I Reject Quests

Chapter 213: Prelude (4)

Rewen faced two incoming attacks from two directions. He could move back but if he did move back, all his effort would go to waste. He wasted a second to push off Blue10. If he moved back, the Blue10 would come back again. This time, the same trick isn't going to work again. He would certainly find a way to guard himself and then, Rewen would be in a tough spot because instead of facing two incoming attacks, he would be facing three.

That doesn't mean that Rewen is in a good position. 

'If only I had skills…' Rewen stiffened his arms and relaxed, then looked straight. Blue4 was approaching him from his left. He seemed to be preparing to execute a skill as his left hand gave some sparks. Blue7 was approaching him from the front and had no signs of executing a skill.

'So what if I have no skills?'

Just before Blue7 could deliver a blow, Rewen moved towards him and grabbed his elbow. He pulled it, using it as a guard from Blue4. 

Blue4 who was planning to execute his skill hastily tried to stop but unfortunately, the skill was already in the process of being executed.


His hand made contact with Blue7's elbow and both of them flew back.

Blue4 flew off from the rebound of trying to stop an already half-executed skill.

Blue7 flew off from the skill. 

Rewen was all clear. In front of him was Luciana who had a dark look on her face.

He took a single step and came extremely close to her. 

Two seconds left before his luck runs out.

Rewen chucked, then stretched his hand towards her.

At this moment, he failed to notice that Blue10 was no longer on his spot. 

Behind him, Blue10 had a burning red arrow in his right hand. He waited for his opponent to let his guard down and prepared to strike. Targeting the arrow on Rewen's head, he stretched his right arms backward.

Just when he was planning to throw the arrow, he felt his body lighten. Before he could know what was happening, he was pushed back and thrown out of the window.

The sound of glass breaking made Rewen alert and he instantly turned around.

"What the fuck…" His eyes slowly turned to the two people who he hadn't confronted until now.

Blue1 coughed a mouthful of blood and had difficulty in standing. "I...I'm sorry. I overexerted myself. Go after him." 

Blue2, who was barely keeping his balance with his one knee, stood up in great difficulty and ran towards Rewen.

Rewen wasted no time and grabbed Luciana by the neck and brought her closer to his chest. 

Blue2 stopped and looked at their target in silence. 'Reinforcements will be arriving in a while. I have to stall him for time before he does anything to her.'

With one hand grabbing the struggling Luciana's neck, Rewen used the other hand to squeeze her jaw. "Mmm!" Luciana refused to open her mouth.

Rewen squeezed her jaw harder and immediately her mouth was wide open. 

"Good. See? You don't have to resist." Rewen whispered in her ears, while taking a small brown candy from his pocket, then pushed it on her mouth.

Blue2 became tense. 'What is that? Is it poison? Should I rush?' A second later, he made his decision. 'They will be arriving in a while… It's better not to make any foolish moves. He'll be done once they arrive.'

Luciana didn't know what the brown candy was but she knew that it wasn't anything good. She violently resisted but how could her struggle be of any use against someone who has a physique of a peak Rank 3 Mage?

Rewen forced the candy down her throat, then pushed her down.

His work was done.


Travil Town. 9-View Street Colony.

It was a deserted neighbourhood.

There was only a single large building in the entire colony.

The building was half-constructed with only walls made and no colors.

On the ground floor.

A large screen was placed in front of dozens of masked people. Not all the people in the organization were present. Not all the people in the organization need to be present. It should be just enough to make it seem like there are people.

Before the large screen sat the young doctor with a laptop on his desk. "Is the projector connected?"

To his right stood Dorothy who nodded. "It is."

"Alright. Let me just see if he has come to the meeti-"


His smartphone suddenly rang.

"Ah, it must be my wife. Now that I think about it, I forgot to bring my lunch. Sorry to disturb everyone. Haha..." The young doctor casually took out his smartphone from his pocket and looked at the message.

His face instantly turned strange.

A while later, he called someone.

"Where is the Left?" He asked as soon as the other party picked up the call.

"I have not heard from him yet. What should we do?" The voice on the other side in a grave tone.

The young doctor leaned on the chair and looked up, fiddling his hair. "Set a meeting point. Let's see… bring him to the Downtown Night Alley. I have a way to solve this. That's why don't make a move. If anything happens, we can always run."

"Got it, Boss."

The young doctor ended the call.

The others in the room were puzzled by the stressful look on his face.

The young doctor passed his smartphone over to Dorothy. "There's a problem. Watch the video and bring everyone to Downtown Night Alley." He said, before leaving the building within a fraction of seconds. 

Dorothy looked around and saw everyone's urge to ask questions. He took out the cord of the projector from the laptop and inserted it on the phone. Then, he played the video.

The large screen revealed two people - a man and a woman. The man had wet red hair as if he had just come out of the shower. He was lying on the floor. The woman was above him.

This was the scene. 

Some people watching the video recognized both the man and the woman. One was their target and the other was someone they were tasked to protect.

Ten seconds later.

The red-haired young man effortlessly took down five Rank 3 Mages. 

"What a lucky bastard…"

"Who knew that his [Dual-Linked Skill] would fail? From what I can tell, it looks like it's due to overload."

"Even if you ignore that, he still took down five high-ranking people in our branch."

"Forget about that. Why the fuck is he so strong?"

"Ah, indeed. Wasn't he supposed to be an E-ranked Martial Artist? Where did he get the strength to contend against Rank 3 Mages?"

"Yeah. What the fuck is going on?"

The members of the organization discussed with each other. They were concerned but not panicked. Who cares if someone managed to knock out five Rank 3 Mages? They have more than thirty Rank 3 Mages and more than a hundred Rank 2 Mages. With the numbers on their sides, they didn't believe that a single Rank 3 Mage could do any harm?

Dorothy quietly looked at the video once again. 

"Right. What poison is that?" A male Rank 2 Mage asked Dorothy.

Dorothy looked at him and let out a rare smile. "Who told you it was poison?"


Downtown Night Alley.

Rewen walked alone into the alley. A cold wind blew on his face. 

He was satisfied, to say the least. 

He handed Luciana over to her guards who took her to their Boss.

He didn't really care about her taking her as a hostage. 

The "candy" he forced Luciana to swallow was an explosive he had ordered through Svety. The reason why no one attacked him after he did so was because…


Blue2 gave a single glance to Luciana who was at the ground and prepared to attack the man in front of him.

Rewen raised his hand in a surrendering manner. "You can come to me if you don't fear her life. This wristband that I'm wearing is connected to "Touchable Sense Water" which is linked with the candy. Oh, and also, the candy is explosive. In simple words, the moment I feel that my life is threatened, I could blow her up."

Hearing this, Luciana shuddered.


His work was done.

Eventually, he came to a stop and looked at the man in front of him.

"You are very young for being the Big Boss." Rewen chuckled. 

The man was a young doctor. In the middle of an empty alley, he was quietly standing while leaning on a wall. Upon hearing Rewen, he lightly laughed. "You flatter me. I'm just a Boss, not the Big Boss."

"Well, good to know. So… where is the remote?"

"It's not with me." The young doctor replied with a straight face.

"Oh, come on now." Rewen sighed in an exaggerated manner.

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