I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 43: Here we go.

By Liutown

The Duke

I have a minute until more help comes.

I let my greatsword fall and kicked it with Qi before it touched the ground. My greatsword, flying at supersonic speed, pierced four mangy men. Their organs and ribs were sprayed on their friends. I yanked back my blade back through their chests and a line of mana brought my blade back.







In my status window, Points had been changed to Dantain and Body had changed to Vitality.

I inspected a second circle running at me. Unchanged with the same attribute names. It must have been the consequence of unlocking my Dantian. I looked down at the blue screen.

Could this mean my free points were the result of the system using my Dantian to add more points to my attributes?

I tilted my body to the right and swiped upward to fire off a blue mana slice, cutting through two bandits. I looked closely at my status.

All my points are green now.

My mana blade became a soft white haze and I deflected three strikes and responded with a stab to the stomach.

Let's see.

I willed the allocation window to my hand while ending lives and I took a point off strength. The unused points increased. I grinned to my ears as my smoke coated blade smashed a head into chunks. Wiggly my blade free, it tried a slash with Qi. An arch of white flew out and hit a bandit across the body, giving them a mark on their armour.

Interesting. Without my mana circles, the speed and output are decreased. It is like my circles are the engine, while my lower Dantian is my fuel source.

I put up my left and guarded with Qi. My skin turned tough, stopping the blade from cutting further into the bone.

So sick.

I clenched my fist and the blade bounced on my forearm. A corpse fell from my slash as I studied my arm.

Mana for attacking and long-range, Qi for defence and short-range. The applications…

“Would you like to learn?”

My eyes snapped upward. A hundred and two year old, dressed in Liuen traditional clothes, stood in front of me. Arm behind her back, a cheeky smile crossed her younger face. Dark eyes twinkled with greed again.

“How?” I slashed to my right, killing a man out of my sight. “No, why are you here?”

“Mmm…” An axe from behind Zhi missed her and the air popped from her back as the bandit flew back into the crowd. “I wanted to know who was causing a ruckus so close to my people.” A third-circle bandit rushed at her with his blade shining. My mouth moved to warn her and she shook her head.

Steel pinged off her and the bandit fell back in confusion as his blade broke into shards. “And I came to tell you my price.”

A Raven finished the bandit off while my mind was full of questions. I saw her skin shimmer like gold.

“What is it? Five thousand? Ten thousand gold?”

“Aahaha. It's worth much more.” On wooden sandals, The five-foot-something woman strolled on the blood-sprayed ground before stopping close.

“Duke Greystone of Osberg. Become my student.”

I bent under an arrow. “What!”

“Teaching a Freidman goes against all my values. But I can't let such a chance go-” I thrust over the old woman. A cone of my mana twisted into men. From thrust, I pulled my great sword to the right to fling mana at five.

“Very rude to interrupt your teacher when she is talking.”

“Teacher? Since when?!” I stabbed behind me and a burst of energy killed two.

“Come on.” A weapon broke off her back and she grinned. “You won't let an opportunity to get stronger vanish, would you?”

I thought about it for a second.

“Teach my ravens.”

“Only your very close circle. Although what matters is talent in the end, my knowledge is not for the commoners to use. My focus is on you only.”

“And I will hire you as the Greystone Castle Doctor.”

“More work!?” Zhi spun from an attack, her right leg tripped a bandit over and a kick snapped a neck. “Pay better be good.”

I grabbed a hammer before it smashed my face. Qi crumpled it and threw the mound of iron back into the second circle's face. “It will be competitive and I will send doctors to Liutown.”

“No, ingredients are what I need.”


“Done, what?” Zhi Said waited for me to complete a sentence.

“It will be done, Master Zhi.” As bloody battles persisted around me, I bowed. My arms were by my side in deference to my new teacher, my saviour.

“Oh my! Where did you learn Liuen etiquette from?”

I stood straight, avoiding a decapitation. I cut up and split a face in half. “I am a learned man.”

Manga can teach you a lot about culture.

Heightened senses heard heavy footsteps of armour-clad warriors, and I put my guard down.

“I will ask again. Why?”

Master Zhi looked to the left, remembering. “Let's just say, I admire your type of justice. A man like you is what Liutown needs.” With one last smile, the master turned around.

“Go, student. Your wife needs you. I will take care of this.” She sped off, leaving dust behind; her shadow danced across the battlefield and bodies flew into walls mangled.

Stange lady. Master, huh…

I turned around and I was surprised by Vanessa running to me. Arms around me, her face was buried in my scarred chest.

“Vanessa, long time. Did I miss any-.”

“Stop trying to be funny.” She pulled away to check on me. Her fingers touch old wounds and bruises that have long disappeared, tickling me.

"Hey, hey, ahaha, I am fine! The doctor flying about over there healed me to my meridians. I am more than fine, I am in the best state of my life.” I smiled wide until my canines showed.

Her eyes became teary and I brought her close.

I need to tell her.

“I'm sorry about getting hurt. About today. About everything. Tonight, I will explain everything.”

I felt Vanessa nod while we held each other. Feeling her warmth after days apart gave me a feeling of happiness I couldn't ever express. I noticed blood in her dress and gritted my teeth.

“Yuck.” the injured Joshua, held by Beatrice, screwed his face in disgust. I mouthed a thank you to my brother and he answered with tsk and red cheeks.

“Here, Your Grace.” Kurt chucked his uniform jacket at me. “Ah, it did feel a bit chilly. Good job, Kurt.”

Vanessa blushed like she had never seen my bare body before. Her smile, her…everything made me forget that people were getting murdered behind me.

“Oh yes, I nearly forgot! We were travelling in Desaw when we got attacked!

I buttoned up the jacket. “You ran all the way here?”

“I think we were teleported.”

I picked up my wife from her legs off the ground with an arm. Propelling myself up with jets of mana, my mana shield protected her from the wind. Hundreds of metres above the city, my wife smiled, awestruck by the view.

“Show me where.”


A Mage. The helper is Mage. And a very powerful one too. I suspected they were a ninth circle given the ability to teleport four people. But to erase memories now—that's something new and terrifying. From old memories, I recalled learning about Mages. With their rarity and godlike power, any country would dream of having them in their army. And for many years, they did in centuries past. Old kings and queens would order the regiments of mages to bring down neighbouring countries. Destroying entire civilisations with the magic might until the Tower of Magic was established.

A group of the most powerful mages came together in the great Sau Lake to make a pact, swearing no mage would harm the realm of Mesial. With their great world-changing powers, they forced each of their home countries to sign on to the Pact that, in exchange for a world free of mages, every mage born would be sent to the tower to live the rest of their days selling and making runes, other limited magic items and pursuing knowledge.

A Mage breaking the Mage Pact…

A ninth-circle mage wandering out of the mage tower is a walking natural disaster. No, the right example would be an autonomous nuke.

I examined the destroyed road. Bodies were pulled apart by bombs. There was evidence of blades of fire used to cut enemies into bits. Ice froze dozens until they cracked. Hundreds were pulled apart by purpled vines of Tangle.

A Mage skilled in combat. Shit.

“While I do not remember their face, I remember they were facing several of the cursed humans.”

And survived. Although Teleport must have exhausted the hell out of them. What could their motives be? Are they like me, chosen to protect the saintess? They are following her like her. Can they track her? Can they track her enemies?

I breathed in.

“Work with me and she will be safer!!” I shouted into the street.

Who are you calling for?” Vanessa asked.

I looked at the twenty-metre-deep smouldering pit. “Hopefully a friend.”

Are they close by? If they can manipulate memories, what else could they do…?

Many of the same kinds of questions fire off in my mind, bouncing in my skull with no answers. But there was one thing I was clear about:

I hope our goals align. In a battle with them, I surely will not survive.

Hours later.

Greystone castle.

The Duke

The bandits are mad. As their number dwindled and they saw no way out, they started offing themselves with a little prayer before they went to the great dark. Mad, suicidal, and super religious? A combination of spawns of hell. My brother, getting help from my master and the situation mostly dealt with, I walk down the corridor after a quick bathe, frightened, but determined. It was about time. My brother managed to change. Why couldn't I stop being the coward this time?

Dressed in black breeches and a simple white shirt, I knock on the door. The Duchess opened, her simple green frock did not hide her curves and her beauty.

“Come in, Tarion.” I followed to her desk full of papers and dirtied with sploshes of dried ink. I grab her hand and bring her to the bed to sit.

“Made sure to dress appropriately this time.” Vanessa jest as she looked at her garment.

“Haha. So much has changed since. You have changed spectacularly, Mrs Mayor.”

“We have changed as well,” Vanessa interjected.

I looked away, knowing that my shyness showed on my pale face.

“Yes… It was unexpected, you see. Falling in love with you this quick.”

Shit. My big fucking mouth.

“Heh, I mean huuuh.” My mind twirled, trying to think.

“I too found myself thinking the same.” She gripped harder on my hand, looking deep into my eyes. “How this crass, pirate-tongued man could make me fall for him so hard.”

I could keel over right now I feel satisfied with a life well lived. My healthy heart pumped with joy.

“But I know you didn't come here to confess to the obvious.”

She's perfect. Too perfect.

“Yes, Vanessa.” I sit properly on her bed. “Certain revelations. Questions have been answered that may cause you some distress.”

Vanessa inhaled with her eyes closed. I watch her chest rise and fall, missing the robe from months ago.

“Tell me.”

“Alright.” I cleared my throat. “You have heard of the bounty put on my head in the underworld, right?”

“I heard rumours of it. Your warning was quite rousing.” Vanessa grinned a bit.

“Sometimes you have to say stuff to scare the dummies. ANYWAYS. Although Fjord was the assumed bankroller, I questioned the source of the money. After stabbing, cutting, and a lot of punching I got an admission of the true funder.”

“My father.”

"Yep, the git- What did you just say?”

Vanessa pulled her hand from me and I brought it back. Looking away from me and sighing. “I was right. My father wants this land more than you could ever imagine.”

Vanessa nodded as tears came out.

“I had realised you were a spy. A chess piece to do his bidding. Your mother is still safe.” I tried to reassure her with a smile.

“You knew?!”

“Yes. I have been weary of Sebastian and his Grandi company since I discovered our marriage and took precautions along the way. And that means letting you be free from his clutches. Without you, he would not be as successful in his Osberg endeavour and that's why he got your sister tailing and pestering you. The bounty and poison were desperate plays from a man who is losing all his cards.”


"Yes, that's another thing I need to tell you.” I clasped her hand, making sure I didn’t lose her.

“Me. My recently poisoned uncle. My late father. All sufferers of the same poison. Kuwei. And your father, Sabsitian Hodge, may be linked to it.”

I saw her face turn gloomy. “I-I am so sorry!”

I brought her hand down from her face “Never put this on yourself. You are not your father.” I stressed to her.

“How can I not? I am… a Hodge! The daughter of your father's killer!”

I sat closer to her on the bed. Looking into her eyes, I spoke. “I don't care who your damn father is. The moment you came into my life, on that snowy road, you were no longer a Hodge. You became my wife, my duchess, and the madam of this family. A Greystone.”

She searched my eyes for a lie; she gave up on the fruitless pursuit and smiled the sadness away.

“We both hate the bastard. From stealing your ideas to treating your mother like dirt, we have been allies from the start. So no need to ever say sorry. You understand?

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Then the next plan for the bastard you have first say. Up for revenge?”

Vanessa thought to herself, and her green eyes were full of resolve. “I am ‘Up of it’” She said with a wicked smile.

“Haha! Finally a partner in crime!”

Is it time? I asked lands above.

No answer?

I need to do this anyway.

“There is something else I need to tell you.”

“More!? What is it? More mind-shattering news?” Vanessa joked.

I nodded.

“Lands above. Okay, I am ready.”

Here we go.

“You have noticed bandits attacking you during the blizzard.”

She nodded.

“And the spiders.”

Her eyebrows twisted but she bopped her head. “Yes, they followed us through the streets…”

“And today.”

“I am the duchess. You have a lot of enemies; I am a liability they can target.”

“NO. You are not my weakness, never have been, and never will be. You are more important than you could ever imagine.”

With a swallow and cough, I remembered the manhwa’s words and finally confessed.

“Every few centuries, when dire times are ahead, a figure of holy power arises. A demi-god given the power of the lands above to do their bidding and to protect all of their creation.”

“Huuh…” Vanessa straightened with questioning eyes.

“Cursed are increasing in number. War is ravaging the realm so the gods have found their incarnation. You.”

Vanessa searched my eyes again and left perturbed. Her words spewed out, "You are lying. Are you not? This is how you court women, is it? Call them special-”

“Vanessa. You are the Saint.”

The duchess jumped off the bed. “Your Lying!” She paced in a circle. “It can't be true… Why me?!”

A question I have often asked myself.

“Who knows why the gods do as they do… But I do know you are the best woman they could have ever chosen.”

“Then…” Tears streamed out of her sorrowful eyes. I run up, hugging her close. “Then all those people? For me?”

What I dreaded about the most. I can't let her think it's her fault.

“It seems so. This group of murderers, shamans of sacrifice, are determined to lead this world down a dark path and you are the only person in their way. You are not the cause of this but a victim, just like the many victims of Mouve.”

Her grief-stricken face became crestfallen, and she wobbled on her feet. “VANESSA!” I caught her before she fell, and I escorted her to the bed to lie down. Kneeling by the bed, I held her hand, making sure she was okay. Still aware of her surroundings, she peeked at me between weary eyes.

“Is that why you protect me so tirelessly?”

I rubbed her tears away, realising what I was truly afraid of. I wasn't scared of the prince taking her, and it wasn't a simple insecurity.

Was it love for her or was it love for my purpose?

This world had given me many gifts and the greatest was a cause that filled me with joy every day and kept me moving. I was worried that once she knew, once she was safe, my value would be over. My role would be done. Back to the sidelines. Away from her.

I kissed her hand, thinking how foolish I had been. More than the monsters, cursed, battles, and glory, being with her meant more to me.

“I protect you because you are the one I love. And the one I love happens to be the most important woman on the planet.” She looked at me fondly, searched my eyes once more and joy sparkled from hers.

“To be honest, I'm afraid you will get tired of me and find a handsome king or something.”

Vanessa chuckled. “If you have ever looked in the mirror, you would have nothing to worry about.”

“Mmm, that's true.”

Vanessa laughed aloud. Her happiness was contagious, and I joined in. Our chuckling filled the red room and destroyed the depressing atmosphere.

I should have told her earlier. This feels relieving.

"So, husband, when do I get my special powers?”

“In a little more than a year. There is a ceremony we will need to attend in the capital.”

“A very long time. Why are they attacking me this early?”

“I inferred that they got word from someone of your real identity.”

“And you know how?”

I pointed upwards.

Vanessa smiled nervously. “Of course. The gods told you.”

“I am special in my own way but that's for another time. Now you see you are too important-”

“I will bring an army with me wherever I go, so don’t worry, Tarion.”

“Right, right, Haha.”

The revelations lingered in the air as both of us thought of the ramifications of all this. The consequence for us. For the world. Hymir and his bandits are my next target. No more sly plans. Locate and eliminate.

“Thank you. Tarion." Her soft voice hummed in my soul. "Thank you for telling me.” 

“I...I don't know why I hesitated so much.”

“Because you cared,” Vanessa replied, her tone so sure, she smiled adorely at me.

I rubbed my head in frustration. Frustration at myself for wasting time. For not trusting her.

“It's about time I leave. We have dance practice tomorrow, right?”

I stood up from my knees and Vanessa pulled me to her from my shirt.

“I am not leaving.”

Sitting up, she tugged me by my shirt. I was close enough to smell her hypnotising scent.

“I will not leave you. Ever. So stay. Stay for the night.”

Her sultry gaze has me trapped. She has me. Totally. No more words needed to be said as I climbed over to the bed to kiss her.

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