Chapter 101: Secrets of the Black Mist

Ten minutes after Chang Yi departed that day, the two remaining military vehicles left the official shelter, making their way to the meeting point on Guangping Street.

Less than five minutes after Lu Ming's victory over Chang Yi, these vehicles arrived at the designated location. Huo Sheng, Bai Tianyu, Eileen, and the others disembarked.

By this time, the dust had settled. Gao Junyi had placed Chang Yi's remains in a prominent spot. Upon seeing the body, Eileen lost all composure.

Overcome with grief and rage, she rushed forward, scooping up Chang Yi's remains and consuming them with a disturbing intensity.

Her horrifying actions even made Lu Ming avert his gaze. Such profound hatred…

Lu Ming understood that he couldn't fully comprehend Eileen's pain, as he hadn't experienced her suffering. He decided not to dwell on the complicated history between Eileen and Chang Yi.

Instead, he turned his attention to Huo Sheng, who approached him with a determined look on his face.

"So, what exactly is the situation?" Lu Ming inquired, his voice serious and his expression unwavering. Huo Sheng responded with a bitter smile.

"We encountered an individual with the ability to read minds," Huo Sheng explained.

He had discovered Chang Yi's mind-reading capability on the first day. Through Bai Tianyu and Gao Junyi's thoughts, Chang Yi had identified Lu Ming as the strongest person present, leading to his persistent desire to meet him.

Chang Yi's erratic behavior further convinced Huo Sheng that he was not a benevolent individual. Initially, Huo Sheng had hoped that the officials could address Chang Yi's abilities, but it became clear that they lacked the means to do so.

With a heavy heart, Huo Sheng continued, "Mr. Lu, this is essentially what transpired. I apologize to you first. Due to our incompetence, we dragged you into this situation. I'm truly sorry."

Huo Sheng's apology was genuine and heartfelt.

Lu Ming considered his words for a moment, then nodded. "I accept your apology," he replied.

Lu Ming understood that Huo Sheng and the others were truly in a difficult position with no better alternatives. Chang Yi's ambition and unrestrained nature, coupled with his knowledge of Lu Ming's existence, made a confrontation inevitable.

Lu Ming's presence alone posed a challenge to many people and creatures. He had unwittingly become a significant target in this new reality. Anyone who sought to challenge the official shelter would inevitably have to deal with him.

What could Lu Ming do? He could only remain indifferent…

He was determined to eliminate any threat to his principles.

"Let's leave it at that," Lu Ming declared, intending to move on from the incident. However, Huo Sheng interrupted.

"Mr. Lu, if you could spare a moment, there are some matters we need to discuss."

Lu Ming raised an eyebrow. "Is it important?"

Huo Sheng didn't specify but stated the topic directly. "It's about the Black Mist and the Tower."

"Then it's worth hearing," Lu Ming acknowledged.

Chang Yi hadn't revealed everything. Despite the official shelter's efforts, they had only gleaned two significant pieces of information from him:

  1. He had entered the Black Mist, where an opportunity existed to reach Level 5.
  2. The Holy Tower transmitted a signal to Level 5 beings.

However, Chang Yi's silence didn't mean others were unaware. His talkative nature implied that any information he possessed would eventually spread.

"I know everything Chang Yi knew," Eileen spoke up in Lu Ming's private dining room. The corners of her mouth were still stained with fresh blood.

However, the stench in her mouth could not mask Eileen's overwhelming mix of hatred and gratitude. The official shelter, along with Lu Ming, had avenged her. When Huo Sheng contacted her earlier that day, Eileen cooperated fully, promising to do anything in exchange for Chang Yi's demise.

"Chang Yi is insane," Eileen declared, her voice filled with venom. "He was unwell even before the apocalypse, but his condition worsened afterward."

This was her subjective assessment. Chang Yi might have been eccentric, but it wasn't necessarily a mental illness. There was still some logic to his actions and words—but that was no longer relevant.

The important thing was...

"Chang Yi loves to brag. Every time he achieves something, he can't help but boast about it. That's how I know all about his past experiences."

Intrigued, Lu Ming was the first to speak up. "He has multiple superpowers. How did he acquire them?"

Lu Ming remained interested in matters of strength, hoping to gain similar abilities if possible.

However, Eileen's words dashed his hopes. "He was born with them," she revealed. "Chang Yi is indeed special. Every time he levels up, he gains a new superpower."

Huo Sheng sighed in frustration. "What a waste."

It was a shame that such a powerful Awakened was plagued by a personality disorder. If Chang Yi had been more stable and acted with greater compassion, he could have been a savior for Nanxiang City…

Lu Ming shared the sentiment, shaking his head in disappointment.

There was nothing they could do if Chang Yi's abilities were innate. Huo Sheng shifted the conversation. "What about other details? Like, how did Chang Yi know so much? Or the situation within the Black Mist?"

Eileen patiently explained.

Firstly, Chang Yi's information source. Despite his instability, Chang Yi had demonstrated a degree of logical thinking during his interactions with the authorities. He wouldn't have ventured into the Black Mist without relevant information.

"Mind Listening," Eileen revealed. "Chang Yi learned about the Black Mist Zone and the Holy Tower's news through Mind Listening."

Huo Sheng furrowed his brow. "But Mind Listening requires a Listener, doesn't it?"

Eileen paused in thought. "Chang Yi mentioned a term once."

"What term?" Huo Sheng pressed.

"Dragon Mountain Hidden Cultivators Society."

"Dragon Mountain Hidden Cultivators Society?" Huo Sheng was puzzled.

He was familiar with Dragon Mountain, a scenic spot on the outskirts of Nanxiang. However, the addition of "Hidden Cultivators Society" was perplexing.

Noticing his confusion, Eileen elaborated, "Chang Yi said these people possess vast knowledge. He obtained a wealth of information by listening to their thoughts."

Huo Sheng raised an eyebrow. "People? They?"

Eileen nodded again and apologized, "Chang Yi didn't delve deeper into what the Dragon Mountain Hidden Cultivators Society is, so that's all I know."

Eileen's demeanor seemed sincere and forthcoming.

Accepting her response, Huo Sheng firmly committed the name "Dragon Mountain Hidden Cultivators Society" to memory. He then inquired, "What about the Black Mist? What information do you have on that?"

Eileen recounted Chang Yi's words, explaining how he had vowed never to enter the Black Mist again if possible.

"Based on our conversations," Eileen explained, "I gathered some characteristics of the Black Mist. It acts as a barrier, isolating the inside from the outside. Entering the Black Mist is like passing through a membrane. There's no actual mist inside, and visibility is similar to the outside world."

"However, exiting the Black Mist requires certain conditions," she continued, "which Chang Yi didn't elaborate on, but fulfilling them is undoubtedly dangerous. The environment within the Black Mist is vastly different from the outside world. It's teeming with all sorts of monsters..."

"Zombies?" Huo Sheng asked.

"Yes, but not just zombies," Eileen clarified. "Chang Yi encountered moving skeletons, predatory plants, and strange beasts. However, they all share one commonality—they possess zombie crystals."

Huo Sheng's brow furrowed. "What are their levels?" he questioned.

"The lowest is Level 4, but there are also Level 5 and Level 6 monsters. They are quite numerous, and some areas even contain creatures that Chang Yi wouldn't dare approach."

Huo Sheng and Lu Ming exchanged a meaningful glance. Though they hadn't encountered the Black Mist themselves, Eileen's account painted a picture of considerable danger.

Before either of them could speak, Eileen added, "Chang Yi also mentioned that the Black Mist offers many opportunities for growth and strengthening."

She then rummaged through her pocket and produced a small booklet.

"This is something Chang Yi brought out from the Black Mist," she announced.

End of Chapter 101

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