I Signed In at Akatsuki for Ten Years and Get the Kaido Template

Chapter 113

Chapter 113


As soon as Orochimaru heard that Tian Yu actually wanted him to pick up the pot, his eyes went black and he almost fainted!

Co-work with you to bring me back to life, and let go of this. Might Guy is just to let me finish the unfinished pan?

At this moment, he almost couldn’t help but say.

Not as good as Tian Yu, you still let me Orochimaru die here!

to be honest!

Have tasted the scarred Sixth Gate towards the Peacock!

I’ve also tasted the Seventh Gate Hiruto that can be killed with one punch!

In one point, Orochimaru said that he really didn’t want to try the Eighth Gate of King Guy.

Although, he was really curious about the last gate of Eight Inner Gates.

To make Qinglong take so seriously, even at first even letting him carry the pot that killed Kakashi, that kick must be extraordinary!

But if satisfying this curiosity is based on the fact that he is about to be kicked to death, he would rather give up this curiosity.

“Does it need to be so careful?

Didn’t I just miss your body once?

Need to arrange me to this point? ”

Orochimaru had a black snake face all the way.

No matter how slander Tian Yu was in his heart, he was careful, but he still said a little more.

At the beginning, I was only worried about Tian Yu’s body of the blue dragon, and it was arranged to the point where it is today. If he dares to beep again at this time, he doubts whether his future life will be spent in the back pot.

“Well, Qinglong, I will definitely come to you with the Eight Inner Gates Formation.

At that time, I will kick Orochimaru to death first, and then challenge you.

Whether it is Kakashi’s hatred or the Konoha Shinobi who died today, I will come to you at Akatsuki to ask for an explanation. ‖. ”

The blood content in Might Guy’s body is as high as the water content of Kakuzu’s record.

Opening the Eight Inner Gates Formation to fight Tian Yu again, he couldn’t ask for it.

Not to mention that Orochimaru, the killer enemy, is still inspiring him.

“I will wait for you on the throne of heaven, Konoha’s King Guy!

But you’d better remember that if you want to play Orochimaru, you can go to him anytime.

Don’t dance in front of me before you practice Eight Inner Gates Formation.

Otherwise, you won’t have a second chance to be missed. “(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Tian Yu saw the rekindled blood and fighting spirit of Might Guy, and he looked forward to that kick in his heart.

Before, he dreamed that someone would pick up King Guy’s kick.

So there was a series of arrangements for Orochimaru later.

But now, it doesn’t matter!

The double Four Emperors template sign-in is 100% complete, and he is invincible in front of him.

Not to mention that he can continue to sign in the members, time, and location of Akatsuki.

As for King Guy alive, whether he will kick to Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, he is not worried at all.

Isn’t Orochimaru still alive?

From a priority point of view, why is the first person to be kicked by the King of Guy is the head of the snake.

After getting the snake head, it was his turn to be the second one.

The three of Nagato, even if they line up in advance to make an appointment, at least they will have to wait in line for more than a long time before their turn.

At that time, the experience card of King Guy’s Eight Inner Gates Formation had expired.

“Do you want to kill King Guy in advance?”

Orochimaru saw that Tian Yu had arranged his life properly, and when Snake Eye looked at Might Guy, a vague murderous intent flashed past.

Thinking of Might Guy forcing the Eight Gate just now, he exuded a ghost-like aura, even the snake who was extremely confident in his life-saving ability felt unprecedentedly anxious.

Just a fleeting breath gave him a sense of despair that his soul would freeze.

If the Eight Gate was opened, wouldn’t he really have to kneel down and shout daddy?

What moved Orochimaru even more was that Tian Yu let the Buddha acquiesce in his behavior.

Otherwise, with this Azure Dragon’s Observation Haki, there is no reason why you can’t perceive your own thoughts.


Orochimaru, do you want to kill me? ”

Might Guy let the Buddha notice something and glanced at Orochimaru.


Orochimaru glanced at Tian Yu without a trace, and found that the Akatsuki of the Qinglong turned around and left without any intention of protecting Might Guy, and he was immediately happy.

“It seems that although Jun Tian Yu arranged me, I am a member of Akatsuki after all

Between the enemy and his own, he still chose the latter!

Yes, even if I’m just an intern at Akatsuki, Emperor Guy is the enemy after all.

As the Qinglong at Akatsuki, how can he have a reason to help the enemy! ”

Orochimaru, who thought he had understood Tian Yu’s thoughts, suddenly vomited a touch of coldness.

Kusanaru sword is ready to go.

“You want to kill me, can you do it?”

Seeing this, Might Guy grinned without fear.


Just when Da (Li Hao) Snake Pill was about to pierce Might Guy with the Kusanaru sword, a strong anxiety suddenly hit his mind.

Like bone gangrene, no matter how he drives it away, he can’t dispel this anxiety.

“Since Mr. Tian Yu wants to witness the full bloom of the Eight Inner Gates’ lotus blossoms, how can I ruin his interest?

This time, good luck for you! ”

Orochimaru stared at Might Guy coldly for a while.

When he drafted the Naginata sword, he found that the uneasiness in his heart suddenly dissipated.

This made him feel fortunate, but at the same time he cursed secretly in his heart!

No wonder Qinglong didn’t stop me anymore.

The dying emperor Guy…Is the cliff a pit!

If I did it just now, I was afraid that Qinglong would arrange it again. .

Read more @ wuxiax.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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