I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 53: Time moves on. (Volume 2 Start)

The Duke

The wind whistled through the leaves above. Sunlight shifting, blocked by green, our shade from the sun ever-changing. My dame sat between my legs; her head warmed my chest. On the red blanket, our bottoms sit on with snacks by our side. I rest my chin on my wife's fluffy hair, watching the flowers bloom on a wonderful day.

“Heavy head you got.” Vanessa bit into a sandwich I made with a smile on her face.

“Cos’ of the schemes I got inside.” I tapped my head.

“No, it's just enormous.”

I chuckled with my chin on her head as she went for another slice of my sandwich.

“Wait, do I actually have a-”

“Speaking of schemes, are you finally doing it?” she asked.


“I see. Never liked the woman.”

“No one ever likes her.”

Vanessa's voice turned sombre. “No one but Joshua.”

“Yes…” I still saw his weeping when I closed my eyelids. I was asking him for something impossible. Ashamedly, a little bit of me hoped he would be like his mother. Unchanging in their corruption. It would have been easier on my soul.

“When will you arrest her?”

“Today.” I reclined on the tree that shaded us. “I know it’s sudden, but-”

Vanessa held my hand, and our rings scraped each other. Consoling me with her touch, I spoke again. “I have waited years; a day more will destroy me.”

Vanessa laid down on me, her eyes on the city rooftops. “Then wait no longer.”

“Going ahead will bring more consequences I may not be equipped to handle. The effects of my revenge will ripple across our dukedom in ways I cannot predict” Stress trickled into my voice.

“And you have followers, friends, and family who are.” Vanessa reminded me

“If I arrest her,” I resumed. “If I execute her, the Wolfburns will never let this go. And if the king disagrees and aids them?” I tapped the back of my head on the tree trunk.

“Tarion.” She turned to me. “What are you truly afraid of?”

I looked to the side, hiding the shame in my eyes.

My face turned to the left, I checked the corner of my sight and Vanessa observed me with her green, enchanting eyes.

Fuck me.

“I…lord…I don't want what happened at Mouve to happen again! A beating so humiliating, I still feel knuckles denting my skull.” I cupped the duchess's face, tracing the freckles on her soft cheeks. “If I lose again, not just my pride will be lost this time.”

Vanessa held my face in her hand. I felt the months of training in her calloused hand. “Is this how warriors think? Every little setback is a loss? Surprisingly ordinary of you.” She said.

“Hey! I was pouring my heart out!” I said, half laughing.

Vanessa's ringed hand felt my heart, pumping faster with every second I smelled her captivating bouquet. “Who is alive, the pimp or you?”

“Me…” I answered slowly.

“Good. You are here. Well. By my side, enjoying the sun. That's the only win that matters.” Vanessa spun around, swiped a sandwich from the basket and laid back on my chest. “Oh my goodness, what do you put in these?” she said with her mouth full.


“Ew.” I felt her chuckle. Her left hand returned to hold mine.

The only win that matters. Huh. Never thought of it that way.

“I will win forever more,” I promised her and she replied with a rub on my hand.

From my wife's curls, my gaze moved to the city bustling below my favourite hill. There lay a city I have protected, I have failed, I loved and I would hurt.

“Lea and my sister left during the commotion last night with an elderly maid.”

I hope Susan likes my gift.

“Thanks the gods she’s gone. Having her stalking around the castle and running away from me was losing its charm.”

“Don’t lie. Never saw you smile less whenever she ran down the corridors.”

“Ha, True.” I steal an uneaten slice from her hand.”

“Both our revenges are finally beginning. If you need my help…”

“I will ask. And when you need my help?”

I pulled her hand to kiss her ring. “You're the smart one; I always will.”

“Hehehe, then what are you in this partnership?” Vanessa giggled.

“The murdery one.”

As we both laughed, hoofs clopped in the distance. We turned to the right, watching a capped stablehand ride uphill on an old horse.


“George!” Vanessa called for her friend. “What brings you here!”

“Apologies for interrupting your picnic, Your Graces. I have come to alert his grace of the young lord and the dowager duchess’s departing.”

Could have told a footman but he chose to come himself. Envy is not attractive, Mage.

“Alright! Time to fucking do this.” I stood up and Vanessa stood with me. “But before I go, I have a request.”

“Anything, dear.” She looked into my eyes with curiosity

“My pendant. It was lost in battle. I am in need of another to give me luck in battle.”

“That cheap thing. I can get another.”

“It was the first gift you gave me, there will not be another… I sor-”

She interrupted my apology with sweet lips. Birds chirped in the branches, wind floated our hair as we held each other under the beating spring sun. I opened my eyes as she broke away, surprised I could be more enamoured by her than I already was.

“My gift until I think of something better.” She said with a sly smile.

In love, I still felt the heat from Vel’s murderous glare. “Umm, we ain't alone." Freckles reddened as she hid her face from Vel.

“I am a servant. Please ignore as you wish.” Although Vel’s face was as stiff as Kurt's, he could not use his strange magic to hide the rage in his quivering voice.

Please leave as I wish.

“George,“ I ordered. “Escort my wife down to the castle.” I walked out of the shade, leaving Vanessa behind with an envious simp. He may be mad for my wife but she is still somewhat safe with him. Until he decides, he cannot be patient with her love. I sighed to myself, unsure what to do.

I wish I could tell her everything.

But that creep will notice the change in how Vanessa approaches him. To him, I did not remember our talk, giving me a little bit of an advantage over the mage. So if she knew, he would know that I knew. Confusing, I know.

Mana tethers emerged like tendrils, stabbing into the grass. The tethers compress, stress building in the wire of magic. Tension was released and I was hurled through the air. A burst of mana repulsion jets out of my back as I rocket above the green in clear blue skies. Feeling the wind on my face and my cloak waving in the draft, I focused.

I will fret another day. For now, I fly to Kurt.


Bouncing on rough roads, I sat across a happy woman. Full of glee, my mother smiled as she thought of her homeland.

“Don't look so glum, child. You will come back soon. You will return to this drab hellscape as its new Duke.” She grabbed my hand with chilly fingers. “Just be patient, dear.”

“What if…”

“Speak up, Joshua, dear.” Mother said with mirth still on her red lips.

I sulked in my seat, grabbing the carriage seat cushion with trembling fingers.

“What if I didn't want to be the duke?”

A slap ricocheted my brain.

“Then a waste of a delivery you will be.” Her calm voice terrified me.

“I waste my good years laying with a limp-dicked man. Endure him, suffer in this nightmare for years and you don't want it?” Her voice was pitched high. “It has never been about what you want! So throw away such stupid notions, and OBEY.”

“Yes, mother.” I sulked deep in my seat.

Her anger did not cease and she smacked me again. “You had to ruin my mood, stupid boy!”

“Sorry Mother…”

“The blood I spilt to get you this chance and you dare…!!!” She raised her brittle hand for a slap and the carriage jolted to a stop.

“Umm? Driver! What is happening!?”

No answer. The carriage wobbled as the driver jumped off his seat. A tall man walked around to the door and opened it.

“Driver, tell me what stops our journey!” She shouted at the servant, not remembering Charles’ face. The Bulter backed away, giving as a view of a slightly shorter, but built man, walking with a swagger in his confident walk. Long, black hair bobbing as he walked to the carriage, he wore his favourite blacks like a uniform

“Good afternoon, Stepmother,” Tarion said, grinning.

A little worry showed on my mother's face. "What is the meaning of this?! Driver, get this carriage moving!”

“My friend only listens to my orders.”

“Only when they make sense," Charles said beside my brother like a henchman.

“And they always do arsehole! Wait, stop distracting me. Charles, Kurt. grab them.” Slick like a shadow, the guard sprinted from out of view, grabbing my mother with force.

“UNHAND ME! LET ME GO!” She screamed in the middle of Oakley Street. Thousands clamoured to look at us, their eyes googling at us to learn what the new gossip of the week would be.

Charles walked to me with a blocky steel handcuff in his hands.

“Sir, if you would.”

I hold my hands out. “Here you go. Do not be too rough. I might mistake your intentions, Handsome.” Charles smiled slightly as he clasped the handcuffs on me.

“DON’T TOUCH MY BOY, YOU DIRTY PEASANT!!” She struggled like a madwoman as Kurt bound her with his arms. “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?!?” Beatrice quickly snapped cuffs on the Dowager Duchess. “Beatrice! You too!? WHAT IS GOING ON?!

“You are under arrest.” Tarion grinned to his cheeks, “For the attempted murder of I, Duke Greystone, and the murder of Albert Greystone.”

Shock reverberated among the increasing crowd. My mother shook with anger as a handcuff shackled her. “PROPESTUROUS. YOU HAVE NO PROOF!” She looked around at the audience. “IT’S A RUSE TO GET RID OF US!” The crowd whispered to themselves, choosing who to believe. My brother kept smiling.

“Bring him over,” said Tarion.

A footman brought a limping and bruised man to the front of the crowd. With his hair matted, Davis looked up at us. “I am sorry!” He cried. “I am sorry! My family…”

I turned to my right and my mother was white like a ghost. Her legs lost strength, and her once rageful eyes flickered with hopelessness.

Bliss still on his statuesque face, Tarion spoke. “Ah, I forgot! One more charge to add. The murder of my mother, Mary Greystone.”

Metal cuffs clanked on the stone road as my mother collapsed to the floor. Her eyes bounced between the former butler and Tarion.


“Dowager…I cannot lie anymore for you. Our punishment has come.”

She turned to my brother. Head on the floor, she begged the Duke. “Please, Your Grace! Let your brother go! He has nothing to do with this!”

“He is a Wolfburn; he has everything to do with this!” My brother stared at me and I nodded to him. “Take them to the dungeons!”

“Yes, Your Grace!” Tarion’s people answered.


My brother crouched down to her level. To her face, his grin transformed. Petrifying all who saw. “Oh, man! I really hope he does come. It will make things so much easier. Till then, relax in your new home. Heard it's chilly down there and stinks to high heaven. TAKE THEM AWAY! NOW!!”

Kurt pulled up my screaming mother and Charles escorted me along to a windowless carriage. I looked back at my brother. Arm crossed, he smiled kindly as I endured embarrassment.

I hope your plan works, brother.

The Duke


3 months later.

Southern Osberg


My southern guard cheered with swords, spears, and shields high, retreating to the civilian's side. I unsheathed my sword of Osberg, polished to a glossy shine. Six circles spun in my pounding chest. Azure mana flowed to my greatsword as I stared down my enemy. Enemies?

Five heads twisted around their long snake-like necks from their stocky dinosaur-like body. Stomping on four legs, it squashed the grass with its toes like an elephant. The beast's short tail stuck upward in anger as his ten eyes leaked black mist. Five necks pulled retracted and the air exploded from their roars shooting out. Their breath moved across the meadow, destroying and ripping the ground apart. As the air blast came straight for me I stood still and held my hand up.

Redirecting the air, a deafening current passed around me. In calm, I crouched.

A pause.

I snapped into action. Running across the grass like an arrow, I skipped metres with every step. Light with Qinggong, I zinged left and zagged right, dodging blasts of air with comfort. The five-headed beast alternated its shooting while the other heads charged. I disappeared with a flash step and my sword emerged in the middle Hydra’s head. I pull my sword, plunging deep into the snake's brain. I sensed the air shifting on my left and right. Two snake heads attacked me with sharp teeth.

The air became solid under my boot and I flash-stepped up, yanking my blade through the skull. Two snack heads broke their snouts below, crashing into each other. Metres above the hydra, I swing my sword and Mana-infused wind cut two broken-nosed heads off. Flash stepping from the air and a spin, I evaded gusts of air from the last two. Turning in the air, I saw the hydra body beneath. My wind helped me to face down and with fingers hooked on the pommel of my glowing blade, I pitched my sword down. Hitting the cursed beast with a booming thud, its thick hide stopped the blade from going through.

“Nothing can be easy, can it?”

I flash-stepped on solid air and fell for the sword. Landing on it with a handstand, I drove the sword forty centimetres deeper. I heard inhaling through long necks and two snakes with decapitated three necks between them opened their mouths wide.

I revved my circles at full speed and my blade breached the Hydra’s back and a black mist burst from within. Qi flowed from my lower dantian, giving power to my body. Hands holding on to a sword still stuck in the beast, I lowered my stance.


I flash-stepped forward, just avoiding the air blast. My sword carved into the back of the screeching monster while I ran. I skidded to stop, pulling my blade out of muscle tissue and scally skin. Sword pointed to the sky, I arched my sword to my left.

Another flash step.

SHING my blade sounded as it went through hard monster meat and bone. My sword arm stretched out, landing on an opaque floor of wind, two hydra heads whirled behind me from my horizontal slash. I put my empty hand up to the sky, blocking the squirting blood rain with a shield as the beast’s body deflated with mist puffing out of the cursed monster's corpse. I stood above all, guard and civilian alike, cheering my name on a platform of air. Scratching my beard, I felt my ring hum.

I will be back soon, dear. Do not worry.

I looked down. “Marquess! I guess you know what to do with the mess I made, haha.”

Bradshaw nodded his head among the cheers. “I apologise for ending your visit on a sour note, Your Grace!”

“Don’t worry, Bradshaw. It was plenty of fun. I will meet you again soon!”

Air rose me up while my marquess bowed. Higher and higher until the clouds became close. Floating on a draft made by my mana, I searched the miles of green that surrounded me. Everything looked the same to me.


I connected to my ring. Vanessa, I am lost again. Help, please.

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