I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 111

‘…I hope I made the right choice.’

After returning to Aurora’s mansion through the teleportation magic circle, I found myself walking faster due to the nagging feeling bubbling up inside me. I wasn’t sure if I had made the right decision.

The deal I attempted with Minerva was to help me obtain the next weapon I would use in exchange for the location of the dungeon where the Crystal Scroll was kept.

Of course, I didn’t want to pull out the big guns like the Crystal Scroll. I initially presented suggestions that I thought would pique Minerva’s interest, but they were all rejected.

In the end, the only card left for me was the Crystal Scroll or an Ancient Scroll of equivalent value. Since the Crystal Scroll was the easiest to obtain among the ancient scrolls, I went with it.

However, I had anticipated a good reaction, but I didn’t expect it to be this intense.

As soon as I proposed to tell her the location of the dungeon, Minerva’s gaze changed instantly. She jumped up from her seat, hugged me tightly as if to crush me between her chest, and even whined if we could leave immediately, completely disregarding her dignity as a grand magician. It seemed like she really liked the offer.

The original NPC also only showed emotion when the player brought her Ancient Scroll, so it wasn’t completely unexpected… but Minerva’s reaction was much more extreme.

It was clear to see that my trust level had skyrocketed just from the suggestion alone, and I could easily imagine what her reaction would be if the Crystal Scroll truly existed where I mentioned.

I felt like I could already see the future.

‘Well, it can’t be helped.’

Without teleportation, the task could take years in the real world, and I certainly couldn’t undertake such madness. Besides, I didn’t even think it would succeed.

I considered asking the Pope, but according to Minerva, the Sacred Spell used for teleportation operated differently, and the results wouldn’t come out as I wanted.

In the end, there was only one option left.

‘I wonder if the confusion has cleared up… though, if it hasn’t, that would be a problem in itself.’

I glanced down at the garden through the window of the corridor. The battle nuns who had been wandering in the garden had all vanished at some point, likely having returned to the Holy Kingdom, since our main purpose here was Aurora’s escort instead of sticking around after we had returned.

“Could you please wait a moment, Delta?”

Just as I was about to open the door to the reception room, someone blocked my path. It was the head maid who had welcomed us at the mansion’s main gate.

“What’s the matter?”

“I received orders not to let you enter the reception room until permission is granted. These are the lord’s instructions, so I kindly ask for your understanding.”

“The lord said that?”

“Yes. I will inform you as soon as permission is granted, so if you would kindly follow me for now.”

I stared blankly at the reception room door and then turned to follow the head maid.

I didn’t know what the reason was, but since this was an order from Aurora, I believed there must be a good reason for it.

“Uh… um, head maid…?”

“You can call me Lana. What is it?”

As I fumbled for what to call the maid in front of me, she introduced herself as ‘Lana’.

Thinking about it, it had been quite some time since Aurora had taken up the lord’s position, and during that time, she was the first person to welcome us, yet I hadn’t even known her name until now.

“Okay, Lana… Is the Knight Commander inside with the lord?”

“Yes. The lord is currently in discussions with the commanders of the Silver Dawn Knights. Is there something you would like to ask?”

“I was just wondering what kind of conversation would warrant an order for me not to enter.”

Upon hearing my words, Lana stood still. Slowly turning her neck to look at me, her expression was as emotionless as usual, yet something felt somewhat different. It was hard to explain with words, but it felt distinct somehow.

“The order to keep quiet about the conversation hasn’t been given, so if you truly wish, I can tell you what I heard. However, I would recommend against it, personally.”

“…Could I ask why?”

“Because they are talking about you, Delta. Specifically—”

“That’s enough. I understand perfectly.”

I cut off Lana’s words. Just hearing that much was enough for me to guess what kind of conversation was happening inside. As Lana said, it was definitely a topic I shouldn’t be listening in on.

We climbed up another flight of stairs to a room right next to the staircase. It was just as luxurious as the reception room. I sat on the sofa as Lana indicated.

Soon, with a clatter, snacks were brought out. Contrary to my assumption that she would stand behind me in a motionless stance like previously, Lana returned to the sofa with her share of tea.

Thud, her body landed on the cushion.

“What’s the matter?”

As I stared wide-eyed at the shocking sight, Lana, sitting opposite me, tilted her head as if to ask what was wrong.

“It’s amazing to see you sitting properly this time after you usually refuse when I suggest that.”

“I am a maid. A maid shouldn’t dine with her master and her master’s guest at the same table.”

“So then, right now…?”

“The lord has given me the order to keep you company. To be specific, until you are told that you can reenter the reception room, my job is to entertain you, however I can. So, here I am.”

A “companion,” I glanced at Lana, who was elegantly sipping her tea with her knees together.

I knew I absolutely shouldn’t express this outwardly, but honestly, her presence felt rather insignificant. Though, I wondered if this was what it would feel like when Iris and Erica evolved to the next level.

“Yes. As you can see, I am not very skilled in conversation, so it is quite a challenge to fulfill the lord’s order of keeping you company.”

Upon her words, I instinctively flinched. At this point, I thought I might need to practice not showing my inner thoughts on my face.

“However, spending time between a man and a woman doesn’t solely require verbal conversation.”

“Excuse me?”

Before I could even ask what she meant, Lana began to unbutton her outfit. I stood frozen in shock, staring at her as she loosened her clothes.

One button after another came undone, and just when her pale collarbone and black straps were revealed, I finally snapped back to reality and stopped her just in the nick of time. It was extremely close.

“Wait a minute! What exactly do you think you’re doing? Why are you suddenly undressing?”

“I’m trying to communicate with my body since I lack the skill to entertain you with words. Ah, since I’m a woman, this could also be seen as a verbal conversation from a certain perspective. Of course, it’s a conversation using the lower mouth rather than the upper.”

Hearing that left me dumbfounded. Even putting everything else aside, her choice of words was enough to knock the wind out of my sails. I managed to squeeze out a response.

“…I have no intention of engaging in such actions, so please stop.”


In an instant, Lana readjusted her clothes and sat with her knees together as if nothing had happened. The disparity between her earlier boldness and this modest appearance felt like a lie. In that short time, all the buttons of her neck were fastened.

“In my personal opinion, that was an excellent response.”

Lana slightly curled her lips into a very faint smile. To an average person, that would be an insignificant change, but for Lana, this was a revolutionary expression.

“If you had decided to embrace me right there, it would have certainly led to me betraying my master. Of course, I would have obliged and engaged in the bodily conversation if that’s what you wished.”

“Are you granting me permission for that amidst all this?”

“What significance does a mere maid’s chastity hold? However, surely, my master would have been enraged. If the one who embraced me didn’t take responsibility, you’d meet a terrible fate.”


“That was a joke.”


Was that really just a joke? How am I supposed to know where to laugh?

I looked incredibly perplexed, and the slight upward curl of Lana’s lips returned to their usual flat position.

“It’s nothing. Please forget it.”

An extremely awkward atmosphere descended upon us.

I quietly sipped my tea while Lana only poured more tea into my cup without even touching hers when it was emptied.

How long had I been holding my breath in this stifling atmosphere when the door quietly opened? A different maid popped her head in.

“The lord has given permission for you to enter.”

“Understood. Please let them know I’ll be going in right away.”

After answering, Lana quickly tidied up her tea and snack plate. I set down my cup as well, and it too was cleared away at an alarming speed.

In the blink of an eye, after finishing the cleanup, Lana modestly clasped her hands in front of her belly and positioned herself to guide me to the door.

“I will escort you now.”

I followed her obediently. Though she might appear calm on the outside, she was likely feeling embarrassed on the inside. After all, that was probably her attempt at an innuendo, given my lack of reaction.

Instead of trying to break the tension with a futile conversation, it was better to remain quiet.

“Shall we enter?”

Upon reaching the reception room, Lana grasped the doorknob. However, she paused for a moment before murmuring to herself.

“Please forget about the display I’ve shown.”

I hadn’t even had the chance to answer before the door swung open. For a brief moment, it felt like her ears were slightly flushed, but it passed too quickly for me to confirm.

Stepping inside, I heard the clunk of the door closing behind me. A very quiet atmosphere welcomed me—briefly, because it turned noisy as soon as I entered.

Aurora looked at me with a sly grin, and Claudia waved at me with a similar smile.

Erica and Iris were shifting their gazes away. The fact that those two were avoiding my gaze meant they definitely had something to hide.

Lastly, Lizé was trembling with her face flushed bright red. It wasn’t hard to guess what kind of conversation had taken place inside.

With Claudia smiling like that, and Iris and Erica glancing nervously while stealing glances at me, it was definitely something I had experienced before.

As Aurora opened her mouth, still grinning at me, she said, “This is amazing, Delta. Is the saying true that taller men are bigger in other areas too? Looks like I’m seeing you in a new light after all?”

“Have you ever thought about how it feels for me to hear such words right after I come in, my lord?”

“What does it matter? I heard you like to be complimented on your height. There’s a witness too. You’re feeling good right after coming in, aren’t you?”

Aurora pointed at Lizé, whose face was buried in her chest. Then, she started laughing while looking at me with a bewildered expression.

“Just a joke, just a joke. Since the commanders were making faces like that, I tried to lighten the mood with a little joke, so relax and take a seat.”

Somehow, I felt like I was beginning to understand whom Lana had learned such ‘jokes’ from.

I sat down in an empty spot on the sofa. As we all gathered, Aurora transformed back into her lordly demeanor, smiling brightly.

“First of all, thank you all for your hard work coming back from the Holy Kingdom. It must have been exhausting dealing with those religious folks, so I’ll have our people handle the city borders for a while, so take some time to rest. And…”

Aurora continued talking about something else afterward. Most of it concerned matters relating to the commanders rather than me, especially a lot of things Iris had to take care of.

“Ah, Delta, we have a lot to discuss, right? The information I went through so much trouble to find is something you must find a good use for.”

Then suddenly, her golden eyes turned towards me. I simply nodded in acknowledgment.

“I understand. Thank you, my lord.”

“Yeah, yeah. If you’re grateful, repay me with your body later. Now, this is the last thing: Delta, you must stay, while the others can do as they please. You can stay or return to the castle; it’s up to you.”

Although I was given the command that it was okay to leave, no one stood up. It was an obvious outcome. Even Aurora, who had given the order, looked as if she expected this to happen and began explaining.

As I listened to Aurora’s explanations, I finally felt a sense of relief that I could finally progress the main story.

Just two days later, I met the abrupt disaster known as the emperor’s decree.

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