I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 115

Cold sweat beaded on my back. My mind felt blank. What did Kaiquilia just say? Did she ask if I had a good time with the Pope?

Gasp ‘Could it be that my antics in the Holy Kingdom have been discovered?’

If I was right, this was no ordinary dangerous situation.

After all, the Popes had sent an Inquisitor all the way to the Imperial Palace to take me back to the Holy Kingdom, showing an unreasonably large interest in me.

But in the end, the claims I made back then turned out to be all lies. The Pope of the Sun and the Pope of the Moon crossed the line with me, didn’t they?

Regardless of how events unfolded, the results spoke for themselves: the Pope had deceived the Empress. There was even a risk that this could escalate into a conflict between the Empire and the Holy Kingdom.

All because of me.

“Why the silence?”

Her voice pierced through me like ice, snapping my senses back to reality. I couldn’t buy myself any more time. I had to respond with something. I cranked my brain into high gear.

It was crucial to determine whether Kaiquilia really had figured out what had happened between the Popes and me in the Holy Kingdom, or if this was just a bluff to probe my intentions.

For two days, while the Knight Commanders were sprawled out suffering from their hangover after drinking the Moon’s Kiss, I kept receiving calls from the Popes, even while I stayed next to Lize.

We spent most of our time in conversation. Not body parts talking, but actual verbal communication. It was around that time that I learned the Usage of the lunar eclipse from Luna.

Naturally, conversations about Kaiquilia came up too, and the Popes assured me that it was impossible for her to notice our relationship, so I had nothing to worry about.

There were barely any means for the Empire to monitor the Holy Kingdom, and even if they tried to spy on us using magic, the Popes claimed they would notice first.

If the Popes were telling the truth, then Kaiquilia’s actions right now were merely to test my intentions.

If I let her threats get to me and revealed the truth, it would be the peak of gains for her, and even if I didn’t fall for it, she could just use her power to squash me down.

If I tried to brush off her threats as merely her probing me, I couldn’t exactly express my dissatisfaction.

With that in mind, it was better to play dumb and deny everything.


But what if she really had figured it out?

What if she used some means even the Popes didn’t know to uncover the truth and was now testing how I’d respond?

I would be lying to the Empress. That was the worst-case scenario. Depending on how Kaiquilia handled it, not only I but also Aurora and the Knight Commanders could face backlash.

“If you keep your mouth shut any longer, I’ll take it as an act of defiance.”

Kaiquilia’s voice grew sharper. Time was running out. If I remained silent any longer, mere silence would be enough to raise Suspicion.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and made a decision, finally managing to speak.

“…I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.”

“Don’t understand? Did you say you can’t comprehend my words?”

A deadly tone flowed through her lips. I instinctively suppressed the fear that was trying to surge within me.

This was the method I chose. Responding right away was impossible; I needed to extract as much information from Kaiquilia as I could.

Of course, if things went south, I couldn’t guarantee my future. But even if I messed up my response, I couldn’t guarantee that either. Given that, it was far better to try something.

“Yes. So please show me a bit more mercy and let me hear exactly what you mean in your noble voice.”

This was essentially a gamble, but I had my reasons for hoping.

My belief that Kaiquilia, who was so unreasonably focused on me, wouldn’t immediately grab the Holy Sword and end my life. That was my anchor of belief.

What if it went more wrong than I expected? Then I’d just have to face the consequences. Just entering the Imperial Palace for an audience with the Empress was already miles away from what I knew; what could I do now?

“You’re playing games with words, aren’t you? Let me tell you, this will be a fruitless endeavor if you think I hadn’t noticed.”

The gaze fixed on me became even more intense. My heart dropped again at her words and sharp stare, but I somehow managed to compose myself.

I couldn’t show any signs of shaking. If I did, it would truly be irreversible.

“I have no idea what you’ve managed to pick up on, Your Majesty. So please, in your vast generosity, show me mercy.”


No reply came. Kaiquilia merely stared at me in silence.

The growing anxiety tightened its grip on my heart. I felt as if my throat was getting choked up. My chest felt heavy. It was hard to breathe.

While I desperately tried to calm my slightly trembling body, Kaiquilia, who had been gazing at me, finally opened her mouth.

“Come closer.”


“Must I say it twice?”

“No, Your Majesty! I’ll move immediately!”

I quickly sprang to my feet and took a few steps forward. As I tried to kneel again, a dull voice came through.


I stepped closer.


I stepped even closer.


I closed the distance until I was just within reach of her leg.


Finally, I was close enough that I could touch her with just my hand, stopping only when she ceased asking me to come closer. I knelt at that spot, looking up at Kaiquilia.

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Kaiquilia, with her blood-chilling expression, stared at me with her golden eyes.

Tap, tap, tap sounded in a regular rhythm. The sound of her left index finger tapping against the armrest. Her leather boots, rising to her ankles, bobbed up and down in time with the sound.

“You’ve said something truly interesting.”


“Have you read my mind?”

The sound abruptly stopped.

The right leg that had been resting on her left thigh was moving back to its original place, but due to the bent knee, it was pulled toward me. The heel settled onto the edge of the throne.

With her knee raised, Kaiquilia pulled her thigh up toward her chest. The soft mound of her chest was gently pushed to the sides and reshaped.

From underneath the extremely short skirt of the uniform, the black lingerie that had been hidden between her thighs now became fully exposed.

“I didn’t order you to lower your head. Listen.”

I wanted to hurriedly bow my head, but her fierce voice forced me to keep my eyes on hers. More accurately, on the undergarments located directly in front of me.

It was exceedingly provocative lingerie. There were lace details everywhere, and its overall size was so small that even my palm couldn’t fully cover it.

As if the surface area wasn’t small enough, it was also incredibly thin, allowing the contours of her Genitalia to be clearly visible even through the lace.

Kaiquilia seemed fully aware that my gaze was directed between her legs, yet appeared unbothered about hiding it. If she had any intention of concealing it, she wouldn’t have behaved this way in the first place.

The instant I tried to avert my eyes, her golden gaze widened, forcing me to stay fixated on her thighs and thoroughly observe the lingerie and what lay beyond.

Time passed as I stood there, and then Kaiquilia extended her right leg high into the air and casually placed it atop my left shoulder. Her calf pressed down firmly.

“Indeed, that is true. I will not deny it.”


“No matter what, whether you or Minerva, you cannot verify what happened in the Holy Kingdom. Isn’t that obvious? While I have my suspicions, plans have become futile, so those are nothing more than inconsequential doubts.”

Pressing down with more strength, her calf dug deeper into my shoulder.

“However, how curious a man you are.”

The knee of the leg resting on my shoulder began to bend gradually.

Her calf touched my wing bones; her heel pressed against my side. My body tilted forward due to the pull of Kaiquilia’s leg.

I staggered, shifting my footing to avoid tipping over. The distance between my face and the black lingerie-wrapped Genitalia naturally reduced.

“Why are you so unfazed, even when meeting my gaze? An ordinary person should tremble and spill the truth at the slightest brush of it.”


“You certainly did the same last time. You seem to be doing it again now.”


“If you truly do not believe me, I could test that with the women over there. I could expose every detail you’d rather not speak of as a human. Would you want that?”

“…No, Your Majesty.”

In truth, I was feeling that sensation now.

When I first met the Empress in the mansion, I experienced an unexplainable chill and unease coursing through me.

I was acutely aware that standing before the Empress left me feeling as if my innermost thoughts were being laid bare, which was a common testimony among the NPCs, and I felt that deeply.

It was undeniable that there was something uniquely powerful in Kaiquilia’s gaze.

However, I clearly felt that the fear I harbored now was less intense than before. The reason remained a mystery. Perhaps it was because the Dark Magic cast upon me was affecting me more, or perhaps there was another reason entirely.

“How intriguing. Truly fascinating. In all my life, I have never met a human who piqued my interest like you.”

Kaiquilia’s knee bent further. My body was drawn even closer. It was only once she pulled me to the brink of burying my face in her Genitalia that she finally paused her actions.

I was close enough that I could merely stick out my tongue and lick the lingerie. A somewhat sweet, fruity scent wafted into my nostrils. I felt a hint of moisture as well.

The leg pressing down on my shoulder rendered me incapable of moving freely. No matter how I tried to turn my gaze, my left side was swallowed entirely by her thigh.

Above me, I could see her lower chest tightly encased in her uniform. Even attempting to look down at the ground was thwarted by the black lingerie that dominated my field of view.

“Since you’re doing this, how about you?”

Kaiquilia leaned forward. Even while nearly shoving me into her Genitalia, her surprisingly flexible waist followed her own commands without any strain.

“Are you interested in me?”

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