I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 53

Next morning Issei got in trouble with Matsuda and Motohama for recommending them to meet Mil-tan. They looked like they got quite the shock meeting him.


Anyway the injury Issei got Koneko the day she told his two friends about mil-tan and they let him peep on the girl’s changing was surprisingly minor, so minor that it didn’t require Asia to heal him. I don’t know why this changed from the anime.


Anyway after school Kiba, me, Asia and Issei were making our way to the ORC room.


Outside the door of the room I could sense Grayfia’s strong presence.


“……For me to finally realise the presence here……”, Kiba said that and his face became serious.


Issei opened the door.


Inside the room are Buchou, Akeno, Koneko and Grayfia. Grayfia looked calm.


Issei in character was staring at Grayfia despite the seriousness of the situation.


Rias had a very unpleasant face. Akeno was smiling s usual but she had a cold vibe.


Koneko was sitting on a chair at the corner quietly. It seemed like she didn’t want to get involved with others much as possible.


The room has an atmosphere where no one is talking.


Kiba quietly said “Oh my” from behind me.


The four of us entered the room but none of the members were talking to us like they usually do.


That’s how tense the atmosphere of this room is.


Asia  also felt uneasy so she held onto my sleeve with an uneasy face. I patted her head to comfort her and to make her feel safe.


Rias spoke after looking at us, “Looks like everyone is here. Before we start the club, there’s something I need to tell all of you”.


“Ojou-sama, do you want me to explain the situation?”, asked Grayfia.


But Rias rejected Grayfia by waving her hand.


Then she started to speak, “The truth is—”.


It happened exactly when Rias started to speak. The magic-circle on the floor glowed.


The symbol of the Gremory drawn on the magic-circle changed into an unfamiliar pattern.


Yep Riser is coming.


“—Phoenix”, Kiba whispered.


The light shines through the room and a person appears from the magic-circle.




Flames come out from the magic-circle, and the room gets flowed with heat. Hot! Sparks are burning my skin.


There is a silhouette of a man inside the flames. When he swings his arm across to the side, the flames disappear.


“Fuu, it’s been a while since I came to the human’s world”, said Riser.


He was wearing a  burgundy blazer with gold embroidery on the right with matching pants and black dress shoes. Underneath his open blazer is a white dress shirt that is not fully buttoned (just one button short), giving a slight view to his chest.


He was a tall and handsome young man in his early 20's with short blond hair and dark blue eyes.


He had his hands inside his pocket. Somehow, he looks like a host. More like, is he a host-Devil?


Riser looked around the room and then smirked after seeing Rias.


“My lovely Rias. I came to see you”, said Riser.


Rias is looking at him with her eyes half closed. It doesn’t seem like she is welcoming this guy (obviously). But Riser doesn’t seem to care and approaches Rias.


“Now then, Rias. Let’s go and take a look at the ceremony hall. The date of the ceremony is decided so we need to check it before then”, said Riser.


He then grabbed Rias’s arm. He really is shameless isn’t he?


“……Let go of me, Raiser”, Rias said that with a deep and serious voice while shaking Riser’s hand off. She looked pissed.


Raiser doesn’t seem to care about having his hand shook off and is just smirking.


“Hey, you. You are being rude to Buchou. Actually, what’s with that attitude towards a girl?”, Issei blurted out.


Riser looked at Issei and then started looking at him as if he is some kind of trash.


“Ah? Who are you?”, Riser asked in a displeased voice. He was clearly looking down on Issei.


“I am the servant Devil of Rias Gremory-sama! I’m the Pawn, Hyoudou Issei”, said Issei.


“Hmm. Ah, okay”, said Riser.




Issei slipped and almost fell down after Riser said that. Poor guy, must have hurt that Riser doesn’t care about you right?


“I mean, who the heck are you?”, asked Issei again.


Riser looked surprised by the question.


“……Oh? Rias, you haven’t mentioned me to your servants? I mean, are there guys who don’t know me? A reincarnated Devil? Even so”, asked Riser.


“I didn’t tell them because there was no need”, said Rias coldly.


“Oh my, harsh like always. Hahaha……”, Riser said that and started laughing.


Then Grayfia came in the discussion and said, ““Hyoudou Issei-sama”.


“Yes”, said Issei a bit confused as he has not seen Grayfia before.


“This person is Raiser Phoenix-sama. He’s a pure-blood High-class Devil, and the third son of the House of Phoenix. And he is the husband of the next heiress of the House of Gremory”, said Grayfia.


Issei looked at her incredulously.


“He is engaged to Rias-ojousama”, said Grayfia.


“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!”, shouted Issei. Poor guy can’t blame him, this revelation is indeed shocking.



“The tea made by Rias’s Queen is superb”, said Riser.


“Thank you very much”, Akeno was smiling but it’s clear that she is not happy.


Rias is sitting on the sofa. Raiser who carelessly sat next to her and was holding her shoulder. Rias keeps on shaking his hands off, but Riser keeps on touching her hair, hands and shoulders.


Issei looked pissed off looking at him.


Me? Well I am just bidding my time, waiting for the right opportunity to comment.


“Stop it already!”, Rias’s angry voice echoed throughout the room.


Rias got up from the sofa and was glaring sharply at Raiser. Raiser on the other hand was smirking like usual.


“Raiser! I told you before! I will not marry you!”, said Rias.


“Yeah, I heard that before. But Rias, that won’t do, you know? I think the situation of your household is quite serious”, replied Riser.


“That’s none of your concern! If I’m the next heiress for the House of Gremory, then I will choose who will become my husband! My father, brother, and everyone in the clan are rushing it! Also it was a promise that I will be free until I graduate from university of the human world!”, said Rias.


“That’s right. You will basically be free. You can go to college and you can do whatever you like with your servants. But your Otou-sama and Sirzechs-sama are worried. They are afraid that your household will become extinct. We lost a great number of pure-blood Devils in the last war. Even if the war has ended, our rivalry with the Fallen Angels and God hasn’t ended yet. It’s not rare for the successors of pure-blood Devil to get killed in the worthless battle against them, which leads to the household becoming extinct. So for a pure-blood Devil that are also happens to be a High-class Devil, getting together would be the obvious solution for the forces of Devils. A pure-blood High-class Devil. Even you know that these children will be important from now on, right?”, said Riser.


Rias and Riser continued to argue.


Rias becomes quiet when Raiser started a serious topic. Though her sharp eyes hasn’t changed. Raiser continues to talk after drinking the tea.


“The newly produced Devils—. The ones like your servants, the reincarnated Devils, are expanding in terms of strength but that would make us, the High-class Devils with old history background, lose our place. There are old nobles who gets close to the reincarnated Devils because they are very powerful. Well, that might be alright. The newly produced Devils are also important for our future. But we can’t allow the pure-blood Devils to go extinct right? You and I were chosen in order to prevent the pure-bloods from going extinct. My house is safe because I have my older brothers. But there are only two siblings in your house. And your brother is someone who left the house. Then there would only be you, Rias, who can inherit the House of Gremory. If you don’t take a husband, the House of Gremory will go extinct in your generation. Are you trying to crush the household that has been continuing for a very long time? Because of the past war, there is not even half the number of Devils who were referred as “72 pillars”. This marriage has the future of the Devils on the line”, said Riser.


“I’m not going to crush my house. And I am willing to take a husband”, said Rias.


Hearing that Rias smiled and said, “Oh, to be expected from Rias! Then let’s—”.


“But I won’t marry you, Raiser. I will marry the one I acknowledge. Even the Devils from the old noble house have the right to choose”, said Rias.


Hearing that, Raiser suddenly becomes unpleasant. His eyes become sharper and he even makes a noise with his tongue.


“……You know, Rias. I’m also a Devil who carries the name of House of Phoenix behind me. I can’t let that name get tarnished. I didn’t even want to come to a small old building like this in the human world. Rather, I don’t like the human world that much. The fire and wind of this world is filthy. For a Devil like me who rules fire and wind, I can’t stand it!”, said Riser.




There are flames around Raiser. There are small bits of fire around the room.


“I will take you back to the underworld, even if I have to burn all of your servants”, said Riser.




His hostility and killing intent fills the room. The pressure from Raiser’s body come right at me, no, at us.


I feel something cold on my back, and it feels like all the hair on my body is about to stand. The killing intent directed by a High-class Devil.


Issei was trembling. Asia hugs my arm because she got scared.


The rest of us weren’t trembling but Kiba and Koneko seemed ready to fight.


Buchou makes a stance against Raiser, and there are red aura coming out of her body.


Raiser also starts covering his body with fire. Intense heat fills the room. Hot…… That fire, it’s obvious that we will get turned to ash if we get hit by that! I can feel the same strength of demonic-power as Buchou from his flames!


The flame gathers around Raiser’s back and forms into wings of flame. Exactly like a fire bird.


That’s my cue.


“How uncouth”, I said fairly loudly so it got across everyone in the room.


Everyone turned towards me surprised.


“What?”, said Riser in annoyance, his flames still up.


Not being afraid I calmly said, “I am saying that you are uncouth. Are you really from a noble family? If so you must have been taught noble etiquette right? But the way you behave is simply like a hooligan. Are you perhaps a black sheep of your family?”, I added the last sentence with a smirk.


“What? How dare you? Who the hell are you to speak to like that?”, said Riser angrily. His flames rising.


Not flinching I calmy bowed and said, “Ah where are my manner. Nice to meet you I am Suzuki Akira. I am Rias Gremory-sama’s Rook”.


“Rook.? And you dare speak to me like that? Rias, what’s going on with your discipline towards your servants!?”, said Riser angrily while looking at Rias but Rias ignored him.


“Pardon me. Have I said something wrong? While it’s true that your engagement was decided by your families, Buchou has yet to agree to this marriage. Which means that you and Buchou are strangers. And at the very least you should respect her opinion. Yet instead of following proper etiquette you are continuously touching her inappropriately even when she refuses. And even threatening of kidnapping her”, I said with a smile.


“You. What do you know about etiquette? Why should I learn about etiquette from you. Rias is my fiancé. I am sure I am behaving properly befitting my house. Don’t say things you don’ understand”, said Riser angrily, his flames increasing, this is getting harder.


“How about I show it to you? Surely you don’t object right? If you are in the right you shouldn’t object and judge what am I about to do”, I said smiling and then turned to Grayfia and said, “Grayfia-san do you mind judging my noble etiquette performance?”.


Grayfia looked at me and bowed and said, “If that’s what Suzuki Akira-sama wishes. I will be the judge of your performance”.


Riser looked angry but he couldn’t go against Grayfia so he said, “Tch. Fine, do as you wish. If the strongest Queen accepts that then I can’t help but agree”. He then got rid of his flames and rias got rid of her power of destruction.


“Very well”, I said happily. “So what I am going to show right now is how you should have acted when greeting Buchou”, I said.


“You ready Buchou”, I said and smiled at her.


Rias was a bit confused but nodded.


I then gracefully walked towards Rias and bowed with a smile and then took her right hand in mine and kissed the top of her hand and looked up at her and said with a smile, “My lady. I wish to talk about the engagement between us. Will you be willing to hear me out”. Then I winked at her.


Rias blushed for some reason and looked away and then said, “Y-Yes..”, in a small voice.


I then let go of her hand and pointed at the sofa saying, “Can you discuss it over tea?”.


Rias looked at me and smiled and said, “Yes sure”. Riser who was angrily watching said, “Tch”.


Smirking I looked at Grayfia and said, “So Grayfia-san how was it? Was it the right etiquette?”.


Grayfia looked at me sharply and said, “Yes, although the posture needs work, that is indeed the right way to greet a lady”.


I looked at Riser and smirked and said, “There you go”.


Riser was livid and shouted, “You bastard. How dare you mock me!”, and his flames started glowing again.

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