CHAPTER 13: Awakening and Resolve

"Awakening? What’s that?" Wang Xiong furrowed his brow, his confusion evident as the unfamiliar term slipped from Dr. Meng Jie’s lips.

Dr. Meng Jie leaned forward, her tone calm but urgent. "When the tower appeared, it released an invisible substance into the atmosphere—a sort of magical particle that changed everything. It transforms the frail and the elderly into zombies almost instantly upon inhalation."

A flicker of realization passed over Wang Xiong’s face, but before he could speak, Dr. Meng Jie pressed on.

"But there’s another, rarer effect," she continued. "For a tiny percentage of ordinary people, this substance triggers a different kind of transformation—a physical evolution we’re calling ‘Awakening.’"

The apocalypse had left few spaces for curiosity, but as Wang Xiong listened, his eyes narrowed with intrigue. The idea of an Awakening—an evolution beyond the horrors of the undead—captured his attention.

Sensing his focus, Dr. Meng Jie offered a thin smile. "You’re actually the third case I’ve come across," she said. "The other two Awakened are a soldier and a civilian from a city shelter, but I haven’t met them personally."

Wang Xiong’s shoulders slumped slightly, the spark of intrigue dimming at the lack of detailed knowledge. But Dr. Meng Jie’s next words pulled him back into sharp attention.

"We don’t know everything yet, but the research we’ve gathered from blood samples is... promising," she said, her voice tinged with the excitement of discovery.

"First of all, Awakening seems to be random, like winning the lottery. Physical condition doesn’t seem to play a role. One of the Awakened is a soldier—strong, highly trained. The other is a frail woman. There’s no clear pattern."

"People who’ve Awakened also seem to be immune to the zombie infection," she added as if reading his mind.

A momentary silence settled between them as the gravity of Dr. Meng Jie’s words sunk in. Wang Xiong’s eyes darted toward the door, his thoughts moving faster than his body could keep up. Immunity to the infection... heightened abilities...

Wang Xiong’s gaze snapped back to her, interest fully reignited. "And what about strength? Are we just... stronger?" he asked, the unspoken challenge in his voice.

Dr. Meng Jie nodded, her eyes gleaming with understanding. "Yes. The 'Mystery Factor,' as we’re calling it, merges with human cells, enhancing them beyond their normal limits. From what we can tell, the stronger someone was before their Awakening, the more profound the effects."

Wang Xiong leaned in, eyes fixed on her. "And this soldier... how does he compare to me?" His voice brimmed with confidence, a slight edge to his question.

Zhang Lixin, who had been silently observing the conversation, finally spoke. "He’s strong, no doubt. But after what I’ve seen from you..." He trailed off, eyes narrowing slightly. "It’s hard to say who’s stronger. You both bring something different."

Dr. Meng Jie cut in, her tone more clinical. "Our research suggests that there’s even more potential for growth among the Awakened. But with only a few cases to study, we can’t make any concrete predictions yet."

A hunger stirred within Wang Xiong—not for food, but for power. In this apocalyptic world, survival was paramount, and strength was the only path forward. He had already tasted what this new life had to offer, but now... now he wanted more.

"That shelter you mentioned," he said, his voice steady but charged with anticipation. "Can I join you there?"

Zhang Lixin exchanged a glance with Dr. Meng Jie, who gave him a slight nod. He smiled, a bit of relief easing into his expression. "Of course. All survivors are welcome. But it’s not going to be easy. The shelter’s over 10 kilometers away, and the roads are far from safe."

Wang Xiong stood taller, his expression resolute. "Leave it to me. You won’t regret it."

Zhang Lixin clapped him on the shoulder, nodding. "We’re counting on you, Brother Wang."

Wang Xiong grinned, the weight of responsibility settling comfortably on his broad shoulders. "Great. Let’s move out then."

Dr. Meng Jie raised a hand, halting him. "Not yet. The streets are too dangerous after dark. We leave at dawn."

Across the village, Lu Ming wrestled with the memory of the monstrous zombie he’d encountered earlier. After a quiet dinner, he retreated to the second-floor gym, needing the physical outlet. Each strike against the sandbag reverberated through the space, the dull thud matching the intensity of his thoughts. The encounter had rattled him—more than he wanted to admit.

His fists continued to slam into the bag until he felt the familiar surge of strength, his unarmed combat skill rising to Level 2. The improvement brought a small but welcome increase in his strength and stamina, though it did little to ease the knot of unease in his chest.

Wiping sweat from his brow, Lu Ming made his way to the window, his gaze sweeping the streets below through the narrow observation hole. Most of the zombies had been drawn away by the earlier military gunfire, but now, with nightfall, they were slowly trickling back, drawn to the sounds of desperate scavengers searching for supplies.

The flickering streetlights cast eerie shadows across the pavement, illuminating the scattered figures of the undead. For a moment, Lu Ming was relieved not to see any of the hulking, giant zombies like the one he’d faced earlier. But his mind couldn’t let go of the possibility.

He grabbed his notebook—the Record Book of the Black Mist Tower Apocalypse Events—and jotted down his observations, his pen scratching against the paper as he processed the day’s events.

[Today, I was forced to take a life. But in this world, it’s necessary. The bigger issue is the discovery of a giant zombie—a creature over two meters tall, far stronger than the average infected. I’ll refer to them as 'giant zombies' from here on out].

He stared down at his writing, his mind returning to the terrifying encounter. If these giant zombies became more common, his fortress, once a symbol of security, would be at risk. For now, his defenses were holding, but what if the creatures evolved further?

Lu Ming paused, the pen hovering over the paper as a chill ran through him.

“What if they evolve even more?” The thought gnawed at him, refusing to be dismissed. He had read enough fiction to know that the undead weren’t always mindless. “What if they became smarter? Stronger? More organized?”

He set the pen down and stared out the window, dread slowly seeping into his bones. “Would I still be safe here?”

The idea that his sanctuary—his home—could be breached by more evolved monsters sent a shiver down his spine. But even as fear gripped him, something else stirred—something deeper.


"Attribute system," he muttered, his jaw clenched. "That’s my greatest advantage. As long as I can keep growing stronger, I’ll be ready."

He pictured himself, as stronger and more capable, able to outmatch even the deadliest of monsters. If he pushed his body and skills beyond human limits, there would be nothing the undead could throw at him that he couldn’t handle.

A newfound determination bloomed within him. He wouldn’t just survive—he would dominate this apocalypse.

Shutting his notebook, Lu Ming moved with purpose to the weapons laid out on his table. He grabbed his axe, feeling its weight settle into his hand. Then, the metal bat. Finally, the dagger.

“Long-range weapons are important,” he murmured, swinging the axe with precision. “Not just for skill proficiency, but for survival.”

The whoosh of the axe cutting through the air filled the room as he practiced, each strike deliberate, each movement honed. He switched between weapons, his focus unrelenting. Soon, the familiar ding of the attribute panel echoed in his mind.

  • Cold Weapon Combat (Lv1 1/100): You have mastered the basics of cold weapon combat. Strength and stamina have increased by 0.1.

His lips curled into a satisfied grin as he checked his stats:

Name: Lu Ming
Age: 25 years old
Strength: 7.5
Physique: 7.9
Agility: 8.0

He wiped the sweat from his brow, the tension in his body easing. "Keep going," he whispered to himself. His training had only just begun, and with every swing, every step forward, he grew more confident that he could survive—no, thrive—in this new world.

The dull thud of his weapons against the training dummy echoed through the room, each strike a testament to his unwavering determination.

End of Chapter 13

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