I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 77

After school was over I was packing my stuff up to leave. I planned to meet Kiba today after school.


I am dreading meeting Rias at home today after what happened, I am especially worried since we have the club meeting today at my home as well as the building is still being cleaned.


AS I got up to leave, I heard a “Kyaa!” from several girls and looked in the direction of the sound and saw Kiba standing at the classroom door waiting for me, smiling and waving.


This guy, I told him to meet at the Café. Because of the rumours going on because of Issei and his friends, it’s dangerous to be seen leaving the school together with him.


Sigh, whatever nothing can be done now.


I looked at Asia and nodded telling her to go home without me as discussed prior. She nodded back showing that she understood.


So, I approached and said, “Let’s go”. He nodded and we started walking towards the shoe locker and after we put on our shoes out of the school.


Throughout this time I could hear whispers here and there, they were………..


“Ugh, I can’t the prince is going with a guy like him…..are the rumours true?”.


“No, no it can’t be, I don’t want to believe it”.


“Kyaa, so the rumours were true”.


“They look  good together”.


Sigh, they aren’t even being subtle, this is why I wanted to meet in the café. Kiba probably heard it too but he didn’t look bothered at all. In fact he looked like he wasn’t aware of anything, with his usual smile on his face.


I don’t know why, it bothered me a lot.


As we walked out of the school towards the café, I asked Kiba, “Didn’t I tell you to wait for me at café? Why did you come to my class?”.


Kiba smiled and said, “I thought it would be easier if we both went together, we were going to meet anyway and the distance is short. Why? Did I do something wrong?”, he asked with an innocent look.


Dude, you definitely did it on purpose to annoy me, you are probably laughing internally right now.


I sighed inwardly and said, “No nothing”.


We got into the café and sat at a corner away from people. We ordered our food and waited until our food was served and the waitress left.


I then casted a magic spell to create a sound barrier so that no one can hear our conversation.


I looked at Kiba who was waiting for me to start and said, “Now then, since no one can hear us let’s start”.


I continued, “I’ll get straight to the point, Kiba I am here to talk about ‘holy swords’, specifically the ‘holy sword Excalibur’”.


Hearing my words Kiba stiffened and his face turned serious, all that smile gone and he was glaring at and he asked me, “What do you know about the ‘holy sword Excalibur’, tell me”.


Well as expected, this who Kiba truly is, well anyway it doesn’t matter I came here to do something, I have to finish it.


“You want to destroy all 7 Excaliburs’s correct?”, I asked in a serious voice.


“Yes, that’s what I live for”, Kiba answered immediately.


I replied calmly, “Yes, if you want to do that, the next few things that will happen will aid in your endeavor. So, if you want to get revenge don’t even thinking to leaving or running around on your own. If you do that you’ll never be able to get your revenge. I know the future trust me”.


Kiba stayed silent for a few seconds then said, “Fine, I understand. I will trust you since you have been correct before. But I want to ask, why did you think I would run way?”.


I said, “Well, in the original you saw something that reminded you of holy sword and that made you think about of it a lot and you wanted to run away to take your revenge yourself. OF course something like that didn’t happen now and it won’t happen but I still wanted to make sure you don’t something stupid”.


KIba smiled and said, “I see, is that all wanted to talk about? I am sorry I have a lot to process, so if you are done I will leave”.


“Wait, there’s more”, I said quickly.


Kiba said, “Ok, tell me”.


“Well, it’s about your friends from ‘the holy sword experiment’, they didn’t want you to take revenge, they wanted you to live your life freely”, I said expecting an outburst. And it come….


Kiba’s face distorted in indignation and got u and slammed the table saying, “Don’t joke with me. Why would my friends not want revenge. You don’t know we were treated, how much we suffered. Don’t talk about things you don’t know”.


I calmly replied, “Yes, it’s true that I don’t know how much you suffered and I don’t want to dare imagine it. But Kiba, what did your friends tell you just before you escaped?”.


Kiba said, “What my friends told me…….” and came to a realization and sat down.


“They told me to survive”, muttered Kiba in a low voice.


I nodded and said, “Yes, they wanted you to survive and live your life happily without any restraints and not worry about revenge or the past. And I am not saying it because of what they said then. You’ll meet them again or rather their spirits, very shortly and they will tell you that then”.


Kiba remained silently for a minute and said, “I see…it’s hard to believe”.


I said, “I Know it’s hard to believe it so I won’t force you to believe me. Rather I want you to stay with us and see what happens, rather than running around. You waited a long time for this, a bit more won’t hurt right? Besides……”.


“Besides what?”, asked Kiba.


“Besides it will be wrong to do that to Buchou who saved your life and took you in, right? And also we are all friends and comrades here, try to rely on and believe in us, like we do with you”, I answered with a smile.


Kiba said, “Friends..”, with a wry smile. He appeared to be in deep thought for a while.


He then said with a smile, “I understand what you said. I will stay back. But make no mistake I still want my revenge. I am sorry I cannot fully believe you, I hope you understand”.


“No problem, trust takes time to develop and this is too much for you at the same time after all. And I am not telling you, to not take revenge. Those bastards definitely deserve it for what they did. But try not to get consumed in your revenge. If you do it will not only be betraying Buchou’s expectations but your former friends too. Try to enjoy your life with us. We are your present and future after all”, I said.


Kiba was surprised at my words. He didn’t expect me to not rule our destroying the Excaliburs, but that’s expected from what I said.


Kiba then smiled and said, “I’ll try to do that”.


I smiled and put out my hand, “Then it’s settled”.


Kiba looked at my outstretched hand and then took it and shook it and smiled and said, “Yes”.


With that we both returned home, I had a smile on my face with my mission accomplished.

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