I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 34

I picked up a racing game.


Honestly arcades make me nostalgic, at the time I came from hey are virtually non existent, though they are still more or less used in Japan.


I went past the cars one by one. I am fairly decent at this type of game so it wasn’t that much of a problem.


Asia said, “Fast! You are so fast Akira-san!”


Well I felt a bit proud seeing the praise and then..




The sign of wining appeared on the screen. I turned around to see Asia disappeared.


I looked around in panic and found her near the crane game machine.


“What is it?”, I asked her.


“Hau! N-No…… I-It’s nothing”, said Asia trying to hide it.


When I saw the game it was the “Rache-kun” doll. This world’s version of a certain mouse. Well it’s popular worldwide here so no wonder she likes it.


“Asia, do you like Rache-kun?”, I asked her.


“Eh? N-No, t-that is……”, she said as her face got red and nodded shyly.


I know she likes it very much.


So I said, “Okay. I will get it for you!”.


She said, “Eh? B-But……!”.


“It’s okay, I will get it”, I said.


That being said these shits require luck.


But luckily I got it in my 6th try. Asia was getting worried as well.


“Yes”, I said clenching my fist after the victory.


Then I gave it to Asia saying, “Here you go”.


Asia became so happy that she held the doll to her chest.


“Thank you very much, Akira-san. I will take care of this doll”, she said.


“Hey if a doll can you make so happy I’ll get you next time”, I said.


But she shook her head and said, “No, this Rache-kun that you gave me represents the wonderful day I met you. Since today is the only day I met you, I will take good care of this doll”.


What she said made be blush and I turned away my head.


Anyway I decided to continue playing so I told her, “Okay! We haven’t started yet! Asia, we will play for the whole day today! Follow me!”.


“Y-Yes!”, she said as I took her hand went further into the game center.


“I played a lot today”, I said.


“Y-Yes……I’m a bit tired……”, said Asia.


We were walking in the streets laughing. It was already evening.


Hahaha, I've skipped school today and had fun till dusk.


But we were both tired Asia and I.


As we were walking, “Oh, ouch”, I said as I was almost fell from the yesterday’s wounds, they still completely healed yet. I was feeling the pain.


“……Akira-san, are you injured? Is it from yesterday……”, said Asia with a cloudy expression.


“Can you show me your injuries?”, she asked.


“S-Sure but first let’s find a place to sit”, I said.


We found an abandoned basketball court and sat on one of the benches.


She place her palms at the injuries and  warm and gentle light shines there, it’s a warm and green light and the injury heals. She continues doing that until all my injuries are healed.


“How is it?”, she asked.


I checked my body and said, “ I feel great, it’s healed Asia, thank you”.


She smiled at that and nodded.


“Asia this is a sacred gear right?”, I asked.


“Yes, it is”, she said.


I then decided to show mine as a sign of trust so I said, “To tell you the truth, I also have a Sacred Gear. Here it is” and showed it.


Asia puts on a shocked face after hearing my confession and said, “Akira-san, you also have a Sacred Gear? I didn’t realize it at all”.


“Haha yes. But yours is a pretty good one Asia. It can heal both humans and devils”, I said.


I knew this was a bad topic but we have to go somewhere with the conversation to make my plan work.


Asia made a complicated expression and then a sad face and then started to cry.


I didn’t know what to do and felt bad making her remember her trauma.


I tried  calming her down and then told me her story as the “Holy Maiden”.


I listened patiently, while I knew of it I did forget some bits, you can’t possible remember every single details.


She was cast out as a witch for healing a devil, no one defended her but she said, “……It’s because I didn’t pray enough. It’s because I’m clumsy. I’m so stupid that I can’t even eat a burger by myself”, she said wiping her tears and laughing.


I wanted to tell her that those in the church were the assholes but at this moment I wasn’t sure if I should considering her faith in god and so deep belief in the church. So I kept quiet.


“This is also a trial that the lord gave me. Since I’m a clumsy nun, the lord gave me this trial. So I have to endure it”, she continued saying while laughing as if she was talking to herself.


“I’m sure I will make lots of friends one day. I have a dream. I want to go buy flowers with a friend, buying books and……talk……”, she said while full of tears.


“Then I’ll be your friend. I mean we are already friends right? We enjoyed together today. Let’s go buy some flowers and books next time”, I said unable to deal with her crying anymore and deciding not to wait any more for a perfect moment.


Asia stood up looking puzzled.


“I-I am a devil but it’s all right. I won’t ask for your soul or life. I can help you get away from those people the fallen angles. I am sure I can convince my friends to help you. Also I’ll give you my number, call me whenever you like”, I said as I took my phone out of my pocket.


“….Why?’, she asked.


“Why not Asia? We played together right? We had fun. You told me your story and you even defended me when I was in trouble in front of Freed. That’s what friends do,”, I said.


“……Is that a pact with a Devil?”, she asked.


“It’s not! Asia and I are going to become actual friends!”, I said.


But Asia put her hand on her mouth, and once again starts to shed tears.


Though, this time, her tears didn’t seem sad.


“……Akira-san. I have no common sense”, she said.


“No problem common sense is something you can learn through experience”, I said.


“……I can’t speak Japanese. I also don’t know about its culture”, she said.


“No problem I can teach you that. I can also give you books and stuff to learn Japanese”, I said.


“I also don’t know what to talk about with a friend”, she said.


“Don’t worry , we talked today right? Just talk normally ad you will be ok”, I said with a smile and held her hand tightly.


“So will you be my friend?”, I asked.


She nodded her head and smiled.


Mission successful. I thought.


Now all I need to do is to bring her to the ORC to protect her.


“It’s impossible”, a voice suddenly said, shaking me out of my thoughts.

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