I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 37: Dragonfall


The duke

I sat on a weathered roof tile by the Dragonfall docks with the breeze tossing my hair about and the scent of the river drifting to my nose. Overlooking the dock from up high, my mind overthought. Thinking of plans due. Thinking of my brother and his important decision. Thinking of Vanessa.

I pulled my head down to my knees in embarrassment. I was like a kid with his first girlfriend. Just holding her hand makes my face go cherry red. Since the picnic, it's been Vanessa's mission to get me to succumb to her beauty. And it was working too well. I stave off my thirst for her, and I feel as parched as a man stuck in the desert.

I shouldn't keep tethering on the edge. It's not fair on her. But shame crept up on me.

How can I be so insecure about a man I hardly know?

But I did know him. The Prince. The true ML. The blue-eyed, blond hero, who arrived galloping on his white, pristine horse to save the day with Vanessa in his arms.

From the start, I intended for her to have her own choice and give her a stable position, so she can meet the prince and let her decide her own fate. But the passion I felt in her touch and the care in her eyes were for no other man. She made her choice. Me. But the smallest chance of her leaving—leaving for him—the thought ripped me apart. So many changes I had made and yet I was scared of a single one not mattering. Afraid that it will snap back to how it's supposed to be. The prince and the saintess. She's not Haru yet…

I rubbed my forehead. Such a coward I am.

I leaned back to see the stars above twinkle. A sight I couldn't see in the light-polluted city of London. My bear pendant slid down my chest, and I caught it.

What is there to bear?

Nothing, I thought. I could just let things be. Enjoy our time together, no matter how long we have.

I chuckled a bit. “Heh, Bear. Hey Kurt, do you think I am better looking than the prince?”

Blonde hair hidden in his black hood and his face masked, Kurt stood straight, waiting with me with his arms behind his back.

“I have never met the prince, Your Grace,” he said, looking at the flowing waters.

“You're supposed to say yes…” I mumbled to myself.

A whistle sounded off in the darkness of night and the hours of waiting were over. A slave ship had docked at Dragonfall to exchange its cargo. Close proximity and easier access to eastern countries have made Osberg a hub for transporting slaves from war-torn lands to be trafficked across the country. And with the sailors leaving the ship unattended, our plan starts.

I groaned, sitting up with a sore bum and stretching. My blades, on my back and thighs, jingled and clinked.

“Fall in.”

And from the dark, my ten shadows did. Dressed to kill. Their bright eyes under dark makeup were ready for tonight.

“So everyone, as Beatrice proposed, we are going in quick with the aim of rescue. Once targets are rescued, head to rendezvous points where the Madam’s people are parked. Understand Ravens?”

They saluted in silence.

I turned to Kurt. “We have a new member on their first mission tonight, so make sure to show him the ropes.” They looked at Kurt with approval. Unlike Charles, it took no convincing to get them to like him. Umbra steps were learned in a day and his senses were abnormal by any standard; he was a perfect Umbra agent candidate. He ignored their appraising stares with the same stone-cold attitude.

I walked to the ledge, watching the boat arrive on the dock. I rubbed my pendant again before hiding it under my shirt beneath my dark leather armour and I pulled out a see-through piece of black cloth. I tightened it around my red eyes, tapping points into Senses and intelligence. The world pulsed to me and I heard individual voices among the bustle from the streets below.

“Let's go. The last one there has to do a hundred burpees.”

My mask pulled up, my feet were silent as I jumped off.

The Duchess.


Dressed in our nighties, Jen and I fell on my bed, laughing. “Their faces! Hahaha. You’d think you turned into a cursed!” Jen rolled around in a laughing fit. Getting sprayed and seeing the looks of fright still made me giggle.

“I can’t blame them. They must have thought I was a noble.”

“You are!” Jen exclaimed as if it were fact yet it felt unreal. Jen rolled to face me. “Speaking of frightening nobles, how is it going?” She said, in a sing-song tone with a smirk.

I grabbed a pillow to hug and stared at the canopy on my bed. “I don’t think it is working… I tried being proactive-”

“Sage advice from yours truly.”

“And he seems stuck on divorcing.”

“Is he-?” Jen said, with a Kurt-like face while pointing her index fingers together.

“No! Well…He does not kiss like he is.”


“I doubt it very much.”

“A second lover?”

I glared at my friend. “This is a sleepover. Not a make Vanessa depressed-over.”

“Okay Okay! Hehe. Maybe he is just inexperienced. He was sick just before we met him.”

I turned back to the red canopy.

Inexperienced. Just like me. Other than words of advice given by my mother’s rambunctious friends. I knew nothing of relationships.

“I shouldn't have been so forward.” Guilt settled in my heart, causing me to ache.

“No! Keep going! The man hardly touched you, now can barely get his tongue off you. His walls are cracking, you just need to keep hammering on and breakthrough.”


Jen continued, “If he truly didn’t want you, he would treat you the same as the dumb damsel down the corridor. That day in the carriage still makes me laugh sometimes. Oh, and at the tailor. I remember him saying ‘belonged’?”

I hugged my pillow, feeling my cheeks heat up.

“It's finally getting to you, blockhead.” Jen reached to pinch my cheeks and spoke with a soft, encouraging smile. “Don’t give up.”

I smiled back, feeling more reassured than ever. I am so glad Jen is by my side. My best friend, whom I tell all my troubles to. I don’t know how I would've dealt with this new life without you.

" And I heard men in power like dominating women. So used to having power, they want to let go and have someone else be in charge for once.”

“More knowledge from my mother's brothel friends?”

“Who else knows men better than they?” Jen and I chuckled.

I scooted closer to my friend on the red cover. "Enough of my problems. How is it going with your blockhead?”

Jen laid back, staring at the canopy as I did with a large smile. “It’s a secret.”

I hit her with my pillow. “But I told you everything!”

Jen hit back with her own. “It's not my fault you're naive, hahaha.” We took turns hitting each other with glee and jumping on the bed. Pillow feathers puff into the air, covering the silk sheets. We looked down, realising the mess we had made.

“Oops,” Jen said with wide, innocent eyes.

“It is alright. We have maids to clean it up.”

“‘We have maids.’ Hahaha, what is our life?!”

Truly, what a life this is!

I jumped back onto the mattress, bouncing on its softness, I was full of joy at the end of such a wonderful day.



The Duke

As the last to reach the destination, my feet tapped on the deck of the ship and I already felt something strange. A hand motion from me and my ravens scoured the boat for any sign of life. My senses see no sailors in the dark. Intelligence allowed for more focus and I listened for anything in the vicinity. Hearing footsteps down in the hold, I directed the even numbers to be with me and the odds to check the captain's quarters. With Beatrice and Kurt upstairs, I descended into the lantern-lit, smelly cabin. The six of us tread carefully by Hammocks strung about by empty jail cells.

Raven Six went with me as I went further to check the brig while the rest of the even numbers went to the front of the hold. The further into the brig, the worse the smell of rot and human waste got, almost tempting me to lower my senses. I heard people walking about in the gallery room at the far end of the boat and me and six went to investigate. Opening the door was even worse, with refuse covering the walls. Chains of many sizes lay on the shit covered floor.

I looked down and a dozen pairs of empty boots lay on the ground.

What the fuck?

Six bent into the room to touch a lone boat. Like a puppet cut from its strings, he flopped to the ground. A knife poked out of my footman’s head and the air cracked as I unsheathed my sword to block a knife flying at me. The tired voice of a middle-aged man sighed from inside the dirty gallery. “Do you know how horrifying it was to wait for you in this place?”

“MAN DOWN. A TRAP!” I bellowed for all to hear and the brig's trap door shut closed with a slam. Heightened senses heard clashes of steel above. My evens fight off several first circle men while I hit away another knife that pushed me back.

“Staying here in the filth was a task no one other than me would do. So I had to be inventive.”

Empty boots floated and were stomped on the floor by a strange magic. My mind swirled, trying to take in the situation. A giggling, matted, light brown-haired hobo crept out of the room with a hunchback. Dressed brightly like a jester and his legs and arms spindly, he sulked to me and adjusted his bycocket. His smile missed several teeth and knives floating by like hovering flies. I inspected him. He was weak in all attributes for the fourth circle except his absurdly high intelligence.

A trap. The horn? He knew. How? Since the beginning? How? Beiye.

I heard my ravens kill and I shouted with all my strength.


To the madam.

The spare.

I walked into the coal-heated conservatory with my mother shuffling over to a seat. A footman placed a tray of tea and snacks, looking snidely at my mother as she sat down. When once the servants trembled at the sight of her, her presence now brought anger.

Do they know?

"Come, come; we need to talk.” My mother gestured with her dainty, ruby-adorned hand to the chair opposite her. I sat, hands sweaty, eyes looking everywhere, nervous about what was about to be said.

“I am thinking of leaving soon.” She sipped her tea nonchalantly, not worrying if the servants had done anything to it.

“Where, mother? How long?” I dreaded the answer.

Her teacup clinked on the plate. “Vioden. And for good.”

I felt sick. Immediately wanting to vomit out the uneasiness in me, I tried my best to keep a straight face. “How come, Mother? Is something the matter?” I asked a withdrawn Dowager.

“Grandfather has called us back.”


Duke Wolfburn. A name I hadn’t heard in a while. I had always believed I was the least favourite of his numerous grandchildren.

“I would leave as soon as possible. But I understand that my son would have… ties to this place, making it hard to leave this drab, rocky land." She sipped her tea, looking at the plants that flourished under the glass house.

“I can wait. I will give you time to end things.”

I couldn't stand it any more.


“Um? Yes, sweety?

“Did you do it?” My heart beat out of my ribcage, and my breathing became laboured like I had run for miles. My mother's head slowly turned to me and her hypnotic eyes made me turn inward like a child staring directly at me.

“You are to be Duke.”

My body trembled to hear this again after years of it being repeated.

“You were born to be Duke and it is always what you will always be. We will leave. Yes. But with Vioden on our side, we will come back stronger and more prepared. Play brothers all you want, child. But only one brother can inherit everything.”

She sipped her tea and clanked it hard on the table, making me flinch.

“Oh look! Here comes the brother who lost.” I turned back to see my uncle grinning at me and the fear that had filled me disappeared.

“Hey, nephew. With your brother suddenly not a drinker, I was wondering if you would like to come along with me and some of the knights.”

I was ready to jump at the chance until I remembered my mother sipping tea.

“Ah, interrupting mother-son time? Sorry, I will come another time-”

I pushed away my fear and shouted. “Wait, I am coming!”

“Son.” I looked out of the corner of my eye at my mother, tapping her cup handle. “I am waiting.” Her glass gaze found the flowers again.

I ran to my uncle with a smile to hide my anxiety, and he wrapped his large arm around me as I tried to forget the choice I needed to make.

“I hope you can handle your liquor.” Uncle Laron chuckled with a belly full of laughter and my heart felt warm again. Like with my brother. I looked back at the bejewelled doll sitting alone.

The closest people in my world wanted me to make an impossible decision and what scared me the most was that it was not a hard choice at all.


The Duke

I leaned away from another knife with my fingers in a blur. Swapping points from intelligence to agility with Umbra steps, I glided past three knives homing at me. A single glance at the body left behind and I parried a sword from behind me to chop into an ambusher’s trachea. Rocking my body back, I escaped with a cut from a levitating knife to my left tricep. Mana's repulsion kicked the dead off me. And I ran for the cabin door with haste, speeding past the fighting. A third circle waited for me and died with a dagger to the back.
“We will give you way, zero!” RavenTwo hit away a dagger, with four and eight fighting off the attackers.

“Hehehe! Running away, coward?!” Ignoring the ugly man's words, and I thrust with mana, breaking the door into chunks of wood. I leapt out into chaos. The world slowed with my senses on high and I saw my people bleeding and sliced, fighting the assault by the skin of their teeth. I slash the air, casting out a mana slice at Kurt's enemy. “Retreat!-”

Four of my Ravens flew out of the cabin, crashing and rolling on the deck above.

Alive! Thank the heavens...

“Good.” The jester walked out slowly, his dozen knives spinning around him. “You didn't run too far. I can't have my waiting be for nothing.”

Knives coated in mana move to block a mana slice. I turned to see the origin and found Kurt's sword steaming blue.

“Go. We will hold them back.” Kurt's eyes looked at his enemy. The will to complete his duty burned his sword and eyes and he went into a fencing stance. “GO!”

Fingers dance and I put my all into agility. “Don’t die.” I crouched, cracking the wood floor and burst forward with the wind pulling on my face. Enemies sprung forth to get in my way but were blocked by Beatrice and her ravens, clawing an attacker in the face and her mana-imbued fingers piercing into another's chest. “The Madam?” Beatrice said her eyes strained with fear. I nodded and kept running, jumping over the ship's railing and the sound of arrows made me alert. Energy repulsed off my sole and I flipped over five arrows. I landed with a roll on the dock and kept speed, cutting the hail of arrows coming my way.

Does he know already? Has he already got her? Is she…

No time to think about this. I just had to run. Mana pulsed off my boots and flew to the rooftops, away from the archers. Five second circles found us on the roof and I heard my ravens struggle to increase the speed behind me.

“Fuck this.” Arm and steel a blur, a dozen slim mana slices shoot out my blade. The problems dealt with, four ravens follow me. “I’m pulling ahead. One and four, find my uncle. Tell him I need his help. The rest, try your best to follow.” I heard tiles crack as my Umbra move.

Like a tiger on the hunt, I curled my body and mana like a spring and exploded forward, blowing tiles far and wide. I crossed blocks in a single bound and took several more to reach South Mouve.

I should have given her a guard or taken her away...

I stopped thinking to leap further and the brothel was in view. The wind flapped my clothing as I fell, scanning the area for more enemies and finding only one. A shaved head looked up at me with glee, with a left fist full of long black hair still on a person's head.

I crashed on the stone road before my brother’s favourite brothel. With a disturbing smile, Fjord lifted Bieye by her hair. Her face was swollen and bloody beyond belief; tears rolled down her face.

“Not fast enough, Raven.”

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