjord’s flames were snuffed out, and thoughts moved his eyes.

He didn’t come through the main door?

I walked to the door, bumping away the owner and pulling Joshua by his robe. Close to the horn, I smelled the overbearing scent of mead and sex. An unshaven ponytail hung at the back of his head, wrapped in gold bands.

“Hide or fight. It will end.” And I left him by the door. Johns and workers who stood outside their rooms ran back inside at the sight of me.

"See you next time, Lord Greystone! Your room will be waiting for you!"

Patience, Tarion. Patience.

Down the stairs, my brother mumbled. “I am sorry. Tarion.”

“Why, because I caught you? Then you are not sorry. You're embarrassed.”

Joshua kept quiet for the rest of the steps.

We reached the ground floor. Several more Johns lay unconscious on the dirty floor. My uncle sat at a table with Vanessa, chatting and drinking out of wooden beer mugs. I felt Joshua jerk and saw a face of shock. My sight found the receptionist by the bar cleaning the tabletop and she gave me a short nod.

“Found something to your tastes, Uncle Laron?”

“Eventually, thanks to the kind foreigner. Tho’ some idiots got in the way… Joshua… How do you fair, youngin?”

I let go of Joshua's robe and he dropped to the ground, kneeling. Tears fall from his gaunt face but he dares not look at his dear uncle. His teacher.

“I am so sorry, Uncle! Please forgive this nephew!” His head sank low. Tears soaked the wooden floor.

Uncle rubbed his face with leather-gloved hands, letting out an exasperated sigh.

“Let us return to the castle. Can't ruin a good day by staying any longer in this waste.” Laron got up, making his way out of the brothel at a brisk pace.

Tears rained from Joshua's face, knowing he had disappointed the last father figure he had known.

“Do not bring shame to him any longer. I am trying to do the same."

I ruffled my little brother's red hair, staring at the large figure on the stairway. "Tomorrow morning?”

With tears wiped on his robe sleeves and a snotty nose. he watched his uncle leave. A resolute look burned his ruby eyes.

“Yes, brother. Tomorrow morning.”


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