I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 475: Encircle

Chapter 475 Surrounded

Lord of the Ancient Earth-Lan Siyu: “It is said that the coalition army is swearing to the death to defend the Federation at the second line of defense, but due to the new weapons of the Zerg, many soldiers have suffered mental damage. Therefore, the ancient earth offered all the ingredients in its inventory, and the ingredients contained ABR- Factor 1 is helpful for the recovery of mental power.

The ingredients are marked raw and cooked, and they can be eaten with nutrient solution.

The tenth galaxy is everyone’s common home. The Union soldiers fought on the front line, and the ancient earth made little contribution. But in any case, the ancient earth potential coexisted and died with the tenth galaxy! ”

Since they all decided to donate for free, at least let everyone know that the ancient earth made a contribution.

At this time, in this matter, it’s not a matter of doing good deeds without leaving a name.

She must do her best to get back the benefits of the ancient earth.

Lu Zhi did not return to her immediately, he must be busy, and Lan Siyu was not in a hurry, and began to deal with the funeral of the donation.


Lu Zhi was a little tired and sat on the chair.

“Marshal Lu, maybe you can take a look at your terminal.” Shen Panchi took off his jacket and wore a close-fitting military uniform, because he had just returned from the battlefield with a strong sense of killing.

Lu Zhi was a little strange about Shen Panchi’s words, but he opened the terminal and opened his account according to what he said.

“Ancient Earth, Lan Siyu?” Lu Zhi looked at this somewhat familiar name, raised his eyes to Shen Panchi, and saw that Shen Panchi nodded with a smile when he heard the name.

Lu Zhi opened the message dialogue, his red eyes quickly glanced from top to bottom, and finally widened.

“This? All the ingredients of the ancient earth?!”

belongs to the tenth galaxy. Naturally, Lu Zhi has also heard of the lord of the ancient earth, and he also knows the ingredients of the ancient earth that contain the ABR-1 factor. After discovering that Zerg’s new weapons damage mental power, it’s not that Lu Zhi didn’t think about the ingredients of the ancient earth.

But Lu Zhi is not stupid. The ancient earth monopolized these food materials, and the ancient earth also relied on these food materials to make money and develop. The army needs more than one ton or two tons of food materials.

He also gave up this idea, but who knows? ! Lan Siyu took the initiative to donate these ingredients to them! And still all!

Lu Zhi endured the shock and looked at Shen Panchi, as if asking him if it was his request.

Shen Panchi shook his head, “My baby is more kind and generous, he has a federal heart, and is sensible, so…”

Shen Panchi, like a cat with its tail cocked, is unabashedly showing off how delicious his dried fish is, with some raised mouth corners and a faint smile at the end of his eyes, and his face is full of pride.

Lu Zhi: “…” Although he was very moved, how did he feel that Marshal Shen was showing off? ! Lu Zhi, a bear who has been single for more than a hundred years, is a little envious and jealous.

Lu went straight to Shen Panchi and saluted another standard military salute, and said gratefully, “Thank you! Please also thank Lord Lan for me! The coalition army will not forget the selfless dedication of Lord Lan and Ancient Earth in critical moments!”

He naturally wanted to thank Lan personally, but Shen Panchi also wanted to thank him again.

Shen Panchi nodded and turned around to enter the lounge. The next thing to receive the ingredients is to hand it to Lu Zhi.

Lan Siyu thought that time was tight and the effect of the ingredients was not significant in a short time, she exchanged a large amount of fan value for purified water, diluted and sent it to the second line of defense.

So, the diluted purified water became a concentrated fairy water extracted from ingredients that contained a large amount of ABR-1 factor in the mouth of wounded soldiers.

And these purified water consumes two-thirds of Lan Siyu’s fan value. 666 felt that Lan Siyu was crazy and exchanged so many fan points at once.

Now the fan value has been growing slowly, this time we exchanged so much, it is still a question whether the remaining one-third can maintain the future operation of the ancient earth for a long time. Unless after this war, Lan Siyu’s fans in the live broadcast room will surge.

And Lan seems to bet that the ancient earth became famous after the end of the war, and the increase in resources in all aspects was enough to allow the ancient earth to maintain its development without using these ingredients.

She intends to transform the ancient earth without relying too much on food.

In her opinion, the fan value will be capped, and the future development of the ancient earth cannot rely solely on these ingredients and purified water. The benefits brought by these things in the early stage are objective, but in the later stage, they are unreliable.

Still have to develop in an all-round way.


Ephemeris January 19, 100003

The joint army suffered heavy casualties due to the Zerg’s new spiritual weapons. In the next few days, a third of the soldiers and soldiers of the three-service joint army suffered varying degrees of mental damage.

Ephemeris January 21, 100003

Lord of the Ancient Earth, Lan Siyu, on behalf of all the citizens of the Ancient Earth, donated all the stocked ingredients of the Ancient Earth and specially refined concentrated water to the United Army of the Tenth Galaxy for consumption by the United Army to restore spiritual power.

Ephemeris January 25, 100003

Under the joint offensive led by Shen Panchi and Shen Xi, the Zerg starship was attacked by the enemy and was surrounded by the coalition army in the first line of defense.

The Zerg army is strong, one side has the advantage of terrain and the other side has the advantage of force, and the two sides are in a stalemate.


“Queen, we are surrounded by people from the Federation.”

“Yeah.” Balara nodded expressionlessly, without any sense of tension after being surrounded.

Because Barara knew that these coalition forces could not eat the Zerg.

The stalemate on both sides lasted for two full weeks!

The Federal Assembly has always been vigilant against the Zerg. In addition, the Zerg tentatively attacked the borders of other galaxies almost a day or two. Therefore, the Federal Assembly, which is supremely cautious, dare not assign the troops of other galaxies to the tenth galaxy.

The number of combined forces and weapon resources of the Tenth Galaxy are not as good as the military resources that the Zerg brought this time, so the combined army cannot afford the Zerg.

Now the two sides are in a stalemate, the Federal Assembly has not ordered, and the coalition army can only surround the Zerg.

The outcome of the current situation is to either fight for a dead end, or negotiate an armistice between the two sides, and go back to each.

The latter is naturally the attitude of the Federal Assembly. The Federal Government is not as crazy and desperate as the Zerg.

According to the Zerg lineup this time, if the Zerg is thinking of losing both, then half of the tenth galaxy will be reduced to a battlefield.

At that time, it will be another war, a war of disastrous life.

As to whether the Zerg’s attitude is the former or the latter, the Federation is not known.

Main Federal Star Council Building.

“Now the coalition army has surrounded the Zerg, but the number of resources of the coalition army is too small, the strength of the two sides is equal, and even the Zerg has the upper hand, and the coalition army cannot completely eliminate the Zerg.”

A congressman knocked on the table and looked at the data and news from the tenth galaxy on the screen.

“I don’t know how much Zerg’s weapons are stored. If the coalition forces encircle the Zerg, then the Federation’s soldiers will suffer severe damage. Mental damage is difficult to treat.”

(End of this chapter)

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