I reincarnated as the Duke from the North.

Chpater 24: Aim



I failed my master.

“TARION!!!” Her Grace screamed as my master was injured by the clawed cursed. Her voice was quaking, unheard, as he was totally engrossed in battle.

I can't help.

I felt the blood trickling out of the left side of my body. Jen had ripped a piece of her beautiful dress to wrap around my injury. My consciousness fading in and out, I see her terrified face with clear blue eyes that the blue gems can't compare.

I failed to protect them.

While I regained my consciousness, I concentrated mana on my injury.

“Everyone follow us! His Grace will distract the cursed and let us escape!” I heard Jimmy's voice. The fourth circled Gamma. The officer master took him to the mines.

The butler carried me with ease with his large arms. Although covered in scratches and gashes, many spiders were held off by the circle-less butler.

I couldn't fair as well as the butler.

Through the shop to another street, the group of civilians were escorted down alleys. Every sight of a lone spider brought hundreds more to be killed. Gamma slayed them by the hundreds but still, they came. We hide and they still find us. Thousands of cursed stopped their attack on innocents, crawling to wherever Gamma was. And at the rear of the thousands of cursed, a giant of epic proportions loomed over the city, stalking us. Its every step shook the city. Her Grace noticed and, with pursed lips, nervously took the reins.

“Osberg Guard, heed my command. If they are to follow us, we will hunker down and protect the perimeter. One, two, three of you find the other platoons. If they have cleared their areas, bring them here. Is that clear?!”


Her Grace found the three-story building for the citizens to hide in. As if the duke had possessed her, she gave orders for archers to stay on guard at the windows on the upper floors. She looked at Jimmy.

“Find my husband. Protect him.”

“The duke will be fine. You are the one in need of my pro-”

Through gritted teeth, “Find my husband, soldier.”

Jimmy saluted and, with mana ablaze, ran out of the building.

I should be the one going.

I fumbled out of Charles' arm, my injury healed somewhat and I walked to my master's wife. “My sword, Your Grace.”

“Kurt your injury…!” Jen worried, her face in despair.

I dropped to my knee, my side still hurting.

“I cannot fail my duty again. Send me to the titan. Let me hold it back. For the Duke will surely arrive and smite all that pursues the Duchess.” I bowed deeper, my shame pulling me towards the earth.


I looked up. Her hand quivered and she handed me my sword, knowing I may not return. Sword in my hand, I take a glance at blue eyes, watering.

I cannot fail again.

Four circles whirled around my heart. Fellow officers moved out of the way of my mana essence as I stepped out onto the road.

My enemy above, almost to the clouds. Sweat trickled down my brow. I gripped my sword to contain my fear until my palm blistered. I took a step, and a hand grabbed me by my left shoulder.

I turned to see a man in a cap, his face indiscernible even in daylight. His grip was stronger than his slight frame should muster.

“Hold on. Help will come.”


Bright light sparkled around, forming strange circles. Immense energy zapped through my veins. My muscles were hot, and a boiling sensation filled me. I kneeled, the pain subsiding, replaced by uncontrollable strength. Feeling as light as a bird, I sprung up to stand. Mana essence leaked off my skin like smoke from the last embers of a fire. My wound was scabbed over.

“What have you…done?” The man was nowhere to be seen. But the gift he left me empowered more than ever.

I will not fail him again.


They are after Venessa. More sure of it now than ever. As if by order, a river of cursed flowed down the streets due east, ignoring soldiers and civilians. Directly to Vanessa's last known location. As Jimmy and I traversed the city, leaping from roof to roof, baby spiders crawled along the streets, heading to where the giant arachnid was. I took a mana-enhanced leap, carrying me yards into the air. With the city view, the arachnid lay ahead. Sparks of mana bounced off the black fur on the spider's long legs.

“Kurt…” mid-leap I saw my captain dance between the tabbing legs of the spider. His inherent talent allowed him to weave through piercing talons. Large bursts of mana flew out of his blade and he dodged once more. Behind him, arrows imbued with mana shoot down at baby spiders. The cursed that survived the arrow rain were picked off by glowing spears.


I landed, breaking tiles. ”James!”

“DUKE!” His face was severe, awaiting orders.

“Go to Kurt. Tell him…”



With taps on the floating window, I allot every point to mana capacity. My four circles spun and my sword caught fire, illuminating the roof and overpowering the sunlight above. I crouched down, my mana coalescing to the soles of my feet. Mana infused the muscles and bones of my legs.

“No, ask him, 'Why is he disobeying my order again?' Haha…”

“Yes, Your Grace…”

I looked to the blue sky. “Protect her. Tell them to hide. I will take care of the beast.”

I leapt hundreds of metres in a moment, and mana exploded from my feet, taking me further. Hair blew around. My face stretched until my teeth showed. I ascended higher. Flying above the roofs, the giant grew larger in my view.


I saw spiders hitchhiking on the mother's back. The giant arachnid’s abdomen buzzed with squirming baby spiders. Between their teeth, they leaked a green liquid.

Spitters. Higher!

Mana repulsion propelled me higher until my people were but dots on the earth. With the whole city in view, my circles spun faster. I felt their mould twist and crack under the speed of rotation. The torrent of mana was almost too much to bear. So I sent it to my blade. The mana blade lengthened and widened. A sword to kill a giant.

I let gravity take me down and gave it some help with mana repulsion. Two shockwaves destroyed the air as I fell. The spitters noticed me and shot venom upward. Even as I pushed against the wind, my skin singed with the green liquid. Falling to my death at supersonic speed, I improvised. Left hand out. I spread waves of thin layers of Mana in front. My face stretched less and the venom bounced off the translucent blue barrier.



In the roaring wind, I stretched my right arm as far back as possible and four holes ached with terrible pain. My blade is blue, bright, and enormous. I hook my index and middle fingers on the pommel and aim. My whole being, in this precious sword of mine. My only chance.

Lands above, let my aim be true.

I roared with my chest, overpowering the blaring wind. Assisted by gravity, my speed and mana burst from my fingertip, and I threw my blade. The air turned to vapour around my sword of Osburg as the air bellowed.

Death rained down from above.


My master had come. Bringing light down on his enemy. Jimmy ordered the officers out of the way as thunder fell to earth. The sword of light hit and a second sun appeared. I watched. My breathing was rough, a sword slicked of spider blood, and my sight gazed at the wonder while others hid inside, out of the way of debris. I watched. I learned. My master had come and I did not fail.







A hole opened in the arachnid, and spitters were incarcerated in the spreading explosion. Mana essence pulsed out, slowing my descent. Mana spurts out my feet and hands and I ungracfully land in the heap of smouldering spider meat.


Utterly devoid of energy, I tried to locate my sword. Body heavy as lead, I heard calls. Whose? I was unsure.


The earth shook once again.

Bloody hell.

The unmistakable tremor of a giant spider brought fear to my soul. I needed my sword. A quake shook the street and I stumbled. Right before falling a large hand picked me up.

“You did well. Help has come.” The figure handed me my sword and unsheathed his from his side. A cold mist drifted from his weapon and my heart jumped a beat. I had not been this happy since first entering this world.

“Uncle… “

A tall, bearded man with long black hair peppered with white smiled as Father would. “Stupid nephews. Having the guest of honour clean up your damn mess.”

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