I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 46

After few days alter as I was going to school with Asia.


Asia has adjusted well with her school life and made friends with the girls. Also since she is a beauty everyone likes her and she seems to be able to get along with everyone due to her kind nature unlike a loner like me.


“Everyone is very kind towards me. They are teaching me a lot of things so I would get familiar with Japan. I also made lots of friends. I was also invited to go shopping with them”, is what she said.


Of course I was worried about her so I asked her everyday how school was and that’s how I knew she did well, not everything can be seen at a glance even if you are in the same class.


Asia said, “It’s a good weather today. Akira-san, we are playing softball for physical education today. It’s my first time, so I’m excited”.


Asia is walking towards the school happily. I’m walking next to her.


The students who goes to the same school as us are looking at us with intense eyes.


“Why is Asia-san walking from the same direction as Suzuki……”


“Impossible……what’s going on……?”


“It must be some kind of mistake, not just Rias-oneesama, but even Asia-san……”


It was what the students were screaming. Yes they weren’t even trying to be subtle. My name was unknown before but ever since that day I walked to school it has become relatively more know, can’t help it Rias is popular.


But anyway this type of reaction doesn’t phase me. After becoming a devil I have gone through enough shit and humiliations.


There were some students who confessed to Asia because they were like “If Suzuki can, so can I!”, but they were rejected immediately. What idiots but hen again they don’t know the whole situation and it’s not like I can tell them so I guess that’s an acceptable assumption give their knowledge was lacking.


Because of that, there are those who holds a grudge against me. Even now, there are people looking at me with eyes filled with hatred.


Other’s might think that I am just playing around with the beauties hearts and body the latter assumption might come from my being friends with the perverted trio (but it can’t be helped, they are my only friends after all apart from the ORC members) but that isn’t true.


Among such retorts we reached our classroom.


And as soon as we entered class…….


“Asia-chan! Good morning!”, said Matsuda the baldy.


“Good morning, Asia-san. Your blonde hair is shining today as well”, said Motohama the one wearing glasses.


At that moment Issei entered the classroom and looked at us and said, “Good Moring Asia, Akira, Matsuda and Motohama”.


“Good morning Matsuda-san, Motohama-san, Ise-san”, said Asia.


“Good morning Ise”, I said not bothering the greet the other two perverts as they forgot to greet for being obsessed with greeting Asia.


The two of them gets emotional after getting greeted by Asia and said…….


“This is the thing, isn’t it, Motohama-kun?”


“That’s right, Matsuda-kun. Getting greeted by having a beauty say “Good morning” gives life to us from morning.”


What a bunch of desperate idiots. Sigh.


Issei nodded and said, Yes you guys are correct”. Well expected nothing less from this guy.


Then suddenly….




“Gufu!”, I said in pain.


Matsuda punches me to my stomach.


“W-What was that for, baldy!?”, I asked angrily.


But he continued to laugh and kicked me in my leg. And it hurts I don’t know why despite the fact that I am a rook and have defense it hurts, is this is a psychological thing or the world’s anime power at play?


Damn jealous much? It’s not like I can help that things are this way you know? It just is.


“Hahaha. Akira-kun. I heard about it”, he said.


“Heard what?”, I asked.


“I hear that you walk to school with Asia-chan every day, right?”, He replied.


“Yes so what?”, I said.


“That’s weird. Why? Why do you two come to the school from the same direction? I wonder why?”, he asked. They must have heard it from somewhere.


“Oh that? That’s obvious it’s because Asia lives with me in my house, right Asia?”, I said bluntly while looking at Asia.


“Yes. I am being taken care of at Akira-san’s house”, said Asia.




Both of them got quiet after seeing Asia answer with a smile. It looks like they are speechless.


I feel bad for them but one of them hit me so oh well. Issei didn’t say anything as he already knew being a member of the ORC, he just sulked and cried silently.


“It’s a lie!”, Matsuda denied it strongly even crying.


“I-Impossible…… Akira who was all alone until recently  living with a blonde beauty in the same house……? That can’t be……the law of this world will collapse……”, said Motohama fixing the position of his glasses with his shaking head. He’s also trembling even though he’s desperately trying to act calm.


“T-Then do you even get woken up by Asia-chan in the morning!?”, Matsuda questioned.


“Well I get up most days by myself but sometimes Asia does have to wake me up like today. Thanks for that by the way Asia”, I said smiling and looking at Asia.


“Because Akira-san is such a sleepy head. Ufufu”, Asia replied.


Ah, Matsuda drops on the floor.


Motohama then asked, “Does she even refill the plates for you……?”.


“Well yes. Mum also praised that you are a thoughtful girl, Asia”, I said smiling and looking at Asia.


“Oh my……you are making me blush”, saia Asia blushing while putting her hands in her cheek.


Seeing that, Motohama glares right at me through his glasses and it looks like he’s about to shed tears of blood. Honestly I am a little scared by these two but at least Issei is quiet, it would have been too difficult to maintain a somewhat tame atmosphere otherwise.


“You! You actually know lots of cute girls, don’t you!? Rias-senpai! Akeno-senpai! They are the “Two Great Onee-samas” of our academy, you know!? Then our school’s small idol, Toujou Koneko-chan, and now the blonde beauty that just transferred, Asia-chan! This is wrong! It’s so unfair that I’m about to break!”, Matsuda whines while holding his head down.


Well to be fair Issei knows them too.


Motohama fixed his glasses then said while putting his face close to mine and in a low tone which surprisingly had a high intensity, “Akira, I don’t think introducing a single girl to us will be a bad thing. No, I mean, please introduce us to someone. I beg you. Please”.


Well honestly they are the only girls I know of well if you exclude the maid café girls however they have a straight work code and can’t be exposed.


And I don’t want to be like Issei and introduce Mil-tan, I mean I will get hit by them for that more importantly I am not interested in the reward they had planned for this either because I don’t want to peek at girls changing clothes and more importantly get hit by Koneko or any other girl for the matter. More importantly whatever little dignity I have before the school populace will be shattered.


So I said with a smile, “Unfortunately those beauties you said are the only ones that I know. I know why don’t you ask Issei ? He knows all the girls I know. Who knows maybe he knows some girl I don’t?”.


At my words Matsuda and Motohama’s expectant faces turned towards Issei.


“W-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING…”, he protested loudly but Matsuda and Motohama wouldn’t have it.


Matsuda said, “That’s right Ise you also know the girls Akira knows, so give us a girl’s number”.


Motohama added, “Yes if you are our friend you must at least do this”.


With this and a little more persuasion Issei agreed and the exchange where he gave them Mil-tan’s number after checking with him took place.


They will be angry with him later and he will be punched by Koneko again but that’s none of my business.


With that I was able to avoid trouble that’s what matters.

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