I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 55: First strike. (Rewrite)


The Duke.

Next day

A punch to the stomach forced Joshua back. His training boots skidded on the stone as light from the illuminating crystals lit the vast training cavern.

“Come on,” I taunt my brother with my finger. “I have hardly had any time to train, so try your best.”

“I am!” With his rapier glowing, Joshua thurst Shooting out a bullet of mana. A white aura hazed off my left hand and hit away the blast to the side. He thrust again, with his form sharper than ever and seven more mana bullets came my way.

“Fantastic! At least your sabbatical wasn't wasted.”

Blasts slid off my fog-covered hands as I deflected all seven. I smiled and moved my head closer to my right shoulder and Joshua's blade nearly pierced my ear.

“Should I keep you in hiding longer?”

“Want to make me go mad?” Joshua said as he slashed at my head. My presence gone, Joshua hit the air.

“Maybe,” I whispered behind him in his right ear.

“AAH!” Joshua slashed the air behind him.

“Even in the midst of battle,” I said in his left ear. My left palm hit Joshua's ribs and he fell to the ground. “Keep your senses alert.”

Joshua rolled back up with a broken hexagonal mana shield. I nodded with approval, which brought a smile to Joshua's tired face.

“Brother, how long will this last? I am ready.” Joshua concentrated and a flame burned on his sword. Gorgeous yet terrifying, I looked upon my Brother’s flame with unease. Goosebump popped All.over my body as I was hypnotised by that awful fire.

“Brother.” I looked into my brother's eye to regain my wherewithal. “How long?” Joshua Asked again.

“Not…ahem, not too long. Although your mother has sung like a bird, I am still enticing your scrotum less as part of the family. Let's end the training here. I have a meeting to attend.” As I was walking to get some water and a towel, I saw a fourth circle meditating as she taught Jen to use her first. Vanessa's progress has been spectacular. So much so that I wondered why she didn't do much warrior training when she got her divinity powers. Then I remembered the prince and his Opness was enough.

Walking some more across The training cave, an old master taught two guinea pigs. Practising their forms, Kurt and Charles were probed like Roswell Aliens as Master Zhi touched, nicked and poked them every day. For today's experiment, she was learning how her forms could be implemented with elements. Arms flowing like flags in the breeze, moisture from Master Zhi’s form, Kurt collected a blob of clear water. In a blink, Kurt's arm moved like a whip and the water became one as well, cutting a straw doll in half. l

Very cool.

I noticed my brother staring at Charles with the same dazed look. During his time stuck in his room, his mood became sour every day. Without friends, without companions, he looked lost. He did this for me. I couldn't let him suffer alone. So I assigned my dear friend to him as his butler. It has been more than two months since then and the sour demeans have disappeared completely, replaced by brightness. Happiness bloomed from his soul whenever he was with Charles. His eyes sparkled even as Charles talked about medicine. Joshua would even sneak to the servant's quarters just to talk to him some more.

Charles pulled up shirt to wiped his face of sweat, showing his stable built abs wet from training. Joshua's jaw dropped like a Looney Tunes character and I cringed from deep within.

Sheesh… Is that how I looked with Vanessa?

Charles noticed my brother gawking and smiled back with a thumbs up.

“Tarion.” Joshua’s attention went back to me. “I still don't quite understand. Getting me to hand myself in. Going through the trial, lying about my stay in the dungeons to my mother.”

“To everyone. Including your grandpapa.” I corrected. “Why must I go through this charade, you mean to ask?”

I threw my brother his sheath. His rapier clicked in.

“Because two is better than one.”

I took back my Greatsword from a maid and My brother still looked confused.

“Joshua. Let's be honest. No one cares for the bitch. I don't. The city and its nobles don't. Not even her damn family. Why do you think she's in Osberg to begin with? Cos’ a weak woman is useless in your granddad's eyes. A woman's worth, to him, is to be sold. an object to be bargained with. A tool to get what he wants. Which is you.”

Joshua stood dumbfounded, “I can't be of use to him. The last time I was sent to visit him, disgust didn't leave his eyes whenever he saw mine… I can't be important…”

“You are as important as their greed is large.” I said “You are heir to the Osberg duchy. In line to inherit gold, coal and military strength to rival countries. You were their nineteen-year project to steal this duchy from the greystones.”

“From you.” Said Joshua.

I nodded. “From us.”

“I am a hostage?”

“Nope,” I said happily. “You’re bait.”

Fingers scratching his chin, Joshua came to a conclusion. “You… no that would be… but of course you'd do that! Bloody bastard, you want them to invade. You wanted justification!”

I grinned. “And did. Not even a week later, Viodian troops came up to southern border towns. We managed to fend them off with little skirmishes here and there but there bigger battles are on the horizon.”

“I guess they're trying to frighten you. Thinking your reputation is unearned.”

“Perhaps. Umm, you should be celibate more. Less sex in your brain got you thinking more.” I joked.

“Can't you say ‘Amazing! you're so smart!’ like a normal person.”

“Haha, Nah mate.” I waved to my wife. “Vanessa, let's go. We can’t keep Jimmy waiting.”



2 hours later.


Vanessa guided her finger on the map of Friedland, pointing at the Hamber and Osberg Border. “Word had come back from a friend that Vioden troops have been seen going through Hamber into our lands.”

Susan is doing her job well.

“How many?” Jimmy asked with his helm under his arm.

“Two thousand give or take.” Vanessa.

“So they are finally making their big move. It's smart. The closest route to us, while we are distracted with border disputes, they can strike while we are unaware. Is any information on their exact location? Their talent?” I ask.

“To could be camping near a town called Pirn. Their talent is unknown but I reckon there would be a lot of sixths since having seven and eight disappear would look peculiar.”

“Alright then. I will leave when the meeting has ended, bring in Bradshaw and his men and do a little reconnaissance from the air.” I said, watching Vanessa's anxious face. “Rydel.” I attempted to switch topics, “Welcome back. How was my uncle as a travel companion?” I grasped the dark-skinned elf, as he stood up.

“The best drinking partner I have had in generations,” he said cheerfully. “Other than to give a report on the ships, I have a gift to give you.”

My eyebrows climbed with curiosity as I held a small box.


“Is this?! REALLY?!”

Rydel nodded.

Vanessa and Jimmy looked around my shoulder as I ripped the packaging and opened the lid. A gold band reflected rune light as it slightly hummed.

“I thought it would be tough to convince the mages to construct an inventory. As you can guess, a lot of not-so-good men could use it for distasteful reasons. But it seems your reputation precedes you.”

I saw a second band hiding under.

Someone up in the tower must love me.

One by one, I slid the bands onto my wrists. The gold retracted to fit the width and my nerves felt a tingle as they linked with the device.


“Woah…” I looked up from my band and the wise elf was smiling like a proud grandpa. My hand reached to my back and unsheathed my greatsword.

“It works the same as the rings. With intent.”




In my mind's eye, I remembered the greatsword and it materialised in my right hand again.

Nice. Very Nice

“Thank you. Walking with the thing was a pain.”

10 minutes later


“Your Grace,” Jen called with Kurt by her side as I exited the meeting room.

“One moment, Vanessa.” I moved to the side to meet them. “So?”

“You were right. George has been acting quite peculiarly. Trying to get closer to her. Knocking at her room door whenever you weren't there. Always trying to drive her coaches and be her escort.”

Kurt just nodded in agreement.

“Mmmm.” Can’t keep it in, Mage? Thank the lands above. At least Jen was there to watch her back. I couldn't tell Vanessa but I could tell her best friend to watch out for him.

“She has ignored him most of the time. Even got stern, warning him when would stop showing up at his door.”

I shook my head. “I am not worried about her. But him. Keep an extra eye, Jen. Monitor everything. The things he says. The things he does. Kurt, sleep in the guest room beside my wife while I go to Pirn.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”

I paced back to Vanessa and Jen spoke apologetically. “Sorry about George. I…I don't know why-”

“It's okay. Never apologise for a creep’s actions.” I said as I walked to apologise to Vanessa for leaving again.

The Duke

Next day.

Above the dense trees, I make my third fly about. Tracking where roads lead to find this elusive village, I heard someone wail in the wind.

To the left.

I dipped, following the subtle vibration in the air.

A child. A girl.

I fell towards the grassland, witnessing a group of warriors encircling a dark-haired tike scrambling on the ground with nothing but a knife to protect her. I broke through the air.

Emerging from blue segmented light, my greatsword formed out of nothing. Swinging my blade with no hesitation, an ugly head somersaulted.

“Girl,” I said as I landed softly in front of her. “Are you alright?”

Distrusting eyes wide open, she levelled her dagger at me. I smiled, admiring the kid's tenacity. “Calm. It will be okay.”

I moved my shoulder away from a striking sword. Spinning on my heel, my left Elbow destroyed the second-circle warrior's Jaw.

Well kept sword… Fighters for hire?

The warrior with the busted jaw regained his balance and swung with anger at my neck. On my heel again, I pivoted and bent my knees as a sword passed over my head.

I should have used Qi.

Twirling from the momentum, my sword separated the fighter in half from his mana armoured torso. Shocking his friends, they brandished the weapons, positioning themselves around me.

Well trained…

I focused and Qi warmed my eyes. Colour was sapped from the world and my vision saw every direction at once. Life glowed white from twelve bodies. Scared fighters gripped their hilts.

Shouldn't take too long.

I took the initiative, flash-stepping side to side, confusing my opponents with afterimages. A third circle was tricked and I raced into his range. A greatsword stabbed through mana armour, plunging deep into the third circle's heart. I looked to the left at my new target. Qi imbued my muscles, and I sliced through a lung, ribs, and right arm. A flash step moved my blade closer to the new target's neck and I cut off the warrior's scream. I rocked back, evading a thrust from a glowing blade at my three o’clock. Back nearly parallel to the grass, I examined the child.

She’s bruised. Hungry.

With two hands on my greatsword in a tail stance, I umbra stepped, erasing my presence. Appearing close, my sword slammed heavily on the assailant's head. Twisting my sword, the first-circle corpse dropped to the floor as four men with spears poked from four directions. Head leaned away from a point to my right shoulder, my left leg avoided a jab, my left hand parried and my sword guarded my back.


Like hitting a flower petal with a fan, I glide with their attacks, weaving myself in a dance around their weapons. I looked for the child as I dodged. She lowered her blade as she watched me with awe.

A spear missed my head for the fifth time and my left hand got a hold of its shaft. I yanked and pulled the spear from the unsuspecting warrior. My great sword scratched the second's throat, and the lad choked on his blood.

“ENOUGH!” A steel armour warrior dropped from his horse. His brown beard waved side to side as he plodded to the middle of the battle.

“No more lives need to be wasted!” The new arrival said with hands up and a nervous smile.

“Why not?” I ask the fourth circle.

“W-w-why not…? Ahem! This is a problem between us and the child over there. Perhaps some gold-”

I turned to the child. “What do they need you for?”

“I ran away! They were capturing everyone from my village, my family too!”

My shield of mana repelled an arrow.

Coated in a liquid. Poison?

I sighed.Foolish.”

Shoot again!!” The leader yelled.

My greatsword hummed azure blue. “I only need one alive.”

My fingers moved fast as I sorted my points. Tendrils of mana shot out, linking with the chests of nine warriors.

The leader glanced down at his chest. “What is…this?”

I yanked.

Nine men yelled as they were sucked towards me, and my greatsword became a tornado of steel, slicing and dicing helpless bodies.

WIt great slam.My sword hit the ground and a gust pulsed outward, blowing blood and body parts far and wide. Wind twirled around my sword and my blade was clean. Not a drop of blood touched the poor child.

Frightened but she looks okay. I think.

“Hey, archer.” I pulled the remaining warrior hiding in the tall grass to my feet. I lifted his chin by the point of my blade and the young man wept.

“What the fuck is going on here?”

The young warrior trembled with dread. A bead of sweat dripped onto my sword as I threatened him. “My regiment was ordered to camp here till we got further orders!”

“Vioden,” I said and the warrior's shoulder went slack. My smile terrified the soldier more.

“And she,” I pointed to the dusty, malnourished child, “was a witness to be silenced?”

“Please! I was just following orders!”

“Foolish orders should be ignored.”

I aimed a bit to the left, burning a hole in the soil with a mana thrust.

“Don't run.” I put my greatsword back into my inventory.

He nodded rapidly, blurring his blubbering face.

The child gawked at the corpses and I clicked my fingers to get her attention. “Child, come to me.”

“Not a child, sir. Kelly.”

Timidly, she stood up and walked to me. From my inventory, I retrieved a small bag and a water skin. From the small bag, I pulled out a pill made by Charles. I kneeled, and the child flinched when I offered the items.

“Okay, Kelly. Here. Water and medicine. Take.” Grey eyes looked at both with apprehension.

“You saw what I could do. Why would I choose such an inefficient method?” I chucked the items for her to catch.

She doesn't look any older than nine… Should've been less bloody.

“Family, friends. Where are they?”

“Parents were in the village. My brother... he was taken, sir.” she sniffed the satchel. After passing her test, she immediately started jugging.

“Slow down and bite into the pill with water before you swallow.”

“Okay, sir…” She ate the pill with water in her chubby cheeks, making a hilarious retching face.

“How long have you been running?”

“Umm…” Kelly counted on her fingers. “Two days have passed, I think.”

“Damnit. How long has it been since your brother was taken?”

“Hours, I think- ooh!” Kelly looked at the bruises on her arms, going from purple to its normal pink.

“Neat right? But next time, don't take strange pills from strangers. Not everyone is as kind as me.”

She nodded.

“Listen, Kelly. I could save your brother.”

For her parents, it may be too late.

Hope sparkled in her young eyes. I stood up from my knee, surprising Kelly as my breeze drifted her to my arm. “But I need you somewhere safe and protected.” I stretched my hand out and mana tethers wrapped around the Vioden soldier. Grass waved and we floated.

“Hold tight. I am not used to passengers.”

I blasted off the ground.

“Where are you taking me - AAAAAAAA~” I blasted off the ground. Viodian shrieked as his mouth stretched by the wind. Finding my place amongst the clouds, I remembered my path back to Bradshaw's manor.

The duke


The sun fell below the treeline. Standing on a branch, I watched the Vioden army patrol the mud roads of Pirn. Tents littered the town. Plain clothes. They're planning on staying here for quite a long time. Covered by thick voluminous vegetation, as well as being at the right spot between the city and the Vioden border, Pirn was the perfect strategic spot to strike from. Like a virus, the hidden army could have fed off my duchy, slowly infecting other towns until it was time for the killing blow.

I calmed myself, circles slowed to a standstill and my hue faded away. Qi flowed through my body and I became one with the invigorating energy, I hopped off the branch feeling weightless. My greatsword and borrowed daggers jangled on my back and landed on a straw roof. I observed soldier patrols below.

Two thousand as the report said. I leapt from rooftop to rooftop, jumping over drunken men and lazy guards. Landing on a former lord's home, Life Sight illuminated the world. Through thick stone walls, I see bright signs of life. Three men, one dressed in a long cloak, appraised the boy The cloaked nodded, pointing below.

She said Kieth was his name.

I checked my pocket clock, watching it tick.

I snuck in through a bedroom window, with faint Umbra steps. Life Sight saw two guards racing down the corridor. I opened a bedroom door and cut the neck as it passed. The companion skidded to stop as they noticed their falling mate. With quiet Qinggong, I pounced, twisting my dagger into the soldier's liver. My empty hand closed a mouth before the dying screamed. I laid the body down and moved on downstairs.

Life Sight saw two fifth circles standing at the foray with shields and swords ready. I dashed in with Umbra stepps cloaking my presence and covered a mouth from behind. Penetrating armour, my dagger stabbed four times in the shieldman's chest. A soldier turned around and I dragged the body behind a pillar. A dagger thrown to the corner redirected the soldier's attention and my second knife perforated the side of the Viodian’s head. A tether recovered the thrown dagger and I searched again with Life Sight.

In a basement below, Keith banged on the locked door. To my left, a man argued with loud gestures with the cloaked individual while a bulky, armoured warrior leaned on a desk with arms folded.

The young Viodian said the villagers had been moved here yet there were no life signs.

Dozens of people, a whole village wiped out to hide a base? Fuck’s sake.

I shook my head. Lament later. First, the boy.

Instinct moved me and I danced back away from a massive slice of mana.

Heavy brown boots kicked through the shredded wall, and a brutish brown-haired veteran walked over the rubble. Round nose scrunched in anger. His deep frown dragged down his dark moustache.

“I thought I heard a mouse; I found a coward instead!” Red surcoat fluttering about over a steel breastplate, a Viodian red-hilted sword erupted in a blaze of blue flame.

“Coward? Hahaha!” I spun my six circles. “Is killing villagers what you idiots at Vioden call brave? Is kidnapping children honourable to you?”

I checked my pocket clock, watching it tick.


A horn alerted all.

“An attack?” He looked at me and my smile made him furious. Vioden soldiers chanted outside as they took their weapons to defend their captured village.


The sword of Osberg formed in my hand and blue brightened my right cheek. In a two-handed stance, the swordpoint facing the ground, I meditated. The noise of war was hushed. My full concentration was on the opponent across me.

A strength type. Good senses. No elements but a good amount of mana. Slow as fuck. I can do it.

“Pick. The army outside your gates or my sword. I promise you will have more of a chance on the former.”

The Viodian’s anger reached its limit. Manifesting his rage into strength, the seventh circle scored the floor with his powerful mana and slashed.

“Wrong choice,” Behind him, my greatsword divided the air to cut the Vioden warrior's neck.

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