I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Chapter 92

‘Divine Power of the Sun and Moon?’

For a moment, I wondered what the heck that meant.

Divine Power is originally classified into two types depending on the kind of spells: Sun or Moon. Using a Sun Sacred Spell means it’s Sun Divine Power, and using a Moon Sacred Spell means it’s Moon Divine Power.

Of course, just because they are categorized doesn’t mean there’s any special difference; there aren’t any monsters that are weak only to Sun-type Divine Power or to Moon-type Divine Power.

It’s just categorized like that.

‘Sun is obvious, but what’s with the Moon?’

What Sun Divine Power meant was clear. The solar eclipse enchanted on the Blood-Stained Sword. That was the highest-ranking Sun Sacred Spell, so of course I’d feel the Sun.

But what the heck did the Moon refer to? I hadn’t used any other Sacred Spell except for the solar eclipse, nor had I ever acted in a way that could evoke Moon Divine Power.

Seeing that they specifically mentioned the Moon, it seemed like there was something to it.

‘Ah, could it be because of the catalyst?’

Suddenly, I thought of the Sacred Catalyst tied at my waist. Originally, it was Selene’s item, so it wouldn’t be strange for it to express some residual Divine Power.

After all, the Inquisitors were the beings that stood as the true military might of the Raphael Holy Kingdom in place of the rarely seen Popes.

So, the conclusion was this.

“That’s not my power!”

Not being able to discern reality from fantasy, this guy must have completely lost it.

ㅡAre you still lying?

“Why can’t you believe me? It’s true, this isn’t my power.”

Taking advantage of the moment when it paused to spout useless words, I quickly checked that no magic was coming and activated the solar eclipse. Sunlight illuminated the area.

Maybe it was because it had been asleep for so long, but it seemed like this guy had genuinely gone mad. If it mistook the remaining Moon Divine Power in the Sacred Catalyst for its own power and claimed it with such confidence, it was definitely off its rocker.

It kept demanding to know where I got such power, but I ignored everything it said and prepared to charge in. There was nothing to be gained from talking to this guy for too long.

‘I need to catch it and get out as quickly as possible. What’s the point of dragging this out here?’

Since there was no response, it seemed it had given up and lifted the Sacred Catalyst. A dense, black light emerged from the catalyst again. As soon as I confirmed that motion, I started sprinting in the opposite direction.

The black sun it had levitated during the opening of the 2nd Phase. It intended to shoot that magic straight at me.

I deliberately stayed as far away as possible to increase the distance the magic would have to travel, and as soon as the black sun was shot, I quickly twisted my direction and charged towards the Creature Abandoned by God.

If it had been on the ground, simply hovering in the air would have scorched the air and devoured the soil. Instead, the black sun landed far away and triggered a grand BOOM! All around, black flames erupted.

It was dangerously far for a direct attack. I needed to observe one more pattern. I avoided its foot as it lifted its right leg and rolled in, threading inside just as its foot slammed down.

Then, I swung my sword toward the shin cloaked in the Abyss and shadow.


The trail left by the Blood-Stained Sword melted away in thick white smoke. It halted its actions, clutching the now-melting left shin, and let out a scream of agony.

I had stopped my actions too. Even while instinctively creating distance to understand the pattern, I couldn’t hide my dazed expression.

What on earth was happening?

‘……What just happened?’

I glanced down at the Blood-Stained Sword in my right hand. It was just the same color as before, emanating a white light mixed with gold, the blessing enchant. At least, that’s how it appeared to my eyes.

But the outcome derived from that was entirely different. I turned my gaze to the monster emitting pained screams while surrounded by the rising white smoke from its shin, which kept burning in agony.

The flesh that had melted away. The white smoke still rising from the melted spot. The monster radiating in agony.

I had been shocked when I first noticed that my faith wasn’t decreasing, but this was many times worse. I couldn’t even guess why this situation had unfolded.

‘A bug…… no way.’

Out of a curious whim, I had tried a few bugs that had never been fixed due to limitations in the physical engine of Brightest Darkness 4. Naturally, none of them had worked.

This world was just like a game, not the same as the game. Weapons bouncing off carpets or objects the size of human arms effortlessly blocking giant hammers just didn’t happen.

So, whatever this was, it ultimately meant that I had caused the situation.


I didn’t know.

I truly couldn’t think of anything. I had felt something strange when my faith had stayed constant, allowing me to use the solar eclipse without limit, but this was completely outside any expectations.

Melting the body of the Creature Abandoned by God with a single sword strike? If I could do that, I wouldn’t have entered here ready for a long-term battle.

No, I would have switched my build to Cleric long ago. If the power of an enchantment-type Sacred Spell was this great, then using an attack-type Sacred Spell would surely be even more insane.

ㅡWill you still claim that this isn’t your power after all?

The monster’s scream pulled me back to reality. I didn’t have time to be dazed. Who knows, this solar eclipse might have been even more enhanced than before.

If that were the case, I absolutely couldn’t miss this opportunity.

I narrowed the distance that I had opened up. Dodging the black spikes rising from the ground, I once again raised my sword toward its left leg.

It seemed hesitant about feeling that pain again, as it startled and tried to pull its leg back, but its movements were too slow. Just as its leg was half-lifted, brilliant sunlight cleaved through it.


With a sharper scream this time, its leg melted away in chunks. It had panicked and tried to retreat earlier, but this time was different. Gritting my teeth, I dodged its attack and continued to swing my sword.

Whether or not the solar eclipse was coating my strikes, unlike the last time when it only sounded like thud thud as I hit the tree with a wooden sword, this time, every swing made flesh and skin slice away in ribbons.

How long did I swing? As it was hacked, torn, and melted, its leg finally made a snap sound and bent sideways. The monster’s body swayed and then collapsed to the side.

It was a situation I had never experienced in a game before, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t react. I simply took a few steps sideways to avoid the collapsing body.

THUD! The heavy mass fell awkwardly. It seemed to be struggling to lie on its back, held by its tail, and if it fell sideways, its arms would get in the way.

It tried to push itself up with its arms, but I wasn’t about to let it get back on its feet. I immediately approached its shoulder and focused my attacks on its arms and shoulders.

Occasionally, it resorted to spell-casting or swinging weapons in a desperate attempt, but those careless attacks were like not having any defense at all against my sustained strikes.

‘Should I completely ruin at least one arm just in case?’

The blade, enveloped in white light, sent chunks of flesh flying, and the skin emitted white smoke as it evaporated. No need for finesse, just touching the area made it disappear entirely.

I continued to slash at the monster’s right shoulder until the solar eclipse was about to extinguish, then slowly stepped back only after my buffs had fully faded.

The monster’s condition was pitiful. Its previously attacked left leg was twisted at a grotesque angle, leaking black liquid. The remaining parts looked like they were on the verge of tearing apart.

The right shoulder, which I had focused my attacks on, was almost unrecognizable. Its face was nearly parallel to the ground.

With the shoulder in that state, there could be no way the arm was fine. The huge weapon that had swung around like a show of strength was now compressed pitifully under its own weight.

The monster screamed, but it seemed to tire itself out, repeating painful breaths of huuh and huuh.

ㅡHow…… could an insignificant human…… possess such power…….

“Well? I don’t know. If I had, I would have used it long ago instead of poking around like this.”

ㅡIf it hadn’t been for that…… that power……

“Why? You think you could have won if that wasn’t there?”

I smirked.

Sure, I had taken this unknown circumstance to beat it comfortably, but even if everything remained normal, it simply would have taken longer; the outcome wouldn’t have changed dramatically.

To say it lost because of some unidentified power without even landing a single hit until the 2nd Phase was its own lack of self-awareness. Was it revealing its true nature as it neared death?

In games, when close to death, they often showed their true nature, claiming they should rule the world.

“Without even landing a hit? I doubt you would win. If you’re going to die, just die quietly instead of having a delusion of victory.”

I took out the Sacred Catalyst and brought it to the Blood-Stained Sword. A bright sun rose.

ㅡIt’s impossible…… an ordinary human couldn’t possibly endure that power…… before the vessel melted away…….

It twisted its body, trying in vain to stand, but the injury to its upper body was too severe; its struggles were futile. From all its wounds, aspects of the Abyss and shadows flowed freely.

‘You think the vessel wouldn’t hold?’

The meaning of that was easy to deduce. It meant that whatever power I’d just displayed was at a level that an ordinary person couldn’t possibly endure, whether temporary or permanent.

But for some reason, I had endured and even managed to use it freely.

I could totally understand why it thought I wouldn’t be able to endure it. What I had done was enough to slice apart an entity that even the current Pope couldn’t do anything about.

It was a power so outrageous that most wouldn’t even be able to manage its output.

‘Well, there’s no need to think about “why” right now. I can just ask the Popes later.’

I slowly approached it, gripping the Blood-Stained Sword with both hands. Instead of giving it time to babble, it was a better choice to simply attack and put an end to it.

Moreover, when it came to matters of Divine Power, the Popes would undoubtedly know much more than it did. I didn’t want to waste time listening to it ramble on.

“Alright. I get it, so save the rest for the afterlife. There’ll be plenty of people to listen to you there. I can’t be bothered to hear more.”

I got closer to its head. Just in case, I was ready to roll away at any moment. I couldn’t afford to get careless and die after having caught it.

Seemingly having given up on life, the monster showed no signs of movement. It felt strangely anti-climactic for the last boss of the ‘Awakening Evil’ DLC to meet this fate, but I quickly changed my mindset.

In fact, the more anticlimactic the boss battle, the better. It meant I could clear it safely and without any threats to my life.

I carefully aimed for its head and thrust my sword inside. I had no idea how much health it had left, but thinking ahead, I intended to hit it a few more times and then pull back—


Before I could finish my thought, its body exploded with a deafening bang!

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