I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 5: Greystone


The one-armed beast repeatedly bashed the snow in a frenzy. My enhanced agility dodged some and I was hit with the last strike. The Sword of Osberg reverberated as I blocked the metal-like black claws and flew backwards into a tree trunk. Snow and leaves fell on me as I bent low. Giant black claws chopped a tree down behind me, and I revved up my mana circle, running towards the growling beast with two hands on my sword. Blue shone on the snow, the long blade dragged through the ice and grass beneath and I struck upward. Blood sprinkled the ground and the possessed bear kneeled on the snow with a cut left leg. The bear swiped at me again in anger. My legs spread wide, and my blade hummed with a blue aura. I intercepted it with a stab into its forearm. Its strength pushed me, dragging me through the snow. I thrust forward with my own power and the sword of Osberg pierced deep.

Tough, aren't you!?

I move the mana around my blade like a saw, cutting as I run along the arm.




Cutting through the bicep, I reached the chest. Merely wounding the beast, my sword bounced. I jump to the right, away from gnashing teeth. From a roll, I stabbed the bear's side. And blood leaked.

The chest is a bit tougher. Status.

Tapping, I reallocate a point from Agility to Strength. A bleeding arm attacked as I dodged, leaving it another red mark. I flipped over a slow claw coming from my right. I landed on thick black fur, jabbing my sword deep in the beast's paw. Pulling my blade along its arm again I meditate, moving the mana towards my legs. I took a step. Black fur rippled as I rushed in with blood trailing behind. Another step propelled me towards the bear's dense chest. I pulled my large blade backward, and my roar echoed in the forest as I lunged. I felt meat on my weapon, but only a few inches deep. I see teeth in the corner of my eyes coming for a bite.


Points from intelligence and agility were reallocated to strength with a few swift taps. I immediately felt my muscles throb with vitality. With my mana circle spinning at top velocity, my blade was engulfed in a blinding blue flame.


I push.

Chunks of meat flew out of the beast, searing on top of the alpine trees. The beast fell to the earth, and entrails fell out of a large hole from chest to back. Covered in the beast's mess, clouds form from my mouth as I huff. I stare at the beast's dead eyes. A beautiful crystal red reflects the sky above. I retrieve my family’s great sword, still in disbelief. This is my life now. Blood and meat dirtied my cloak, and the cold shivered me to the bone. But I am the happiest I have ever been. I am a Greystone.

An idea flashed in my mind, making me grin. Never butchered an animal before. First time for everything.

His grace is peculiar. It feels like he is constantly in a rush. Sometimes speaking of days to come in cryptic ways. Maybe this is how noble are. They say money makes a man do bizarre things. But this is different from the other Greystones. I sense no greed. He has a goal. Training day and night. Reading more than I have in my whole life. It scares me. What is coming that could change a man this much? Make him willing to slay a monster on his own. I am scared. I wait by the carriage impatiently. He told me to believe in him. But I am scared for him.

I heard footsteps crush the snow and I began running.


“Shut up, man. You’re hurting my ears,” said Tarion, smiling, covered head to toe in blood. I rush to him, absolutely terrified.

“Hahahaha, calm down, big man. It isn't my blood. Other than a sore back, I am well.” He looked at me with kind eyes. “Thank you. For staying.”

“Of course, your grace. I am your servant.” But I didn't believe.

“I see… By the way, can you help? Arm’s a bit tired.”

I lift an eyebrow and his grace points behind him. His gloved hands grabbed onto the fur of the enormous head of a bear.

“Oh god…”

“I know, right? I can proceed with the schedule earlier than expected.”


I watched the city pass by. Eyes tracked my carriage as it moved down the high street. Shock and awe brighten the citizen's once disillusioned faces. Children run along as fast as they can, pointing to my prize above the vehicle. The carriage took a turn away from the Greystone castle, travelling to a new destination, the Greystone Guard Barracks. Horses neighed as Charles pulled to a stop. I get out to no welcome.


“Yes, Your Grace.” The tall man grabbed the bear's head from on top of the carriage. Without mana, he lifts it up with some struggle. Impressive. If he had a mana circle…

“Actually, I will take it.” I seized it from him with one hand, with mana coursing through my veins. I kick the door in, breaking it from its hinges. Guards chatting at the back of the courtyard stop their gossip. I tap the air, allocating points to strength. A heavy step and I throw the bears bleeding heads through the barracks doors.



3 days until Vanessa's arrival.

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