CHAPTER 16: The Breakout Gamble

“There’s no other option,” Wang Xiong declared, his voice hard with resolve. “We have to fight our way out. Whether it’s for food or to escape Good Hope Village altogether, staying here means certain death.”

The last piece of candy had long since disappeared, swallowed by desperation. For two days, Dr. Meng Jie and Zhang Lixin had rationed what little food they had left, prioritizing Wang Xiong’s needs to keep him strong for combat. But sacrifice only delayed the inevitable. Now, the shelves were bare, and the grim truth was staring them down—if they stayed, they would starve.

A heavy silence settled over the room. Staying meant slow, agonizing death; fighting gave them a slim chance at life. The decision hadn’t come too late—Wang Xiong and Zhang Lixin still had their strength, but hunger was beginning to gnaw at the edges of their endurance.

Turning to Dr. Meng Jie, Wang Xiong asked, “What do we do? Search for food, or leave the village and head for the city center shelter?”

Dr. Meng Jie, the oldest and perhaps the wisest of the group, paused in deep thought. “Leaving Good Hope Village is our best bet,” she finally said. “We’ve likely become targets for these higher-level zombies. Staying here only delays the inevitable. Our best chance for survival is to escape the village, maybe even take out that high-level zombie if the opportunity presents itself.”

Zhang Lixin nodded, adding his own assessment. “I’ve mapped out our route. We start here, head down Bright Street, and aim for the village entrance, where the army fought the zombies.”

Wang Xiong frowned. “Wouldn’t there still be zombies there? That sounds like a death trap.”

Zhang Lixin shook his head. “It’s hard to say. The battle’s been going on for a week. The horde might have scattered by now. Plus, the battlefield might have military vehicles and weapons left behind by our forces. Without a vehicle, we won’t make it far. Only military-grade vehicles can withstand attacks from these stronger zombies.”

A glimmer of hope passed between them. Wang Xiong clapped his hands together. “That’s it, then! We’re doing this.”

The tension in the room thickened as they prepared to leave. Wang Xiong donned his gear, the armor-like padding ready to face whatever horror awaited outside. Dr. Meng Jie, ever calm, clutched her briefcase as though it could shield her from the chaos. Zhang Lixin gripped his army shank tightly, a simple weapon, but one that had seen him through many battles.

Together, they stood—a tight, determined unit, prepared to face the horrors that lurked just beyond the door.

With a deep breath, Wang Xiong steeled himself and turned the knob. The door swung open with a resounding bang, shattering the relative calm.

Outside, a grisly scene greeted them. The noise had drawn the attention of over a dozen zombies, their pale, soulless eyes locking onto their prey. A low, guttural moan rippled through the air. The time for stealth was over—Wang Xiong, Dr. Meng Jie, and Zhang Lixin’s fight for survival had begun.

Before the creatures could react, Wang Xiong launched himself into a storm of violence.

In terms of raw stats, an average zombie’s physical abilities translated into something close to 6 points across the board in Strength, Physique, and Agility. In stark contrast, Wang Xiong’s awakened body boasted stats between 10 and 12 points in all attributes, nearly twice that of the undead.

The difference was staggering.

With every strike, every whip kick, Wang Xiong broke skulls and snapped necks like they were nothing. A single well-aimed punch shattered a zombie’s skull, sending it crumpling lifelessly to the ground. In close combat, he was a force of nature—relentless, efficient, and terrifyingly effective.

His immunity to the zombie virus allowed him to fight without restraint. His blows crushed bones, his movements so fluid it seemed he could clear entire streets with ease. But this wasn’t a one-sided slaughter.

Across the street, observing the massacre from an upper floor, the giant zombie watched, its pale eyes gleaming with cold intelligence. As expected, this prey wasn’t easily subdued. In a one-on-one fight, the colossal zombie might even find itself outmatched.

But hunting was never about fairness.

The giant zombie’s key advantage lay in its ability to control lesser zombies—a hierarchical influence that allowed it to command the movements of up to twenty undead at a time. These expendable pawns were perfect for wearing down the prey. From its vantage point, the giant zombie emitted a low, inaudible growl, orchestrating the movements of the horde below.

As Wang Xiong tore through the zombies, the giant zombie sent more of its pawns into the fray. Each time one fell, another stumbled forward, mindlessly driven by the giant’s silent commands. And as Wang Xiong’s violent rampage continued, more and more zombies were drawn to the commotion.

The giant zombie watched, calculating. This wasn’t about overpowering the prey in a direct fight—it was about exhausting him. Only then would it strike.

Wang Xiong, however, had no intention of giving in to exhaustion. His combat experience allowed him to pace himself, managing his stamina while leading the horde on a desperate chase through the narrow village streets. Within ten minutes, he had carved a bloody path through two entire streets, his companions in tow.

They ducked into a small house, catching their breath, before bursting back out into the open to continue their rampage toward the village entrance. They were getting closer.

But just as the giant zombie had underestimated Wang Xiong’s strength, Wang Xiong had underestimated the difficulty of their escape. As they neared the edge of the village, the narrow, protective streets gave way to a wide-open space.

This open terrain offered little cover and exposed them to attacks from every direction. The strain was beginning to show.

Ten more minutes of relentless combat passed. They were nearing the village’s edge, but Wang Xiong had reached his limit. His clothes hung in tatters, his skin marred by shallow bites, blood mixing with sweat as his powerful body finally began to falter. Zhang Lixin, struggling to protect Dr. Meng Jie, was gasping for air, barely able to stand.

The three huddled behind a wall and a pair of trash bins, staring out at the undead horde that was closing in. Just as Wang Xiong was preparing to deliver a final, desperate blow, a thunderous roar echoed through the streets.

The zombies stopped in their tracks. Their aggression melted away as they retreated, shambling backward, seemingly in response to the roar.

“It’s working,” Dr. Meng Jie whispered, hope flickering in her eyes. Wang Xiong gave a weak nod, his gaze fixed on the source of the sound.

Out of the distance lumbered a massive figure—a towering zombie, its head gleaming under the dim light, muscles bulging beneath its flesh. Over two meters tall, the giant zombie parted the horde like a king among his minions. It stopped just five meters away from Wang Xiong and his group.

For a moment, silence reigned. The giant zombie’s pale eyes gleamed with hunger, but also with something more—joy.

Wang Xiong stared back, unafraid. “So, you’re the main course,” he muttered, a new wave of energy surging through him.

It had all been part of his plan—the appearance of weakness, the slow retreat. He had been conserving his strength for this very moment. But just as he prepared to charge, something unexpected happened.

The giant zombie took two cautious steps back. It growled, a deep, primal sound, and instantly, the horde reversed course, resuming their attack with renewed ferocity.

“What the f*ck…” Wang Xiong cursed, the shock evident in his voice.

His carefully laid plan had unraveled in an instant. The giant zombie wasn’t going to fall for his tricks—it was in control, and with a single command, it had turned the tide of the battle.

As the horde descended upon them once more, the reality of their situation hit hard. This wasn’t just a fight for survival—it was a fight against a superior predator.

And their chances of winning were slipping away.

End of Chapter 16

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