I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 60: Challege

A prisoner wobbled on the stage. Scared out of his mind, the drugged, scruffy criminal was forced to kneel on the blood-soaked deck. His neck fit into the brace, locking him down. Wide eyes stare out at a spectator. No audience to see this man’s last second but a single woman. A noble dress in the finest frilled green silk. Golden hair like his mother's and eyes that saw through to his soul. He should have felt angry. Rage against the woman who put him here. But under those eyes, he felt no weight. No judgement. A tear leaked from his dry, crusty corners as he accepted his fate for he would not see the prophecy come true. Maybe his soul would help. The wood creaked beside him as the executioner brought his mana blade upward.

Vanessa, the Duchess.


The fifth head flopped on the floor and I felt numbed. Although my term at the infirmary had hardened my heart, it still softened for these poor souls. Mercenaries and bandits that dare to conspire against Tarion die by an executioner's blade weekly. Once my husband's duty was now my responsibility to see through. Jen comforted me with a hand on my shoulder the first few weeks. But even my tough friend had a limit to how many deaths she could witness. After the first week, I let her work on other responsibilities whilst Kurt soothed me in her stead. Although in a role my husband is absent to fill, I watch each death with curiosity. I studied each man who brought up those rickety steps wondering what circumstances, and conditions could have brought him here.

Was I that special?

I dare not think that. I have not yet gotten used to holding a title that makes countesses bow at my feet. But a saint? No. I barely gave it much thought. Why would I when it is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

Men would fight - wage war just to see my head like that man on stage?

Made by the constellations…

If there needs to be a saint…

Why me?

I pushed off my viewing chair and stood up abruptly.

“Your Grace…?” Kurt looked me up and down with concern.

“End the executions. I will be off for the rest of the day. I must rest…”

Kurt bowed. “Yes, Your Grace.”

As Kurt skipped off to do my bidding, my eyes were pulled to the stage as it was mopped of the man’s blood and excrement.

More blood will flow and I fear for it.


I exited the gallows with my trusted guard by my side. His dark blue uniform was clean and ironed as if new; my guard's perfectness sometimes unnerved me. As he walked me down to the waiting carriage, his eyes started scanning everywhere. His hue of six circles leaked while mana reached outward to sense the environment for threats. I halted.


“Yes, Your Grace.” He gave one last scan before putting his full attention on me.

“Ever thought of following your duke.”


Too quick, but so sure as he replied with a strict and rigid stance with arms at his back.

“Your Duke wages war. He must need his best warriors by his side.”

Kurt waited for a moment. “His grace ordered me to protect you. And I shall.”

I walked up to him. “And what if I order you? What if I order your leave as soon as possible to your duke’s side?”

“I shall refuse. The master’s word takes precedence over all. Even the kings.” There was neither hesitation nor trembling in his smooth, cold voice. I turned away and continued walking to the carriage, disappointed.

“And-” Kurt coughed in his gloved hand. “I would not want to…leave…” Cheeks redden on the cold man's embarrassed face. Icy blue eyes look way in shame.

“I’ll tell her about this, you know,” I said, smiling.

Kurt strode next to me with a pleading face I walked to the carriage again. “Please if could not…”

“Hehe, how could I not when I could see more of that dumb face.”

Kurt tried to regain his poise as his angular cheeks blushed.

I pat my guard's left arm like my husband would. “Tell her, Kurt. Don’t pull her along. That’s if you truly want her.”

“I do!”

I almost tripped from the shock of seeing emotion from the golem.

“I do want…No, I need her.”

“Back early?” George spoke from the driver's seat. After many weeks of persistent begging, I appointed my old friend as the carriage driver while Charles was busy waiting on my brother-in-law. Why his need to be by my side was so strong in him, I was still unsure. But as the days passed, my patience thinned.

“The captain wants to see his beloved as soon as possible,” I teased Kurt as he opened the door. “Take us home, George.”

“Yes, Vanessa.” George grabbed the reins, forgoing titles and addressing me casually again. A habit that ceases only when Tarion is around. I hold up a hand to stop Kurt from brandishing his blade. I shook my head at the irate captain and put one leg into the carriage, non surprised to see a cloaked visitor waiting for me.

“Madam. Pleased to finally meet.” I scooted over to the right side to sit opposite her. The guest pulled down her hood, revealing voluminous black hair. Sharp eyes peer through the tufts of her shiny hair. She bowed in her seat. “Apologies for an abrupt meeting, your grace.” Kurt closed the door and knocked on the window for the carriage to move.

I looked at her thoroughly. Slim, long neck. Skinny frame. Her bosom was obvious even in the large cloak. I was told she was an older lady of the night but her youthful, supple skin could put those rumours to rest.

“You visit my husband like this regularly?”

“When I can.” From out of her cloak, she gave me a letter. “From Susan, Your Grace.”

From Lea.

Ripping the seal off immediately, I read the letter.


Dear Duchess Greystone,

I bring good news. I have gained the attention of the son of a Hodge.


Robert has been susceptible to my advances.

The horniest one. She picked well. He would do anything for a woman of Lea’s beauty.

Some flirting with the dull fellow has invited me to more balls and parties than Caroline could. And in one of those illustrious parties, the reason for this letter appeared. Foreign agents, possibly from the east, with their skin with a yellowish undertone and almond eyes. They spoke with the guest as if it was not their first stint at the establishment. I asked your brother to move closer to the conversation. But only a few words could be picked. And so I decide my temporary maid to would do their job in the dark of night.


Susan’s Report:

Three Luiens dressed in Friedland fashion. Two males and one female. Staying at a baron’s lodgings. With very few guards and staff who were not needed the three were skilled in a strange application of mana. Using my mana-enhanced senses, a conversation was sparsely heard.

“The black dust has been sent to their destination.”

“Ship will reach Osberg by the end of the month.” was the last I could hear before the ear turned the roof where I hid.

I will continue to survey the three liuens, Your Grace.


And I will work my way into the Hodges.

For Osberg. For Greystone.


It seemed they had not given up. Black dust? Now that has me curious.

“How long did this letter take to get to you? “ I asked the Madam.

"Weeks, if by horse. By bird, a few days. A secret code that can fit by the breast of a pigeon can be translated to what you hold.”

“I see.”

He brought her in to fold… He trusts her this well?

“Then we have time. Kurt, Umbra.” I gave it to Kurt.

His eyes scanned the page. “Yes, Your Grace, right away.” Wind rushed into the vehicle as Kurt opened the left carriage door. With Qinggong, the captain lept out of the carriage as it sped.

I closed the door after him with the lady of the night staring at me intently.

“You have something to ask, Madam?”.

“Beiye, Your grace. I dare not have the duchess call me that.”

“But it is the name he chose.” I straightened on the carriage seat trying to relax. “Ask away, Beiye.”

Like a nervous girl, Bieye rubbed her elbows, looking out into the city passing by.

“Is he…? The Duke. Is His Grace faring well?”

I rubbed my ring. His presence always keeping me company even from afar. But I dare not check his well-being. I can’t distract him from his battle.

I smiled to myself, feeling the rune engraved on the cold metal. “What else could we expect from him.”

I saw an expression of relief on the raven leader's face and I became interested. “Stay. Come to the castle with me. I want to learn how you met Tarion. But first I would like to meet a cardinal on the way.”

Joshua, the spare


“The distance in which how mana reaches outward is called Field. Most mana user learn to use control the mana field within the body to enhance its strength endurance and durability.”

“Very similar to qi in that regard.” The grouchy doctor interjected for the thousandth time. “‘Though with much much much less control.”

“...So the more circles a user can forge, the farther the reach of the field extends. With five or more a skill practitioner can transform the mana or control element in their environment.”

“Mana emitters can transform their mana into various forms of energy like fire. Your lightning and controllers like Tar- His Grace can control air. And Your uncle is a rare case of both with his Ice.”

“Precisely… Elements are preferred among the elite as they are a much more efficient use of mana than pure mana attacks.”

“Mana blades, slices and the such, right? So you Westerners just brute force everything, don’t you?”

I stabbed my rapier on the platform as the crystal light shone down on me.

“Fuck! Why did you ask me to explain when won't let me anyway!?”

“Because I'm trying to teach you something, little boy.” From crossed legs, the old lady jumped to her feet and a haze of smoke eased off her green cloak. Her arm moved slowly in a liuen form, leaving a trail of white haze. Two hands open their palms in front of her. The left slightly in front at twelfth o’clock and the right hand at six. Reality seemed to curve around her hands. I took a step forward in astonishment.

“Perhaps it comes from the way you control mana or just your personalities but Westerners wrestle mana. Sucking it in a spit it out. There is no form. Just throw stuff out and hope it works on the enemies.”

Zhi looked at me and Qi rippled the mana in the air. “Over the past two months, you down well to cultivate and grow your basin. But now it's time to put it into practice.” Excited, I picked up my rapier, ready to learn.

“Put that down.”

I threw my blade to the floor.

“Do exactly as I do.”

I study her relaxed posture and her wide foot placement. Palms up, I flared my mana.

“No. Qi.”

I sighed. “Fine.” I reached deep in my gut, trying to find that strange energy that laid within. The exciting rush of mana was replaced by a calm refreshing stillness of Qi. I hated it.

“With the aid of circles, how would we control how mana?” Zhi asked me.

“I have no clue.”

Zhi's palms swirl in circles. “Oneness. With the mana that surrounds us and the Qi within.” Zhi whipped the air with her right hand and a gust followed. With the same hand, the palm pushes down and the dust of the training platform pulsed out.

“Wind…! How!?”

Zhi assumed her stance again. “From my studies and experiments on you and Kurt, i have surmised that by your fifth circle, you mana users begin having an element that your circle naturally resonates with.”


“For His Grace it’s air. Due to its need for precise control, it needs well-forged circle and talent. And for you… Boy, make your Qi reach over over there.” Zhi points to a square stone tile on the floor Ten metres away.

“There?! But my field can’tt reach all the way there?!”

“Watch with sharp eyes and do as I do.” From her left palm, a string of white Qi flowed through the air.

“Like Tarion’s tethers,” I said as my eyes were stuck on the turn qi. The qi tether reached the tile and fire burned from her palm following the twisting line of qi to the tile.”

“Lands above…”

“There is more,” Zhi said before flames exploded from the end of the tether.

“Funi. The art of matching Qi’s wave to the mana around you to be able to control or transform as you do.”

I grinned. “If I learn this, I could summon my lightning anywhere in battle!”

Zhi gave me a short smile. “Your brother said a similar thing.”

Palms up and try to create a tether out of Qi. Only a few inches came from the hand. The sheer effort was causing me to sweat.

With her hands behind her back, she inspected my form. “You didn't cultivate.”

“I DID!” I strained hard as one more inch of Qi grew from my tense arm. I fell to my knees, huffing.

“Don't force it to listen to the qi. To its hum.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I wiped my sweat, looking up at the master. “How did…my brother fare?” I said, still catching my breath.

The old master looked down on me from the side. “Made it to the halfway point before the day ended.”

“Fuck him. I will go twenty metres further before the maid brings down tea.”

I bounced back on my feet and tried again. Can’t that bastard get ahead of me. To stand by his side, I need to be his equal.

Kellen the Wolf.

Even with gauntlets, my knuckles stung as they rebounded off the duke's helm. His head bunce back then forth with only a little dent on the metal.

Brother now!

A flash of orange flames on my right and keep the duke's greatsword down with my blade as I launched another lightning punch.

“That hurt like hell.” The greystone dipped under my fist. I opened up to claw down with lightning. “Smart. Keeping me busy while he runs for the gate.” A weaponless right arm was brought up to guard against my strike and I noticed my sword held down nothing. Lightning clashed with the duke's white mana shield and left struck with a mana-infused palm strike. My sword blocked the strike in time. My bone creaked as my feet left the ground. I flew into my brother's soldiers, rolling back in a fighting stance. The duke reached out with his left behind him and an explosion of wind blew my brother into the castle wall.

“Thorn!! Shit!”

“Too late.”

With a loud grunt, the duke pushed the air blow back every soldier back with a hurricane. Cloth, chainmail and skin were dragged back as I stared in awe of this powerful being I must slay. In the rushing wind, I hear the drawbridge lower down. The wind pushed harder and I stabbed the ground with my sword while my fellow soldiers hit the building behind me. The drawn bridge slowly descends and the duke's helm disappears in a spark of blue.

I never thought a man could be beautiful. Handsome, yes, as shown by the famed prince. But the duke exemplified beauty beyond gender. Charisma pulled you in with his peculiar red eyes. With his long, raven black hair sprawling out from the gust and a large smile could be seen on his smooth yet angular face. He wiped blood trickly down his nose as his wicked smile spread on his pale face.

“Without my helm, I would have looked like MJ.” Arms out, the Duke of Osberg pushed again and the hurricane grew in strength.


I felt the call of the souls in my pocket.

I take it and my revenge is complete. I trudge forward in the gust watching as the enemy forces trickle in. The souls tempt me the more devilish smile of Harold’s killer goads me. Something flickered in my sight.

Flowing in the wind was a string made of energy. Not knowing what it was, I cut it with a mana slice. A hole opened in the hurricane and I sped through.

I can slay him without souls!

Lightning spread through my feet. Every step propelled me yards in a moment. My anger pushed my speed to its maximum. The duke watched me with arms spread wide. His smile yet to fall as I come to cut his head.

“BASTARD!!!” Mana surged from my blade turning it into the centre of a lightning storm. I slashed with lightning at the Greystone’s head.

“HALT, KELLEN!” My sword froze, its edge marked a line on the dukes face. I turn to the right where my brother still fought against the wind. “Duke Greystone!! I challenge you to duel! A duel for Kirgfield!!”


“Look below.” Thorn pointed to my neck when a spear shone with blue.

“So close.” The duke chuckled “I almost got to see something funny. Huh, Jimmy.”

“A suprise stable to the throat. Very funny.”

“Kellen… The Duel!”

“Are you in any position to demand anything?” The hurricane ceased to be and the smile twisted into a frightening scowl. He put his hand up at and entire stood still. Silent as the wood in the early morning. “That smell. Without my helm, it is as noticeable as fresh shit. In lingers on you.” The pale warrior from the north sniffs at me. My loud gulp betrayed my nervousness as I remembered the sphere in my pocket.

Thorn pulled out a bright sword covered in flame, pointing it at the sniffing duke. “A duel. I heard you up north were the courageous type yet its leader ignores a challenge!!”

The duke pulled away from me. Red eyes bounced between me and Thorn and his smile finally returned.

“Make space!” Soldiers stepped back, pushing Vioden's men aside to open a circle in the courtyard.

“Come on, Lad! That means you too.” The mana on The lieutenant’s spear brightened as he guided me to the edge of the make-shift duelling circle.

A voice carried across the wind. “Watch me, tainted one. I shall show you the quarter of the despair you dealt to others.”

I spun around to glance at the duke, chuckling to himself. A whack to the head from the spear’s shaft fell me.

“No fast moves.” The lieutenant crouched to pick me up by my surcoat. Despite my shame and embarrassment, all could think was one stressful thought.

He knows…


Tarion, the Duke.

How many people has he sacrificed?

From the air, I grabbed my materialising greatsword.

He fights with wrath and revenge yet was keen to destroy the lives of others.

Lord Thorn walked to the middle of the circle. I saw fear in his movement. His sword burned beside him and looked away so my own fear didn't consume me as well. He stopped. Only a metre away, the wolfburn exhaled.

“Whether I win or fall. Leave my brother breathing.”

A good brother. A good man.

“I can promise you that and nothing else.”

I focused qi from my lower Daintain’s basin to my circles as they revved. “Why did you decline?”

The Wolfburn looked at his brother with a soft smile "Can't leave family behind.”

I nod in agreement, dragging my right boot back on the cobbled ground, I readied myself in a two-hand low guard. I controlled my breath, calming my mind while my circles raged in my chest. Mana and Qi fought within my body untill an equilibrium was found. The sword of Osberg flared its ever-bright azure light as qi strengthened my body. Armour felt light on my body as it hummed. Opposite me, my enemy readied himself the same with a thrusting stance. The fear vanished as a fury burned in his blue eyes as brilliant as on his long sword.

I put my armour back into my inventory, leaving me my usual black breeched and shirt. “To make it fair.”

“You are more than your reputation tells of you. It's an honour.” The Wolfburn saluted with his gauntlet on his wolf coat of arms on his red surcoat. I followed and did the same.

The courtyard was silent of all sound but the anxious breaths of the waiting.

I bobbed my body to the right, weaving past a fireball, feeling scathing heat by my ear and flash-stepped close. From a low guard, I thrust. My mana blade missed by inches as the adept warrior slashed with flame from my left. I leaned back from the fiery blade and countered with an upward slice. The wolf burn evaded my blade as if telegraphed, striking with a horizontal slash to my open body. A step back with Qinggong saved my bowels. I cut down while moving back and our swords finally clashed. The stone behind the Wolfburn feet gave way, cracking as I pushed down on Lord Thorn's guard. I improvised, twisting my greatsword off his guard to swing below. His sword found mine again, blocking up the low strike. I felt a large smile on my face.


A tornado spun on my blade. Breaking the stone ground with a stomp, I blast away the Lord with the wind. While the Wolfburn fell back to his feet, my blade blurred in many as blade thrust with speed. A mana shield blocked my attacks and the wolfburn righted himself with a blast of fire off his back and feet. A slice and cut and a slash, I block, evade and parry. My riposte grated on Lord Thorn's long sword and he advanced with blasts of fire from his soles. I dodged with bent knees while a blaze of flame burned the air above me. A scorching sword struck down, causing me to sidestep and Lord Thorn's blade slammed into the stone in an explosion of melted rock.

The stunt earlier took quite a lot from me. I must conserve. Fight Wisely.

To my shock, the thorn blitzed at me, colliding our blades with might. Our sword locked, and the fire shone an orange light on an intense face. I tried to push his sword and he tried the same. Shifting my grip, I admired his skill. I allowed the Lord to win the exchange and a few strands of my black hair fell as I tilted my head to the left. Thorn’s flaming blade swooped with air exploding speed towards my temple. My greatsword rang as it blocked. Fire exploded from the edge of the Wolfburn’s blade, blowing away.

“AARGH!” Slices of fire shot through the air and my wind-cladded sword slashed each one as they came. More slices flew off the Wolfburn’s sword and I sprinted forward. Right, left, and right with flash-steps, slipping through the barrage. One final step and with the wind aiding me, I streamed through the air like a bullet.

I have studied enough.

I smiled with my face close to the surprised Vioden and Thorn swung up with his flame melting a line in the ground metres long. Lord Thorn's sword hit empty air he tentatively scoured around.

“Over here.” I cut his left arm. Scampering back, with red leaking on his chainmail, Lord Thorn struck back with a downward strike. A flash step made me vanish before his eyes and another cut got past his guard.


“It's okay! It's okay…”

Despite his bleeding leg, he took a long point stance. His sword still burning.

“I will end it soon!” He grunted, lunging deep with a two-handed thrust at my chest that I redirected. A stab to be head was parried up and a palm to Lord Thorn's body crushed chainmail and ribs, keeling over the blood vomit noble.

“Let me go! Brother!!” I heard the Wolfburn bastard screaming from the side. The Lord fell to his knees, exhausted. Squinting his eyes in pain, he held himself up with his sword.

Is he…? Selfless fool.

“Lord Thorn.” He looked up at me with sweat dripping.

“Do you care for your brother this little?” I saw a vein on his sweaty head pulsate as Thorn controlled his anger. I bent in to whisper. “Perhaps your father is in need of another sons head through his mail.”

“YOU WOULDN’T DARE!” Thorn slowly straightened, his mana bursting from his body

From my inventory, I threw the Krigfeld commander Charles’s pills, which he looked at in confusion.

“Take and bring forth your all! Your brother’s life depends on it.”

Summoning all the flame he could muster, the stone melted and was charred to ash by Thorn's feet. He gulped down the pill and his mana brightened. Fire on Thorn’s palm cauterised the cuts.

I smiled with a toothy grin, feeling immense delight. Greatsword low and slightly pointing behind, the crossguard lay by my right thigh as I assumed the woman's guard. My mana was mostly restored, and I was ready for more. The wind enveloped me, a breeze covering me like a coat.

Now the duel has truly begun.


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