I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 491: Old man and death

Chapter 491 Old Man and Death

The big man rudely pushed the middle-aged woman aside, if it weren’t for a man nearby, the middle-aged woman would have fallen to the ground.

“Thank you, thank you.” The woman squeezed the man’s arm with her hands, and kept thanking her.

“Can you borrow some money for me? I will return it to you in the future.” The woman looked at the man in front of her pleadingly, with hope in her eyes.

The man shook his head, “I don’t have much property on my own, and I don’t know if it’s enough. Sorry.”

The woman heard the words, lowered her head and pulled out a slightly reluctant smile, “Thank you.” She squeezed aside, and looked at the young man in suit and leather with an elite look.

The elite man turned his head aside and said nothing.

Women pass by some elderly or young people, and they are all middle-aged people or young people who seem to be more successful.

I didn’t get a necklace until I reached the tenth middle-aged woman. This necklace looks worth hundreds of thousands.

The woman kept thanking and thanking her, the smile on her face expanded and became more real.

Hundreds of thousands of people on the starship, she should be able to get together. In the future, after returning home, borrowing money from relatives and friends will have to be paid off quickly.

The woman thinks so, she thinks this watch is a good sign.

Lan seems to be in the back of the middle, a group of people squeezed, your breath hit my neck, my breath spit behind your ears.

People are next to people, and they are too crowded.

Except for Fez sitting on a high place and a few aggressive star thief heroes, Lan Siyu can almost only see everyone’s heads, and can’t see what’s going on in the front at all.

Although this ship is not fully occupied and the occupancy rate is still somewhat low, the number of people is hundreds of thousands.

If everyone had to take out their belongings, even if more than a hundred people paid it together, it would take more than 20 hours for each person to take one minute.

Although there will be a gap between calculation and reality, it takes 20 hours for this group of people to pay their belongings.

It is impossible to have less.

Twenty hours is not enough for the Federal Patrol to search, but twenty hours…maybe not enough for Shen Panchi…

Lan seems a little worried.

If this group of star thief’s simple robbery is okay, they can claim it back at that time, for fear of causing death.

Time is passing by minute by minute.

An old man in ragged clothes walked forward slowly.

“Hurry up, what are you rubbing? So many people are lining up behind?!” The strong man shouted impatiently.

The old man nodded in a hurry, and stretched out his hand like a dead branch to grab at the terminal.

A plastic basket, a pair of iron chopsticks, and an old cotton-padded coat that was washed white. The old man was still touching it.

The big man was very bored to see these rags.

When the old man took out a watch, the big man immediately grabbed it. The old man refused to let go. As soon as the big man used his force, the old man was pushed to the ground.


The old watch that the two were fighting for knocked on the wooden floor, making a crashing sound.

The old man hurriedly crawled over from the ground with some difficulty. Just when he wanted to reach out and pick up the watch, he cast a shadow. A pair of boots stepped on the arm with a layer of leather that looked like the roots of an old tree covered with scars.

Some curved fingers with cocoons hooked forward, and hooked to the watch like a small rake.

The big man squatted down, almost all the weight of several hundred kilograms on his body was pressed on the foot that was stepping on the old man’s arm.

The old man’s mouth was opened and closed, and he screamed “Yeah”, like the rustle of leaves being blown by the wind at night, and the hoarseness was a little sharp because of the pain.

Can’t say a complete sentence.

The big man picked up the old watch and threw it in the air twice, not feeling any quality. Looking at this watch with a disdainful face, “What broken thing, protect it like a baby?”

The big man’s feet used the old man’s arm as a wooden stick, and rolled back and forth. Finally, he felt that it was meaningless before he smashed the watch on the old man’s head with only a few sloppy hair.

The smash was heavy and the noise was loud.

The moment    was smashed, the old man’s outstretched fingers flicked a few times, and his calm was restored.

“Next one. Hurry up, I don’t have time to spend with you here.”

The next passenger boarded, and the old man continued to lie on the ground. The big man felt that the old man took up a little space, and kicked the old man into the crowd on the side with a kick to the old man’s back.

Extremely hard.

The crowd immediately backed up a few steps, separating a gap from the old man.

“How is it?” someone asked.

As everyone knows, what this person wants to ask is whether he is dead or not.

This old man also seems to be about 400 years old. This age is considered a longevity in some interstellar races. After all, not everyone can live to be 500 years old.

“I don’t know, there is no treatment cabin on this floor. The treatment cabin is in the medical room on the top floor. Every door is guarded by star thief, and we can’t go to other floors.”

This floor is the largest and most vacant floor of the starship, where people can entertain and rest.

“Are there any extra potions?” Someone whispered.

“Pharmaceuticals are worth tens of thousands without saying…it’s hard to say whether we have enough money for one million…how can there be extra things…

Furthermore, there are no ordinary medicines. This kind of old man is not only injured by the fall. I must have other injuries on his body.

You still have to use the treatment cabin to cure it, otherwise, the medicine is useless. ”

“I’m so old anyway, **** it, I’ll be reborn if I die, and I pray that I won’t encounter star thief in my next life.” I don’t know who said in a low voice.

A little girl looked at the old man lying on the ground struggling to sit up, took two steps forward but was caught.

Looking back, it was his mother.

“Mom, that old grandfather is so pitiful. Let’s help him…”

“Everyone is pitiful, and we are pitiful when we encounter this kind of thing. Although my mother told you to do more good deeds, she didn’t tell you to be nosy.

At times like this, we shouldn’t be in charge of ordinary people like us. What use is it for you to help him? What if he depends on you and ask you to help him with the money?

If you don’t help, others may come back and accuse you. In this world, there is never a shortage of idlers who stand and talk without backache. “The mother patted the little **** the head and stared at the little girl.

The little girl nodded seemingly, then turned her head to stare at the old man.

She saw that the old man’s weather-beaten and wrinkled eye sockets were deeply inwardly sunken with a slit, and the slit gradually opened to reveal the turbid whites of the eyes, and some crystal-clear things flowed down.

The old man’s mouth was closed, making a very low “Ahhh” sound.

The little girl just looked at it and blinked.

The old and the young looked at each other like this.

I don’t know how long it took, the little girl saw that the seam slowly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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