CHAPTER 19: Fragile Alliances

After a moment’s deliberation, Lu Ming cracked open the window. The sheer number of zombies surrounding his home demanded action.

He acknowledged the possibility that the skilled man below, Wang Xiong, might be trying to manipulate him. But Lu Ming quickly dismissed the thought. The swarm of undead closing in on Wang Xiong’s position was undeniable. Whether or not Wang Xiong had drawn them intentionally, the immediate threat was real. “Any nearby zombies are a potential danger to me too,” Lu Ming reasoned. “Best to eliminate them all in one fell swoop.”

As far as Lu Ming was concerned, Wang Xiong’s decision to establish a temporary haven nearby was beyond his control. Likewise, if Wang Xiong wanted to risk venturing out and attracting a horde, that was his choice. But now, the zombies were close enough to be a problem for him too.

Lu Ming’s focus was clear: secure his own safety by eliminating the immediate threat. For every zombie I take out now, that’s one less chance for a future giant zombie to emerge.

With that, Lu Ming set his plan into motion.

A sharp "Bang!" pierced the air as the rhythmic thwack! of Lu Ming’s slingshot began. From his perch on the second floor, he fired shot after shot into the horde.

To his credit, Wang Xiong quickly caught on. The young man showed tactical awareness, herding the zombies toward the makeshift barricade of walls and trash cans. He shouted periodically, keeping the horde’s attention focused squarely on him, ensuring Lu Ming could focus on eliminating the undead without concern for his own safety.

Lu Ming observed Wang Xiong’s coordinated actions and gave a silent nod of approval. The man wasn’t harboring any malicious intent, so there was no need to activate his home’s self-defense protocols. “A practical man. That’s rare these days.”

Wang Xiong, an awakened individual, was no slouch. His physical strength and combat skills far surpassed those of ordinary zombies. Meanwhile, Lu Ming’s impressive attributes and Level 7 Slingshot Shooting skills made him a deadly long-range threat. Together, they were an efficient force: Wang Xiong acted as the shield, while Lu Ming delivered lethal precision.

In less than an hour, the massive horde had been reduced to nothing but lifeless bodies strewn across the street. Wang Xiong, breathing heavily, bore the marks of exhaustion, while Lu Ming’s wrists ached from the continuous barrage. But it was worth it.

Lu Ming's slingshot proficiency had reached Level 8 (98/700), and his [Agility] had gained a significant boost of 0.8 points. He could feel the improvement in his handling of the weapon.

"Good job, brother!" Wang Xiong called up from the street, raising a thumbs-up to Lu Ming, gratitude written all over his face.

But Lu Ming’s only response was to shut the window firmly. The iron gate clanged shut soon after, effectively closing off any further interaction.

For a moment, surprise flickered across Wang Xiong’s face, but it quickly faded into understanding. “He’s a loner,” Wang Xiong mused. “But a good one. A really good one.”

Weary but resolute, Wang Xiong turned and headed back to his makeshift shelter.

Inside their temporary refuge, the mood was heavy.

“Here’s the situation,” Wang Xiong began, his voice low. “The zombies near the battlefield haven’t dispersed yet. There’s still a massive horde out there.”

Dr. Meng Jie and Zhang Lixin exchanged grim looks. The sheer number of zombies meant reaching their objective—securing the vehicles and weapons left behind in the military clash—seemed impossible for the time being.

“We thought taking down the giant zombie was the key,” Dr. Meng Jie muttered, frustration seeping into her voice. “But that was just the start.”

As they sat down to their meager meal of instant noodles, Wang Xiong elaborated on the challenges ahead. “Even with Slingshot Brother’s help, it’ll take too long to clear out all these zombies. And attracting them toward me is risky. Anything could go wrong.”

Dr. Meng Jie remained silent, clearly at a loss for ideas. Zhang Lixin, however, was deep in thought.

“Since the Tower appeared, all communication has been cut off,” Zhang Lixin said, his voice heavy with frustration. “Phones, GPS, walkie-talkies, military radios—everything is dead. The shelter knows we’re in trouble, but they have no way to find us. Even if they wanted to send help, it’d be impossible without knowing our location.”

Even the best intentions couldn’t overcome that basic problem.

After a few moments, Wang Xiong spoke up, offering a new plan. “Let’s settle down here for now. We can take our time clearing out the zombies in the immediate area, secure the vehicles, and then figure out the best course of action. Rushing it will only get us killed.”

He paused, glancing at his companions. “We’ve got an advantage here. We have two awakened individuals—myself and Slingshot Brother. He’s clearly not the social type, but he’s reliable. And this area has decent security. We might as well make the best of it.”

Dr. Meng Jie and Zhang Lixin exchanged glances. Wang Xiong had a point. Slingshot Brother—Lu Ming—was an enigma, but one thing was certain: he was a valuable ally, whether or not he intended to be.

By the time the afternoon sun began to dip below the horizon, Lu Ming had finished his cold weapon combat training. His muscles ached pleasantly from the exertion, and he was just about to settle down when the doorbell rang.

With a sigh, Lu Ming walked over to the door and activated the security camera. There stood Wang Xiong, his face radiating friendliness through the screen.

“What is it now?” Lu Ming asked, his voice crackling through the intercom.

Wang Xiong grinned. “Just wanted to say hello to my new neighbor! We’ve decided to stay around here for a while. Neighbors now, so let’s look out for each other, yeah?”

Lu Ming rolled his eyes. “Suit yourself.” He cut off the intercom.

The idea of neighbors didn’t mean much to Lu Ming, but the constant visits were starting to test his patience.

Wang Xiong, undeterred, tried again. “By the way, brother, what’s your name?”

“Lu Ming.”

“My name’s Wang Xiong,” he said, introducing his companions. “That soldier over there is Zhang Lixin, and the lady’s a doctor—Dr. Meng Jie.”

“Got it,” Lu Ming muttered, his tone indifferent.

Just as Lu Ming was about to cut the intercom again, Wang Xiong spoke up one last time. “There’s something else.”

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes.

Wang Xiong lifted a small bag. “We found some slingshot ammo while clearing the street earlier. I figured you might need it, so I left it at your door.”

He continued, “And even better, we found a simple lathe nearby. The soldier says he can use it to manufacture more steel balls for you. We’ll bring it over when it’s done.”

For a moment, Lu Ming was silent, considering the offer. Then, finally, he said, “Thanks.”

Ammunition was a finite resource, and while this wouldn’t solve his problems entirely, it was a helpful gesture.

“Well, I won’t bother you anymore, bro,” Wang Xiong said, turning away.

After making sure Wang Xiong was gone, Lu Ming opened the door and retrieved the bag of ammunition. Then, he climbed to the second floor and peered through his observation window.

Down on the street, he saw Wang Xiong and Zhang Lixin hard at work, clearing zombie corpses and creating a buffer zone between the shelters. It was a practical, efficient task, and Lu Ming couldn’t help but nod in approval. “At least they’re keeping the area clean.”

Despite their different approaches to survival, a tenuous alliance had begun to take shape. Lu Ming, the solitary survivor, found himself unexpectedly benefiting from Wang Xiong’s resourcefulness. Though their partnership was fragile, and the future uncertain, they had a shared goal: survival.

End of Chapter 19

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