I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chapter 65: A crazy man.

Map of Frieland.

A few weeks later, after the Kirgfield siege.

Dear Duchess Greystone,

Your actions in the neighbouring Duchies have caused quite a stir in the Grandi Company. Your father doesn't have a day when he does not leave wreckage in his wake. I do understand the old man's anger. As the main seller of Vioden products across the country, he suddenly left clientless. And with more and more of his hidden businesses found by me snuffed out or brought under the raven's clutches, I would expect dead bodies soon. But that would be hard to accomplish as your father has since lost contact with the mercenaries he ordered around like footmen. I presume that could be your doing, your Grace.


About your inquiry about the three Liuens. They left silently. No longer appearing at balls or at the Grandi office, Susan inspected their dwellings, and no trace of them ever being there could be seen, which seemed to frighten the stalwart woman.


I hope all is well.

Your Servant.

Countess Trak.


Status. Sixth circle, Gold Grade.

Leg crossed on the ground, I breathed in. My scarred chest heaved as i huffed in mana. Sucking in the air with my eyes closed and the back of my gloved hands on my thighs, I hammered away at my mana, thinking of the days past. While my men of 1500 make Kirgfield suitable for an army.

Bradshaw was our barrier against the encroaching army. Gently holding them back. They had one important job. Delay. No battle needs to be won. No sacrifice wanted. Just let the Vioden main force inch towards Kirgfield, slowly. Slowly enough for Uncle to arrive in time.

But I was worried. Word should have come of Uncle's arrival yet days passed with silence. Now the Vioden main force of seventeen thousand waited outside the stolen castle. Bradshaw had retreated into the castle with eleven thousand. We waited, with ears perked for an ambush from the dark and skittish eyes looking at the skies. A moat is an obstacle easily traversed, as evidenced by my skilled crew. Could they be trying to starve us while they hijack the town?

We wait. The jubilant castle now felt laden with desperation and hopelessness. Fear.

Each day, I climbed up the stairs to watch our enemy, expecting eyes to watch me. These young men were inspired by my story. Enraged by the injustice, hungry for glory. So intently, beaming the wishes into me. They wish for me to brave it all and destroy our enemy.

I wish for that too. But I can’t be rash. For my wife, I can’t be.

Missing you from afar.

I…miss… you… too….

Her voice was clearer even from miles away. Fifth circle is on the horizon for her. But her cloudy voice from the ring still doesn't beat the real thing. Her voice. A siren song for my ear. I needed to see her again in person. To be with her, instead feeling a whisper of a presence.

It could take hours to go back. But I can't leave them. I must keep their eyes on me.

I willed a Zhenxing pill into my palm. Swallowing it, I immediately felt my lower Daitian pulse and my meridians. Having recently entered the Body stage after Earth, my basin grew larger still, with stronger meridians to carry the immense qi.

One thing Zhi stressed was that we Westerners skipped steps using our unwieldy way of manipulating mana. Qi practitioners, on the other hand, take things slow, as they should, building from the very bottom to make a very strong foundation. So much of training, learning as if a child once more, learning breath exercises, and earth stage techniques like flash-step. As training progressed, I learnt how much I lacked. How Friedland's way was lacking.






Five stages. Having dozens of spar against a master of the soul stage, my interest peaked to new levels. What kind of monsters lay beyond the sea? What monster could I be?

“You can only learn my technique halfway.” Master Zhi would say. “To truly learn them, shed those shackles.” By shackles, she meant the circles that have given me such strength. The circles I spent years in bed mourning. The circles I spent coin after coin, blood, and smelly sweat to fix. Destroy them once more? She must be fucking kidding me.

I sighed.

Calm Qi emboldened my body. Making me light as a leaf and strong as a tree trunk. Untamed energy that is mana slays enemies with swift, powerful attacks. A perfect blend between the Western and eastern disciplines that could fill each other's weaknesses. Complete warrior.

One more circle. I thought to myself. So close to seventh, so close to my goal.

I felt the hum of my meridian tearing and healing from Zhi's medicine. My new circle's form was solid.

I don’t want to feel that afraid again.

My eyes closed, and my tent curtain fluttered open. Someone fast ran in.

“Jimmy. What do you need? Ale? You know we will have to save on that for a while.”


Eyes still closed, I spoke. “Read the damn letter, man.”

“Gosh, you're a bit snippy today. Alright. Ahem! Dear Nephew-”

All the will I had pushed down rose up. I hold and twist the mana. Qi flew from every meridian to my heart to complete the forge. I struck the circle.

Eyes open to a tent ripped into threads. Maps and furniture were ripped and broken. My lieutenant struggled to breathe, leaning on his sword stuck in stone.

“Congratulations, your Grace. An Alarian army comes to your aid.”

“As expected,” I said, grinning with pride, only a nephew could feel for his hero uncle. “Wake the fools up. I am about to bring up morale.”

Wind pushed me up to my feet, and a hand reaching out brought the sword of Osberg from my inventory. I gripped on the worn leather, feeling my glee rising in my soul.

Mana repulsion exploded me hundreds up meters. The whole town in my view, mana filled air held in the blue sky. Greaves snapped on, cuirass felt snug. My helm flashed on my head and LightSight was activated.

A long black cloak flapped in the wind.

Greatsword in my right, slowly my left arm rose. A piece of my armour appeared on my body in flashes of blue. As the hot summer sun shone on my back, I pushed mana to my inventory braces. With my shadow, several smaller ones appear around. From meters above, I saw Vioden men pause under the shadows. Many questioned the sight. The smart trembled as they heard the stories of how I brought death with a thousand blades.

I pointed down at the brown tents, and all blades pointed with me.

I smiled uncontrollably. Uncle’s back!

The shackles around my healed heart whirred as they boosted me with great power.

From the pommels of each sword, mana was repulsed. Swords shot like missiles on top of a hundreds of tents across the moat. A hundred swords hit their marks, and I summoned a hundred more. Screams burst about the bloodied tents like bubbles of hot soup.

That's enough.

Hundreds died from my rain of blades and my mana repulsed me down with my greatsword cutting the air. I spotted a large tent where men of superb strength resided.


I shifted to the far left at a large campfire. Mana burnt harder from my soles. My armour took my man as I braced for impact.

Gust blew debris and dust out of my way as a first circle attacked from behind. I bend forward, letting his blue sword miss me completely. My greaves trip the first circle and my sword cut through chainmail from chest to back.


They broke into splinters against my amour.

A light step and I jumped a few meters up with heavy armour, slicing arrows imbued with mana. I raised my Greatsword high with two hands with blazing blue mana alerting all around of my presence. With a heavy growl, I fell with a devastating slash that cut through the battlefield. Killing the hundreds of weak, my mana slice melting and searing any close to its light. Mana Arrows hit me again with mana imbued. I finally felt the impact of the attacks. But not much.

Dozens of frightened first, second, and third-circle soldiers ran at me. Giving my senses more points, I watched their eyes as they slid down my crater to face me. Desperation.

Yet I slash anyway. Cold steel in my gauntlets showered in the blood and meat of screaming men. Nine cuts blurred and several men burst into red fountains.

Should've chosen a better Duke to serve.

Air became solid under my left foot and I deftly sidestepped away from a fourth circle’s spear. Air solidified under my right boot and I dodged three mana-imbued arrows. Fingers tap the air, making me sense better, fight faster, become stronger. I flashed step out of the creator and with a single swipe of my blade, five fourth-circles fell.

Someone strong. But far away.

I tilted backwards. Mana roasted the air by my face. My sword arm flickered with imperceptible speed, flinging a mana slice from the compromising position and the third circle dropped his sword as his neck spurted blood.

If I have heard the news.

I parried a fourth’s glowing sword. His neck spins while passing him. I saw ten. Nine? Much more than I could count while my sword chiselled deep in a soldier leather armoured collarbone.

Then soon will they.

Before they get the word. Let's have fun and level up.

I kicked the dead off and a spear was pushed aside with my palm. My Jian flashed to my left, piercing three quick holes into an opportunist. My greatsword shaved the pole of a fourth’s spear. As the wood pole cracked, a body was sliced into two, mana cut through into five more. With trained ambidextrousness, I guarded against the group that surrounded me with both swords.

I bellowed, summoning the wind. A swipe of my left Jian sword and wind pulsed out, forcing the group to their feet. Seven rusting swords appeared above me from my inventory, each with a tether. Each flew toward the target and I took a chance to rest with seven skewered in a circle around me.



A plated soldier charged with a blade flared as I put the jian back. Greatsword pommel hooked on finger, I javelin threw my mana-imbued weapon at the seventh. Blocking with a tight grip, the warrior withstood. For a moment My new strength, too strong for the silver grade, pushed down the field. With a tether connected, the greatsword disappeared into my inventory. Strong enemies arrive. Seven Fifth-circle encircle me, converting their mana into cheap imitations of spells.

Weaponless, and leather palms out, my body heats up with Qi.


A right gauntlet smashed through blue. Steel knuckles gouge into a chest. I ripped out a bloody heart from the dead, flicking trailing blood imbued, lacerating several more through more shields.

“WATER ELEME-” Blood congealed into bullets, killing the telltale.

I felt heat. Fireballs rocked me from behind. Lightning struck my left side and pellets of water pommeled me from my right. Armour handled most of the damage while my shimmering Goldskin endured the rest.

Mana is not enough. Let's go back to the fundamentals. To what I do best.

Finger flickered, putting points into agility, senses, and strength.

A blue light flashed as I summoned my Greatsword back. I held it above my head and I hammered down, exploding yards of soil and rock. With the dust blown and mist formed, I slayed and murdered. Single-element users heard their friend die and ran away futilely from my heavy blade. As the last fifth crawled away from a missing leg, I felt a strange sensation from far away.


I crouched under a beam of mana. The battlefield slowed to a crawl as my senses focused. The old knight charged from my left, and I found the sniper at my five o’clock. 500 meters away. A second mana arrow flew, threading through the thousands of soldiers. Its hot glow shone as it neared me. A small circular mana shield bounce the mana arrow killing a fourth circle with a hole in his face. Two fingers point at the sniper across the battle, aiming from my shielded forearm. Mana exploded from my finger as I parried down the geezer's sword with my steel.

“You again.”

Senses see I had killed my mark. My sword swooped up, knicking at a weak point in the mana field on the Vioden’s forearm. I lunged and the flat of the Vioden’s blade. Closer up to him, I see his beard curling up.

“Lord Abel. The head's main servant. Opps!” I smirked inside my helm. “Sorry, I mean the head’s brother.”

The Wolfburn’s eyebrows twitched and my sword responded with rapid slashes. He withstood my fast strikes with his shield. A tether created a gust behind Abel. Knocking him off balance, I moved to strike.

“UNCLE!” My sword was swept up by a newcomer, and I flash-stepped back. Long, untamed, deep red hair flowed on his red surcoat.

If Laurent is here…

A footstep caused all to freeze in their place. The man who brought all men to fear walked among his men, ushering them to their knees with just his existence. My mana flared around me, wrapping a shaky finger around my blade. The eight circles approached.

“Finally came out of your tent, you old bastard.”

“Suicide?” The old but beefy Duke looked around at the mess I made with a grumpy look. Taking heavy steps towards me.

“All this… Had you given up? Seeing what you could kill before you fell to us?”
I laughed. “No, no, Duke Wolfburn. Just having fun before you have to leave.”

Old eyes turned furious in a flash.

A hairy hand. An inch before my neck burnt with a bright flame. With all my qi, I flash-stepped away. The grasping hand followed. I zigged to the left. The duke hunted still. I zagged to the right. My cloak was grabbed.

Fucking hell. I flashed away the cloak to my inventory and leapt with all my will and mana with repulsion and wind. My leg was grabbed. Steel around my leg crumpled as the duke pinched my cuisse. Metal heated up, melting my skin in his hand.

“ARGGGHHHHHHH!!!!” My free right foot stomped between the duke’s biceps and forearm. The gripped less for a moment and Mana exploded the hand away from my torn and ripped thigh.

Jets of fire burst from Duke Wolfburn’s back and he continued his pursuit in the air.

I am not ready yet.

“Don’t you miss your grandson???!!!!”

He froze in the clouds; his expression was unreadable. Still fleeing, I reached deep into my basin of my low Diantain. Pulling out all the mana I could muster to rocket through the air.

“ALL THOSE YEARS.” The air became humid. And a light brighter than the sun arose behind. I stopped flying and looked behind, knowing that fleeing was pointless.

“ALL THOSE YEARS WILL NOT GO TO WASTE!!” Inside the Vioden Duke’s hand, a sun bubbled. Blowing the low clouds away from him, the power held in his palms could destroy everything within a mile.

Yet I turned to face him with a heart-pumping circle churning and a large, crazy smile.

“One word and my brother's head will be sent in the mail.”

The sun grew.

And grew.

And grew.

I stared awestruck at the behemoth that torched above.


Bloodline activated


My heart pounded. Black mana flowed. Tinted like blood, it felt good. Too good.

“Demands? I am simply putting an end to things.”


The Duke of Vioden pushed the sun.

Two Dukes drifted to the ground as thousands of soldiers awaited them. Thousands of red surcoat men stared in shock as I still lived after bearing the brunt of their duke’s power.

“Calmed down yet?” I said with a black shimmering flame seeping from my skin. The Vioden duke twisted his beard.

I could. But not today. This isn't the finale I want.

The red-haired, stocky duke looked at me with questioning eyes. I heard a brave man running. "Ah, here it is,” I said, flashing away my helm to let them see my smile.

A skinny footman huffs with his hands on his knees. A rolled-up piece of parchment was ripped from his hand by Laurent, the eldest. Another eight. Unrolling the message, his blue eyes widen.

“Father…” He leaned to whisper in the Duke's ears.

“Your might matches your arrogance. But you have other reasons for it.” The Wolfburn gestured to his son for his large wolf-fur coat. “Attacking the ports. The plan all along?”

I leaned on my sword. “What are you going to choose, dog? Stay here. Kill us all. Take back your precious castle but leave your city unprotected for my uncle to conquer after he takes over your docks.”

The black glow around me settled. Every moment, the exhaustion trickled in.

“Maybe you could split your forces. Save your dock towns from my uncle's terror while keeping us stuck. But your capital is unprotected and I heard some Grandi-affiliated mercenaries have rebelled.”

The duke's eyebrow twitched like his brother's. “Or what I recommend…” I pointed south. “Go Home. Protect it with all you have.”

Out of the crowd, more of the dukes spawn walked with blades aflame with blue mana. Many seventh circles and a three eights sprinkled among them. How they kept them from the Crown Guard is a testament to Duke Wolburn’s cult of personality.

The duke looked at his favourite son and nodded.

“PACK UP!! WE MOVE TO MAISE!!!” Laurent shouted and thousands sprang into action. The duke stood still. Staring at me with dead eyes.

“Is it worth it? What do you want from us? Money? You have enough to fill mountains. Food is never an issue. Your land is rich with resources even the crown craves. The endless digging in our mines. For Coal? Steel? ” I asked the silent eighth circle. The Vioden belted out laughter with his head back.

“HAHAHA. TO ASK A STUPID QUESTION LIKE THAT, YOU STILL KNOW NOTHING!! HAHAHA. Your father raised you poorly! Ah yes. He couldn’t from six feet under! HAHAHA!”


The maniacal laughter ceased, and the fellow duke's face turned cold and unreadable again.

“I know. I knew. ALL Dukes of the great house of Greystone know. Why would it be taught to red-headed simpletons?”

I saw the air around the Vidoen Duke’s body wobble. I raised my hand high, shooting out the Duke’s mana I had swallowed.

A cloud miles above was pierced, and mana vanished into the blue sky. And beyond.


And he did.

"What I want to ask is, How the fuck do YOU know? Did Dad tell you in a drunken stupor? A spy? Even our oldest and most loyal subjects have not a clue.”

No answer. I shrugged.

“My father and you. You were friends. Comrades in the Northern War. For that, I will hold back for now. Even gave you hope that all your scheming, killing, and sons dying were worth it. But speak one word about my family: Even if my heart is pulled out, I won't rest till you join your worthless sons in hell.”

“Empty threats.” The Vioden Duke said with a grin, looking at my leg.


The thigh hurt again. I used all my might and willpower, showing not one bit of ache as sweat poured down my brow. My job was done and a breeze floated me up.

“You never asked.“ I said, looking down at the Duke, surrounded by the relieved.

Duke Wolfburn tilted his head. “About who?”

“Family, huh… We will meet again at your castle walls.”

Flying away from my chaos, following the air currents back to Kirgfield, where I heard a chorus of cheers I have become used to, I felt a tinge of pity for my stepmother. Which disappeared in an instant.

I landed among salutes. His fist on chest, my dear soldier kneeled. Bradshaw came with kneel along with my battle-hardened noblemen.

“Your new orders, Your grace?” Jimmy requested.

I rubbed my ring. “You march to Maize. I will return home.”


Plonk, Plonk, Plonk, Plonk, Plonk, Plonk, Plonk,



Beaten. Starving. I tried to reach for the bar of my cage with my missing arm and collapsed with her sore forehead. Laughter erupted and I hid in shame. Fortunately, none of my guards could see my slip as they drank till their minds turned around a campfire. Anger boiled in me. I willed mana to surge from my beaten body and not a spark came out. I slumped to my bottom. Hopeless.

I had nothing.

Could do nothing. I peeked at the stars that shone between the leaves and I prayed. Oh, I pray harder than I ever had. Harder than the hundred souls I sacrificed.

Take me instead.

“Your prayers have been answered.” Training activated and I crouched with my sole arm up to defend in the dark.

"Relax, young Wolfburn. You will get your revenge.” The voice. Came from everywhere and nowhere. A black sphere rolled into the cage carriage.

“Your last chance.” The sphere wiggled with black mist. “All will be explained on the way to Osberg.”

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