I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 37

Akeno went and whispered into Rias’s ear, Rias nodded after listening to that.


Rias said, “An urgent matter came out, me and Akeno will be out for a bit”.


I knew where they were going so I asked, “Wait, you guys have found out where the fallen angles are hanging out right? So you are going there to ask questions?”.


Rias looked at me and sighed and said, “I guess there is no hiding from you. Yes that’s where we are going, but it’s not a place for you to go to”.


Not paying attention to the last line I continued, “So how many are there? Is Raynare there?”, while I knew three were there in the original but since she failed to capture Asia she might be there.


Issei flinched at my question.


Akeno answered, “Yes she is there and there are 4 of them but what do you intend to do  with this information?”.


“Well you see, the fallen angles gathered at the church and their followers are a danger to us and our way of life so we must take this opportunity to get rid of them. Also if you are afraid that they did this according to their superiors’ orders then don’t worry they are acting on their own, so no need to be afraid of starting a war, of course when you interrogate them they will tell you about this, I am just letting you know in advance”, I said with a smile.


Rias looked at me for a moment almost dumbfounded but then she shook her head and sighed and said, “Thank you for the information, let us take care of the fallen angels, if you want to help why don’t you guys go after the priests and exorcists in the church?”.


“I think it will be better if all of us are present in front of the fallen angels. Don’t get me wrong I am not doubting your and Akeno-san’s strength Buchou but I think it’s better to be careful, we can take care of the priests after that, they aren’t going anywhere  and more important I think Ise should be present there to have a final talk with Raynare, you know to sort things out and bring a closure to this?”, I replied.


Hearing me Rias looked at Issei who immediately shook his head saying, “I-I don’t want to go, I don’t think I can handle any conversation with her now”.


I looked at Issei and said ,”Ise”, he looked at me and I continued, “Ise trust me when I say this, you need this, you need to face this, otherwise later in the future you may regret not going”.


Rias looked at Issei concerned and said, “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to”.


Issei looked at both of us and was in a deep thought for a few seconds and then he shook his head and said, “No I will go Buchou”.


Rias asked anxiously, “Are you sure?...”.


Issei looked at me and smiled and said, “Yes what Akira said is correct, I need to face my past”.


I nodded and smiled.


Rias then said, “Ok everyone, let’s go”.


“Wait a second”, I said hurriedly.


Rias asked, “What?”.


I said, “While I think everyone should go, I think we should leave Asia here, she doesn’t have any battle experience and they are specifically targeting her, so I think she will be safer here”.


Asia immediately said, “No no Akira-san I can help, you have helped me get a new life I want to help you too, I promise I wouldn’t be a burden”, her eyes full of determination.


I just smiled and patted on her head and said, “Asia listen to me, there will be plenty of opportunities later where you would need to fight, you can fight there and help me ok? I promise you there will be future opportunities, however in this particular situation you are in danger, what will happen if you get caught? So trust me ok?..”.


Asia looked at me for a moment and then nodded.


I then turned to Rias and said, “Buchou I have a request, it’s a small one”.


Rias looked at me and asked, “What is it?”.


I said, “Well while I don’t want to take Asia with us to the fight, I don’t think it’s safe to leave her alone so can we please leave her with the Student Council President and the Vice President?”.


“Student Council President? Why?”, Issei asked loudly.


“Well she is a devil too, she is of House Sitri, her real name is Sona Sitri, her name in school Souna Shitori is an alias, like Buchou she is also the heir of the Sitri clan, one of the 72 pillars of the underworld also the Student Council is composed of her peerage, and she is also Buchou’s childhood friend”, Akeno clarified issei’s doubt with a smile.


Issei looked shocked.


Asia who wasn’t aware of all these things only looked confused. She tugged my sleeve looking worried. I just smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry she is a good person and trustworthy, she will be able to protect you well, trust me”.


Asia smiled at my response and said, ”I-If you say so Akira-san”.


Rias wondered for a moment and then turned to Akeno saying, “Akeno please call Sona”.


Akeno nodded and went out. After sometime she came back with Sona Sitri a bespectacled girl with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes and her Queen Tsubaki Shinra a young bespectacled girl with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye .


When she came in Rias said, “Welcome Sona, I have something to ask of you, before that I like to introduce to my new peerage members my second rook Akira, my pawn Issei and my newest member Asia”, while extending her towards us.


“Hello  I am Akira Suzuki”, I said. “Hello I am Issei Hyoudou”, said Issei.


“H-Hello I-I am Asia Argento”, said Asia nervously.


Sona smiled and said, “Nice to meet you all” and then turned to Rias and asked, “So Rias what did you call me for?”.


Rias said, “Sona me and my peerage are going for a mission but it’s dangerous so since Asia just became a new peerage member it’s dangerous to take her there, plus she is their target, so can you please take care of her while we are away?”


Sona looked thoughtful and asked, ”Dangerous? Is it fallen angels?”.


Rias  nodded and said, “Yes”.


Sona nodded and said, ”Ok we will take care of her rest assured. Tsubaki”.


“Yes Kaichou”, Tsubaki nodded and went to get Asia.


Asia looked at me and I nodded and so she went with them. We both waved bye at each other.


Before leaving Sona turned and looked and said, “Be careful by the way”.


Rias smiled and, “I’ll be careful, you know me”.


Sona nodded and left.


Rias then looked at all of us and said, “Ok then let’s go, Akira provide some of your demonic power to Issei so that he can teleport using the magic circle”.  I nodded and stood beside Issei.


We all said, “Yes” in unison and we all stepped in the magic circle Akeno conjured and then a light enveloped all of us.

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