I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 60

The  day of the fight after school everyone went to their homes.


I on the other hand went to old school building. I wanted to meet Gasper before the fight. We weren’t able to spend much time together due to this rating game stuff.


I wanted to see how he was doing and also talk to him before the match.


I knocked at the door at his room and said, “Hello Gasper this is Akira. I came to talk to you. I wanted to talk to you before but I was you know busy. For that I am sorry. Can we talk?”.


A brief silence and then an excited voice answered, “Akira-senpai, I knew you were busy with the upcoming rating game. I heard it from Buchou. I also heard that you were training the hardest. You are so cool senpai. On the other hand I..I am useless. I can’t do anything to help Buchou”.


I could feel his sadness. I immediately said, “Gasper didn’t I tell you. You are not useless. Your power is most valuable to our team. You will get well in time I promise. Just keep trying for now. For this match don’t worry we will win. Then we can celebrate together”. I  hope my words reassured her.


A moment of silence. Then Gasper said, “I-I understand Akira-senpai. I will get stronger and be cooler like Akira-senpai”.


“That’s the spirit. I smiled and said.


“G-Good luck for the match. Win it for Buchou. I know that Akira-senpai can do it”, said Gasper’s quivering voice.


I smiled and said , “Thank You. We will win don’t worry”.


After that we did some small talk and I left.


I was at my house.


Right now, it’s 10 o’clock at night. The decisive battle will start in two hours, exactly from 12am.


We plan to meet up at the club room 30 minutes prior to the match, so I can only stay here for about 90 minutes. But still, I feel the most relaxed here in my own room. So I want to stay here as long as I can.


I’m wearing my uniform. I thought this will be the most fitting clothing for this. I asked Buchou and she said I can wear what I want. When I asked if there some unform she had in mind she smiled and said, “If my group has a uniform, then it has to be the uniform of Kuoh academy. We are the members of the Occult Research Club after all”.


Hence my choice of clothing. I was feeling a bit nervous to be honest. It was my first rating game after all. And the stakes were high. Despite my confidence in winning it I still had worries. Well that was natural.


I can do this I can win this. My battle plans are ready. I just have to execute them perfectly. I just hope the battle doesn’t change too much from the anime.




Someone knocks on the door. Huh? Is it Asia?


“Akira-san, may I come in?”, asked Asia.


“Yeah, sure”, I replied.


Asia entered wearing her num uniform. I wasn’t shocked as I knew she would be wearing this. She didn’t have her veil on though. And of course her Rosario but that’s to be expected since she is a devil now.


“So you chose that outfit?”, I asked.


“Y-Yes. When I asked Buchou-san, she told me, “Wear something that you feel the most comfortable in”. I thought about it a lot, and I found out that this outfit is the easiest for me to move around in. ……I’m not a Christian anymore, but I haven’t forgotten my beliefs. Even though I’m a Devil now……”, replied Asia.


Despite being turned into a devil her faith is still there, it’s honestly kind of amazing but that’s what she is and it makes her who she is. Plus she did look more natural in her nun outfit.


“You look great”, I said.


“Thank you very much”, Asia replied smiling, she seemed very pleased with my praise.


“U-Umm, Akira-san?”, Asia suddenly asked.


“Can I sit beside you?”, she continued.


“Y-Yeah. Sure”, I replied.


Asia approaches me who am sitting on my bed and then she sits beside me. She then hugs onto my arm tightly.


“W-What’s wrong?”, I said cause I felt her arms shaking.


“……I can’t stop shaking when I think that there is a scary battle waiting for us. But if Akira-san is with me, I will be okay”, Asia replied.


“It’s ok I said. I promise to protect you”, I said as I smiled reassuringly.


“Ehehe. Thank you. I’m not scared if I’m with Akira-san after all. ……Can I stay like this until we leave?”, asked Asia.


“Sure”, I replied with a smile.


“……Can I stay with you forever from now on?”, asked Asia.


I froze. A confession now at all times huh? Well it doesn’t matter I had to face to sometime anyway. So let’s give her the answer.


Noticing my silence Asia was looking at me with a worried look.


To ease her worries I smiled and gave her the answer, “Yeah, we will always be together”.


Asia smiled brightly. She seemed very pleased with my answer.


I hold on to Asia’s hand gently and we stay like this till we left the house. After that, I didn’t feel nervous anymore and Asia’s shaking has also stopped.

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