I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 22 - Paleo-Earth Population

  Chapter 22 Population of the Ancient Earth

  Shen Panchi: Me? How thin is it? ! Obviously you like to be tall and have abdominal muscles. Why do you say it is a little female cat? Friends of Nothing Series? Just say you want to treat me like a coolie.

  Thinking of the struggling Lanks, Shen Panchi’s right eye jumped.

  Holmopanchi has already seen you through, woman! Ah!

  Exploitation and crushing is a set!

  Lan Siyu finished the meal and took Panpan for a stroll, walked after the meal, and lived to be ninety-nine.

  Oh no, live to 499!

  Lan Siyu walks on a clean street, and from time to time, people sitting in front of her house and chatting say hello to her.

  Lan Siyu found that she had hardly seen young people, even children, all middle-aged and elderly people.

  Go to the only school in the oasis.

  The school is not big, a three-story building, a playground already covered with weeds, and nothing else.

  The gate of the school was locked, the lock was rusty, and the paint had fallen off. It can be seen that the only school in Oasis has not been opened for a long time.

  Shen Panchi followed Lan Siyu all the way. The barrenness of the ancient earth has exceeded his imagination. What does it mean that the school does not open?

  There are no students, or no one comes to school.

  Why are there no students? Because no children were born.

  Lan Siyu naturally thought of this, and opened her lord account and checked the number of births within 30 years of the ancient earth, which was 1.

  In other words, only one person was born within thirty years of the ancient earth, that is, she. However, the death toll on the ancient earth is increasing year by year with the aging of the population.

  Lan seems to know that if the ancient earth does not make changes and does not introduce inhabitants, then the ancient earth may really become a planet with zero population within a few hundred years.

  Lan Siyu walked directly into Lanks’s house when he went home, and saw Lanks lying on the sofa drinking scented tea. It was very uncomfortable.

  Lan Siyu: …, how come the rat, who is obviously only over 60 years old, has started to keep healthy? !

  The secret of Longevity Village?

  Lanks saw Lan Siyu standing next to him like a ghost, and yelled in fright, “Ah~”.

  Magic sound is used to ears.

The person and cat next to    each covered their ears.

  Lanks reacted and noticed his impoliteness, and coughed embarrassingly, “Lord Lord, may I ask if you have anything to do with me at night?”

  The word “night” is biting extremely hard, as if to remind Lan Siyu that it is off work time, don’t ask him for anything!

  Lan seemed to see the subtext of Lanks and waved her hand, “Oh, look at what you think, am I the kind of bad boss who squeezes and exploits? I am not for your own good, for the good of this planet?!”

  Why no one can understand me? Simply sad! grief! Distressed!

  Lanks, Shen Panchi: …, I believe you a ghost, you are a bad old man!

  ”Relax, I just want to ask you a few simple questions this time. I saw that the school in the south has been abandoned for a long time?”

   Seeing that Lan Siyu is really a kind of knowledge-seeking question, Lanks relaxes, “Yes, there were no students twenty years ago.”

   “I was the only one who was born within 30 years of seeing the planet. Is it true that almost all of the ancient Earth are middle-aged and elderly people over two hundred years old?”

“Why not? The age distribution of the ancient earth, over two hundred years old accounted for 95% of the total population. More than 1,000 people from 100 to 200 years old, 50 to 100 years old There are more than a hundred people, and you are the only one under fifty.”

  In other words, she is the youngest here? Was it the last born here? !

   “I remember the statistics showed that there were hundreds of births 30 years ago.”

  It is impossible for her to be the only one under fifty.

   “Yes, but in the past few decades, those young people have successively migrated to other planets and settled.

  A little conscientious, bring your parents with you. Those who have no conscience directly abandon their parents on the ancient earth, and then leave alone. Regardless of conscience or not, those people never came back anyway. You know, looking at the Federation, as long as it is an inhabited planet, that planet must be better than the ancient earth. “

  Lanks’s ridiculous and relaxed tone has a hint of heaviness.

  Everyone understands that if no one is born, the ancient earth will go to extinction.

  Lan Siyu returned home after washing and lying on the bed thinking about how to increase the population of the ancient earth, and fell asleep thinking about it.


  Because the first galaxy and the tenth galaxy have to span a large piece of time and space. Lan Siyu sent the parcel after seven o’clock, but didn’t arrive at the Federal Research Institute until eight o’clock.

  Federal Research Institute staff member Jimmy took the package to the laboratory.

  He actually didn’t want to do this test, because he felt it was a waste of time. The violent factor in the flesh of insects and beasts was identified as early as tens of thousands of years ago.

  It is impossible for insects and beasts without violent factors to appear.

  But due to the request of his superiors, Jimmy still opened the package.

As soon as    was opened, the strong spicy flavor spread throughout the laboratory. The surrounding scientific researchers were attracted by the scent and leaned close to Jimmy.

   “What is this Jimmy? Why is it so fragrant?”

   “My God, Jimmy, what smells so sweet?”

   “Hey, this seems a bit like… red?”

   “What, how could redness be so fragrant? I don’t believe it!”

“This is not the scarlet meat on Xingbo that asks us to test for violent factors?” Luna is a young long-eared rabbit. Compared with these old scholars who are intoxicated in research, she prefers to surf the Internet. .

  Therefore, she also knows of the red meat incident that has been raging in the past two days.

   “Yes, this is the red meat sent by the anchor. She insisted that the red meat she made was not violent, and the superior asked me to check it.”

   “What can be detected, how can there be no violence factor in Crimson Meat? Just kidding!”

  ”The incense is very fragrant, but let’s just eat it. Everyone knows that violent factors can damage mental power.”

  Being able to work in the Federal Research Institute is naturally a genius in various related fields. It is common knowledge that the flesh of insects and beasts contains violent factors, and they will not be ignorant of it.

  Therefore, everyone feels that there is no need for testing. Whether it is tested or not, it will be the result.

  Jimmy puts on his gloves and takes out a piece of red paper and wraps it on the detector.

  The lowest level insects and beasts like Crimson, it only takes one minute to get the test results.


   Jimmy casually glanced at the results on the tester, and he said, how could there be no violent factor?

  Wait, this is?!

  Jimmy took a closer look at the test results on the screen again, the content of the violence factor: 0%


  Is it not detected just now?! Yes, it must be so!

  Jimmy took another piece of red meat, wrapped it carefully, and slowly put it on the tester.


   Jimmy looked at the data still showing zero on the tester, and he was bewildered.

  ”Look, everyone! There seems to be something wrong with the detector!”


  (I don’t know why the writer’s words are not displayed, but it still can’t stop my determination to break my thoughts!)

  Since I took online classes at home, I haven’t received any living expenses. I can support it till now, thanks to the new year’s money!

  Even though I was frugal and used one penny into two cents to use, it still couldn’t make up for the passing of time.

  Finally at the beginning of May, I couldn’t help crying when I watched the zero numbers on the WeChat Alipay bank card. The last straw that crushed the camel was actually a cup of milk tea!

  I touched the fairy queen, but I lost time after all!

  (End of this chapter)

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