I, Sasuke, pass through Naruto

Chapter 37

“He was actually freestyle swimming!”

Temari was shocked to see Sasuke moving wildly in the quicksand!

“Can…The”hateful” Gaara’s eyes are vicious, his teeth are gnashing, and his expression is distorted

“Why is your posture so standard!!!!”

Gaara yelled!

A cold chakra overflowed from the body. Gaara waved his hand and a huge sand bomb condensed.

Sand Release·Big Sand Bomb!! Sasuke, who was wrapped in flesh armor, had just swam out of the quicksand when a shadow appeared behind him.

Sasuke’s muscles could be seen moving forward to stretch his chest and biceps. He held up his hands and made a clanging sound, huge. The sand bomb was caught by his hands!

“Ouch! Ouch!!!!”A huge roar came from Sasuke’s throat, and the condensed sand bullets were lifted up by him like boulders.

“Atlas?!”Temari was shocked and didn’t know what nonsense she was talking about (Atlas, the god who was punished for holding the sky in ancient Greek mythology)

“Let you see how powerful I am!”Gaara grinned! He pressed down hard with his hand, and the weight of the big sand egg suddenly increased. As Gaara’s hand pressed down,

“Ouch! Ouch!”Bald Sasuke’s legs were slightly bent, and he was gradually pressed down.

Hehe…Gaara trembled slightly, and at this time I saw Sasuke howling |

“Roar!”The muscles grew bigger again, and purple chakra rose up on Sasuke’s body, just like the legendary Super Saiyan Broly.

As he shouted, his waist straightened, and the huge sand bomb was hit by him again. lift | come

“Can…Can|evil…!”Gaara’s increased chakra continued to suppress, and Sasuke was suppressed a little more

“Ouch! Ouch!”Sasuke exploded again, veins all over his body popped out, his muscles and armor continued to grow in size, and he held up the big sand bomb again.

“Go down!!”

“Ouch ouch”

“Get down! Hold it down!”

“Ouch ouch…!”

“Give me…Go down…”

“Ouch! Ouch!!!”

“Can…Damn it!” Gaara was about to explode with anger. His teeth clenched and his gums were exposed.

“He…he is this?”Kankuro looked at Sasuke in surprise, thinking of a possibility…

“this posture…He seems to be practicing weight lifting!!!”Temari suddenly discovered something

“It’s really a clean and jerk! He used Gaara’s sand bombs as barbells!”Kankuro was speechless and shouted.

“Fuck!”Gaara, who had reached his limit, was originally in a stalemate with Sasuke. When he heard these words, he almost lost his breath. He lost his strength in his hand and flew backwards with his head raised!

“Ouch!”The weight on Sasuke’s body relaxed, and the huge sand bomb flew into the air, threw it in an arc, and hit the ground.

“Well…”Gaara felt exhausted…

“hateful…It was you who forced me!! Gaara yelled.

He suddenly formed a seal.

Then he began to |…

“Mother…I can’t beat him…Come out and help me beat him…”

“Gaara! you want…?”Temari was shocked, is Gaara going to transform here?!


Covered in strange chakra, Gaara begins to transform…

He grew fangs and sharp teeth, and the right side of his body began to turn into a cat made of sand.

One|The deformation of one arm brush

“Ouch! Ouch!!! Ouch! Ouch!”Sasuke howled and beat his chest | Mouth rushed this way.

“What the hell is going on with this guy! ?!”Kankuro saw the problem and shouted

“I…..Well….”Gaara’s body turned into half a monster….

“Hey hey hey…I’m | coming out |…”The sound coming out of Gaara’s mouth suddenly changed into another weird sound

“Ha ha ha ha! Hahahahaha!””

Sand Shukaku’s voice roared wildly. The sealing techniques of Konoha and Sandgakure are different in strength. Although it has been sealed for so many years, it has been harassing Gaara. Gaara was also harassed by him. Unable to sleep and turned into a grumpy panda with dark circles under his eyes….Finished…Transform at this time…Temari was leaning against a tree, worried.

This is the forest of death. Gaara’s transformation will cause big trouble before the plan even begins.

You know, the Naruto series of ninjas are here |

Moreover, with such a recent transformation, the first person to face Shukaku is themselves!

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Hahahahaha! Tear you all to pieces! Tear it apart!!”

Gaara’s body was mostly transformed, but Gaara’s consciousness had not completely fallen into sleep, but Shukaku took over the body. Shukaku was extremely excited, being sealed in his stomach by these weak humans. Here, he is burning with hatred every day, always thinking about coming out, torn to death by the insignificant human beings.

“Ouch hahahahaha!!! You guys are so weak! The insignificant little worm!! I’m going to tear you all apart! Eat it!!”Sand Shukaku gained vision and looked at Sasuke who was rushing towards him.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!!!! tiger! Roast tiger!”Sasuke’s upper body muscle armor was huge, entwined with purple chakra, like a huge gray rhinoceros. Every step made a deep pit, the earth exploded, and spider webs appeared where he ran. Like cracks.

Damn, what the hell is this?



Shukaku didn’t wait to be surprised. , Sasuke shot like a cannonball, and punched deeply into the deformed Shukaku’s stomach.


Shukaku felt as if his world had turned into black and white, and nothing existed at this moment.

This…This is…What….

The brain trembles, and the body is knocked down and deformed!

Bang! The fat belly made of sand exploded, revealing Gaara’s belly.

“vomit!”Shukaku spat out sour water. This punch was like Sun Wuhan hitting Cell. Although Shukaku did not fly out, his whole body was shaking, and the sand began to peel off from his body.

“how come….you….Developed a new sealing technique…?”

Shukaku screamed in pain…consciousness falls into slumber….

“Ouch, ouch, ooh, oh, oh, oh!! tiger!”Sasuke knocked down Shukaku, and his whole body flew over Gaara uncontrollably, and continued to rush forward. Bang, bang, bang, bang!

He entered the forest like a tank, hitting the big tree and breaking bones and tendons, and his figure gradually disappeared.

“Gaara! Seeing Sasuke disappear, Temari rushed over and approached Gaara,”Are you okay?””

“Well…..”Gaara opens his eyes…


Gaara felt more relaxed than he had ever felt before. Although his abdomen hurt, he seemed to be mentally relaxed.

In the past, he had always felt that he was being watched by something scary. He had not dared to sleep all these years, which made him insane and grumpy. But now he felt his whole body relax, as if he was being hunted. After ten years, it felt like he was finally let go.

The blow just now was completely blocked by Shukaku’s sand form, so he only received some shock waves and was not seriously injured.

“Temari…what happened…”

Gaara murmured, lying on the ground and being lifted up by Temari’s arms.

“Gaara, that muscular man defeated Shukaku and left…”Temari supported Gaara and said

“He didn’t use any ninjutsu. He defeated my transformation with just his muscles….Temari, why?…?”Gaara murmured….

“yes…His muscles are too big…Knocked down Shukaku with one punch…”

“Not just this problem….”Gaara relaxed | lying in Temari’s arms,”I’m asking…Why…”

Temari asked in confusion:”What?”

Gaara’s eyelids gradually became heavier, and his body seemed to have lost all strength….

The last words that came out of his mouth were blurry

“Why did that man knock down mom?…”

“…The sand is still protecting me…?”

Temari looked around, her arms surrounding Gaara….

Kankuro came over and looked at Gaara in surprise

“Temari, Gaara actually fell asleep….”………

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!

Sasuke was running rampant in the forest when he suddenly froze.

His heavy breathing…


Brush la la….

Something was moving in the surrounding bushes.

The wind rustled the trees.

Sasuke breathed heavily, and the sound of wind mixed with the sound of breathing could not be heard clearly.


The sound of the wind suddenly increased, and the surrounding bushes swayed suddenly


Three huge tigers suddenly jumped out from the bushes and pounced on Sasuke from behind!

“tiger! It’s a tiger!!!! Ouch!!”

Sasuke suddenly roared in excitement, and his muscles and armor burst out!

He turned around and hit the Tianling Cap of a tiger with one punch. There was only a click sound, and the tiger’s bones were broken and tendons were broken.

“Hahaha! tiger!”Sasuke stepped on his thigh suddenly, and a spider web burst out of the ground. He jumped up, and two tigers rushed past him.

Sasuke clamped his arms, and the necks of the two tigers were tightly clamped, and they struggled to breathe. Come!

“Well…Ouch…..Ouch…” click…

A few crisp sounds……..

Fourteen hours later. central tower

“There is no Orochimaru���film…He seems to have disappeared”

“Because of this situation, the Chuunin Exams can continue.”

A group of people stood in front of the Third Hokage, reporting the situation.

“How many people came?”

“So far there are four teams of 16 people”

“They are the trio of sound ninjas, Team Kabuto, Team Yuhi Red, and Team Asuma……”

Kakashi frowned, and then the third generation asked:”Team Kakashi failed the test?”

“Well…Now there are two people in Kakashi’s team…Uchiha Sasuke is not here…”


The third generation stamped his feet and held his chin…………

Also in the central tower, Suna Ninja represents the lounge.

Instructor Jounin Maki and several subordinates were sitting in the lounge.

“what happened…It’s been such a long time,” said a sidekick with a black mole on his face…

“yes…With Gaara’s strength, he should be number one….”

“Tsk…Don’t affect the plan…”Ma Ji looked gloomy and shook his legs….

“coming! Gaara is here!”

At this time, a figure came from outside the door.

Ma Ji’s eyes moved, and his dead expression finally changed.

He strode out and went to pick up the Jinchuuriki of Sand Ninja Village………..

North entrance of Hall 1, Center Tower

“Teacher Iruka, why don’t you speak?”

Iruka looked sad…..

Now that the second exam is coming to an end, Sasuke is not here…Only Naruto and Sakura are here |

“Brother, he will be fine, I believe he came in a hurry

,” Naruto vowed.

Iruka was puzzled, no matter how bad it was, the person who didn’t come should be Sakura, why is Sasuke not here now.

He was puzzled He looked at Sakura.


I don’t speak, I don’t speak, understand? I do not speak

“Teacher, what does this mean? Why is there a space in this word?”

Naruto pointed to the words written on the wall….If there is [land], it is necessary to seek profit from the original source. Open the two books of heaven and earth, and then the dangerous path will return to the right path. This is the ultimate of [ ]

“Ah, this, I just want to explain this to you.”

Iruka said solemnly:”At this time, the Hokage-sama wrote the Chunin experience.”


“Yes, [Heaven] here refers to the human mind, and [Earth] refers to the human body.” Naruto


Iruka sighed |…I can’t understand…

He pointed to his head,”If there is no [Heaven], then you should be knowledgeable and prepared. In other words, if you lack brains, you should study hard.””

“No, I don’t think it’s right.” Naruto crossed his hands to show his disapproval.

“ah?”Iruka was confused.

Do you think it’s wrong?

Do you know a muscle tyrant? What’s the point of thinking it’s wrong? This is what Hokage said. But when he looked at Naruto’s strong body, hey, he really understands muscle tyrant

“I don’t think it’s right. Big brother said that if you lack brains, use muscles to make up for it.”

Naruto crossed his arms and nodded with a smile.

Iruka covered his face:”Then it’s not enough to replenish muscles.”

“That means the muscles are not big enough….”Sakura next to her weakly replied.

She didn’t care anymore, that was all.

When will Sasuke come?…Sakura thought so…

“well said!”

At this time, a hearty laughter came from outside the door.

“Huh?”Naruto turned his head in surprise.

“If you have [ground], you need to train each muscle|muscle. When the muscles are strong enough, the dangerous path will return to the right path. This is the ultimate of [muscle·ba]”

“What is this sound?”Sakura turned her head.



The door opened, and in the light, a strong and generous black-haired man with big muscles stood like a silhouette.



Sakura said in surprise

“Why are you only wearing underpants?”

(I have good news for you all. I finished the contract today, thanks to all of you. I won’t go into details anymore. I’m working hard on typing and getting ready for more updates. I’m also asking for votes and collections.)

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