I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

Chapter 34: He is a Power Trip!

"What is this!"

In the Pokémon House pet store, looking at the black stone with a Rival arm on the Pokédex, Chu Pity's whole person is not well.

"Geodude in Alola form, Rock and Electric."

Gu Xin glanced calmly, and then said.

"Why is it like this, where is my dragon?"

"Miss Bai, I have said many times that Dragon-type Pokémon are not that good."

Gu Xin is very innocent. If Dragon-type Pokémon can be drawn so easily, how pitiful Chu has to be with Long Duo?

A certain Flying dragon envoy, who did not want to be named, praised it.

"That can't be so many strange things, and there are too many bugs."

Chu pitifully wrinkled her face, she had already drawn five times in a row, but what did she draw before?

Catterpie, Zubat, Ekans, Muk…

Nothing is normal!

"With all due respect, Zubat and this Geodude still have good potential..."

Gu Xin blinked and reminded the pouting Chu pitifully.

The final evolution of Zubat is Crobat. Don't look at Zubat and Golbat as standard pawns of the Rockets in the game, but Crobat's strength is not low at all.

There is also Geodude, Golem is also a very good Pokémon in the weight of the ton, except for four times the weak water type, there is no major disadvantage.

After all, this is the real world, not the in-game turn-based system. The slow Pokémon in the game have almost no right to shoot, which makes it difficult for Pokémon like Golem to play.

But in reality, heavy Pokémon naturally have their own way of fighting.

What's more, the Geodude in the form of Alola is of the Rock and Electric type, and the Attribute combination is not bad, but it is four times weaker than the Ground.

"No, I'm going to take a dragon! I've decided, I want to become a dragon trainer!"

Chu's poor little face wrinkled even tighter, but after staring at Geodude's picture for a long time, he still looked away.

To be a man must have a dream! Do the best you can!

"Since Miss Chu has her own goals, there's not much to say next."

Gu Xin shrugged.

"But you've already smoked five times today, so you can't smoke anymore."

"If you don't smoke, don't smoke!"

Pity Chu understood what Gu Xin meant, and reluctantly handed the store manager Pokédex back to Gu Xin.

Yes, each person can only draw five times a day, this is the rule of the system, maybe the system also takes into account some rmb warriors...

Although it costs 500 yuan to draw a Pokémon, it is really not a big problem for a wealthy person like Chu poor Bai Qianqian and Chen Yun.

If you can't draw five times, then you can draw ten times, and if you can't draw ten times, then you can draw a hundred times!

Especially for a woman who has an obsession with dragon-type Pokémon like Chu Pity, and a woman who has mines at home.

Not even a hundred times? Then a thousand times!

Solaceon asked Chu to draw Pokémon for krypton gold, even if the chance of drawing a quasi-god Pokémon is very low, she will be drawn sooner or later.

Gu Xin is naturally happy to see it happen, but the system obviously refuses to...

"Really rude."

Chu pouted his lips pitifully and didn't even want to send him any money, this boss really is.

"Boss, can I borrow your venue here?"

"Of course, is Mr. Chen going to fight?"

Hearing Chen Yun's words, Gu Xin nodded.

"Hmm, cousin wants to fight with me." Lin Sheng pushed his glasses.

"And I also want to see what the sixty million Larvitar is like."

Lin Sheng looked curiously at the Larvitar who was playing with Fennekin, the juvenile of a quasi-God Pokémon. He wanted to see what was special about this Larvitar.

"Since I've become a Trainer, I still need to be familiar with Pokémon battles." Chen Yun replied with a smile.

"Come on later, Diancie, get to work."

Gu Xin nodded with a smile, then called to Diancie.

Diancie, who was sitting at the front desk watching anime on a computer, responded, picked up the camera on the side and jumped out of the front desk.

After all, there are no other employees, so I can only feel sorry for Diancie for the time being.

Several people came to the backyard.

"Now start the battle. The rules of the battle are 1vs1. When one of the Pokémon loses the ability to fight or loses the will to fight, the other side wins."

"The battle begins."

Gu Xin simply announced the battle rules and then withdrew from the battle field.

Chen Yun used Pokémon Pokédex to carefully check every skill that Larvitar now possesses, and then raised his head with a smile on his lips.

"Cousin, I can state in advance that I will not release water."

Lin Sheng is very confident, even if it is Larvitar, it doesn't matter, he is a "veteran"!

"You don't need to release water, and it's impossible for you to win against me."

Chen Yun responded indifferently to Lin Sheng's pretense, and then replied indifferently.

"Don't say it's one-on-one, even if it's one-on-two, my Larvitar is sure to win."

The b grid came out immediately, didn't it?

"Who can't talk big? Fennekin, come on."

Lin Sheng's mouth twitched, fuck!

He is such a Power Trip!

Lin Sheng gestured to Fennekin at his feet, no matter what, he has to make his cousin suffer!


Fennekin ran quickly in front of Lin Sheng, looking at Chen Yun full of fighting spirit, very energetic.


Larvitar also stepped in front of Chen Yun with short legs and made a fighting stance.

"Larvitar from the Rock and Ground types and Fennekin from the Fire type, who do you think will win, boss?"

Chu looked at both of them pitifully and curiously.

"You'll know when you look at it."

Gu Xin raised his eyebrows, who will win?

You should say how Lin Sheng can win...

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