Was there a Level 7 creature in Nanxiang?

Countless people could definitively answer that question with a resounding "No!" It was absolutely impossible.

Currently, the resources within Nanxiang City were insufficient to sustain a Level 6 creature, let alone a Level 7 one. Even the creatures that had breached the Black Mist Zone during the initial infiltration were only low-level, with no Level 6 beings among them.

However, Lu Ming was unaware of this reality.

In his mind, it was entirely plausible to encounter an enemy two levels above the strongest creature he had ever faced. Since Chang Yi, the most powerful being he knew, was Level 5, his hypothetical opponent would naturally be Level 7.

Lu Ming believed that only by defeating a Level 7 creature would he possess the necessary skills and confidence to embark on this expedition.

But he wouldn't go in unprepared.

He meticulously loaded the transport plane with weapons, ammunition, blackbird meat, and water. As the plane took off, Lu Ming repeatedly cautioned the pilot, "Never exceed 300 meters in altitude."

The pilot nodded solemnly, understanding the significance of this instruction.

300 meters was a threshold.

If the plane flew higher and crashed, Lu Ming could get injured. This altitude limit was non-negotiable.

The plane swiftly made its way towards Cheng County, and Lu Ming closed his eyes to rest. Zhang Chengcheng, Wei Lan, Wang Xiong, and the exploration team members kept a vigilant watch through the plane's windows, alert for any potential threats.

Fortunately, the journey was smooth, and they didn't encounter any trouble, not even from the black birds that posed the only known danger in the area.

Approximately half an hour later, Cheng County came into view beneath Lu Ming's feet.

Before the apocalypse, Cheng County had been a popular destination near Nanxiang City, renowned for its historical sites, picturesque landscapes, and delectable cuisine.

However, the apocalypse had transformed the once-charming county into a desolate wasteland, with hordes of zombies roaming its streets.

From the plane's vantage point at 300 meters, Lu Ming quickly identified the most prominent target in Cheng County.

"The Flesh Mountain," he murmured, his eyes fixed on the monstrous figure lumbering through the streets below.

"It can be confirmed that Flesh Mountain is a Level 5 mutated zombie, evolved from a Tank," Luo Fu, a member of the exploration team, reported, his face pale as he relayed the information. "According to Colonel Bai's observation, after the Tank evolved, its limited rationality vanished, replaced by pure predatory instincts and a thirst for killing."

"But with loss comes gain," Luo Fu continued. "Flesh Mountain's strength far surpasses that of a typical Level 5 creature, based on the attribute doubling model."

Lu Ming nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information.

"Where are Colonel Bai and the others?" he inquired.

"They're in hiding," Luo Fu replied, "but they can't stay hidden for long. Flesh Mountain's perception of high-level Awakened is incredibly sharp."

As if on cue, the Flesh Mountain below raised its head, its gaze locking onto the plane.

Lu Ming and the creature locked eyes. Lu Ming's gaze was calm and composed, while the Flesh Mountain's eyes remained dull and lifeless.

The massive creature roared at the plane, its arms flailing upwards as if attempting to snatch it from the sky. However, its immense size hindered its agility, preventing it from making any significant leaps. Even with its unusually long arms, it couldn't reach the 300-meter altitude.

After a few futile attempts, Flesh Mountain abandoned its efforts to reach the plane and turned its attention to a nearby low-rise building.

There, it found its prey.

With a mighty thrust of its hind legs, the hulking Flesh Mountain charged towards the low-rise building, obliterating it like a rampaging bulldozer.

Just before disaster struck, a nimble figure leaped from the crumbling structure. Wind morphed into ethereal wings, carrying the figure to a safe distance.

"That's Sister Rose," Luo Fu's voice crackled in Lu Ming's earpiece. "Duan Mei, the leader of Dragon Mountain, a Level 4 Awakened."

"Her superpower is wind-based," he continued, "granting her incredible agility. It's thanks to Sister Rose that we managed to escape Dragon Mountain and reach this location."

But agility alone couldn't overcome the sheer difference in power. While Bai Tianyu's explosive strength rivaled that of a Level 5, Luo Fu had previously mentioned that Flesh Mountain was a mutated creature, its power exceeding that of a typical Level 5 being.

Bai Tianyu, Duan Mei, and the others had performed admirably. Evading Flesh Mountain for so long and covering such a distance was already a significant accomplishment.

After the brief introduction, Luo Fu fell silent, his gaze alternating between Duan Mei, who skillfully dodged Flesh Mountain's attacks, and Lu Ming, hoping for a decisive intervention.

Finally, Lu Ming's attention shifted. He looked towards a different section of the ravaged city.

"Twenty-three," he uttered, his voice low and steady.

Luo Fu was momentarily confused, but Zhang Chengcheng quickly clarified, "Yes, Brother Lu. Twenty-three."

Lu Ming was referring to the number of six-legged wolf-bears lurking nearby. Compared to their initial encounter at Dragon Mountain, their numbers had not dwindled; in fact, they had increased.

This wasn't surprising, as these cunning creatures had stayed hidden, avoiding the previous confrontation altogether. Despite their fearsome appearance, they behaved more like scavengers, seeking opportunities for easy prey and avoiding direct conflict.

They were, in essence, following the "big brother" (Flesh Mountain) to feast on the leftovers.

The situation was clear: Flesh Mountain was the alpha predator, Bai Tianyu and his team were the prey, and the six-legged wolf-bears were the opportunistic scavengers.

If Flesh Mountain triumphed, they would feast on the remains. If it was defeated, the creature itself would become their meal. And if Flesh Mountain turned its attention to them, they would scatter and flee.

However, these six-legged wolf-bears were oblivious to the danger lurking above.

From the sky, a pair of hungry eyes stared down at them, and saliva involuntarily dripped from the corners of Lu Ming's mouth. He couldn't forget the exquisite taste of exotic beast meat and the feeling of complete satiation it provided.

He turned towards his armory, carefully considering his options.

After a moment of deliberation, Lu Ming selected a finely crafted saber forged by Zhang Lixin.

The saber, meticulously crafted by Zhang Lixin specifically for Lu Ming, was forged from Tank bones and a unique alloy. Measuring two meters in length, its weight was negligible to Lu Ming. However, even with his impressive physique, the saber appeared somewhat oversized in his hand.

Yet, Lu Ming felt it was the perfect weapon for the task at hand.

After briefly considering whether to confront the Flesh Mountain or the six-legged wolf-bears, Lu Ming turned his gaze towards the colossal zombie.

"Let's deal with this one first," he decided.

Everyone aboard the plane sighed in relief. Lu Ming understood their unspoken desire for him to intervene and assist Bai Tianyu and the others. It was a simple favor to grant, and besides, the previous battle with Chang Yi had provided valuable insight into his own capabilities. While others might be terrified of the Level 5 Flesh Mountain, Lu Ming sensed no real threat from the creature.

In his eyes, the massive body was nothing more than a facade, all brawn and no substance. The pressure he felt from Chang Yi far exceeded anything this Flesh Mountain exuded.

The plane hovered directly above Flesh Mountain. After a quick assessment of the height, Lu Ming turned to Zhang Chengcheng and the others.

"Keep an eye on my prey," he instructed, his voice calm and confident.

Zhang Chengcheng nodded in understanding.

Lu Ming then stepped off the edge of the plane, plummeting towards the unsuspecting Flesh Mountain below.

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