CHAPTER 2: Training the Body, Testing the Limits

Lu Ming slept deeply through the night, waking up at seven in the morning feeling refreshed.

He immediately opened his attribute panel to check his stats:

Name: Lu Ming
Age: 25 years old
Strength: 5.3
Physique: 5.7
Agility: 5.5

Lu Ming was taken aback. “Something's not right,” he muttered to himself.

He quickly recalled the stats from the previous night:

Strength: 5.1 (5.4) ↑
Physique: 5.5 (5.8) ↑
Agility: 5.3 (5.5) ↑

Though his attributes had improved, they hadn’t reached the values shown in parentheses. After a moment of reflection, Lu Ming understood the problem.

“Exercise is only part of it—30% training, 70% diet, and 10% sleep. My exercise yesterday was effective, as shown by the immediate increase in my stats. I slept well from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., so that's not the issue. That leaves my diet.”

He thought back to his post-workout meal and nodded.
“It must be the food. All I had was canned food—high in salt, fat, and carbs, but low in protein. After exercise, protein is essential for recovery.”

With that realization, Lu Ming climbed out of bed and started his day.

On the second floor, Lu Ming pulled open the curtains, gazing down at the city streets. The morning rush was in full swing—people hurrying to work, cars streaming by, and the world around him teeming with life.

It was hard to believe an apocalypse was on the horizon, yet Lu Ming felt certain it was coming.

After a moment of contemplation, he returned to his fitness area.
“Let’s give this another shot.”

He ran through the same workout: three sets of push-ups, three sets of squats, and an hour of jogging. The results were immediate:

Strength: 5.1 (5.6) ↑
Physique: 5.5 (6.0) ↑
Agility: 5.3 (5.7) ↑

The familiar feelings of hunger and fatigue washed over him, though they were less intense than the day before.

Deciding not to touch his home supplies, Lu Ming ventured out for breakfast. He headed for a nearby breakfast stall, only twenty meters away.

His usual order: five beef-filled steamed buns, a bowl of soy milk, two boiled eggs, and a plate of pickled cucumbers.

The savory buns were satisfying, complemented perfectly by the soy milk and eggs. Yet, despite devouring his meal quickly, Lu Ming was only 70% full. Sticking to his principle of small, frequent meals, he returned home, feeling more energized than ever.

“Time to continue training and studying this attribute panel,” he decided.

Back at home, Lu Ming repeated his workout: three sets of push-ups, three sets of squats, and another hour of jogging.

The results:

Strength: 5.3 (5.8) ↑
Physique: 5.7 (6.2) ↑
Agility: 5.3 (5.9) ↑

The numbers in parentheses had increased by only 0.2 points, and Lu Ming frowned. He tried an additional round of squats to push his physique further, but there was no change.

“Is there a limit to how much I can gain through training in one day?” he wondered. “Or am I not getting results because I haven’t rested enough?”

Both possibilities seemed plausible and needed further testing.

Determined to find out, Lu Ming set the treadmill speed to 12 and began sprinting. Ten minutes later:

Agility: 5.5 (6.0) ↑

Exhausted, Lu Ming stumbled off the treadmill and gulped down a protein shake. Fatigue and hunger overwhelmed him.

It was already eleven o'clock.

Deciding to take care of lunch before resting, he headed out again to a nearby restaurant. He ordered a plate of marinated beef, stir-fried vegetables, and two bowls of white rice.

By the time he returned home, satiated, it was nearly noon. Sleepiness overtook him, and Lu Ming surrendered to the urge to sleep.

Lu Ming awoke at one in the afternoon, feeling completely recharged. A short nap had done wonders for his energy.

He immediately opened his attribute panel:

Name: Lu Ming
Age: 25 years old
Strength: 5.8
Physique: 6.2
Agility: 6.0

All of his attributes had finally reached their full potential!

“Exercise, food, and sleep... All three are indispensable,” Lu Ming concluded.

“If any of these factors is lacking, it will affect my progress. Just like how improper exercise can lead to injury, poor nutrition can slow down attribute growth.”

He resolved to pay closer attention to his diet, knowing now that sleep was just as crucial to his development.

Thinking back on his progress, Lu Ming mused, “I’ve gained 0.5 points across all attributes this morning. But can I continue to gain more today?”

With that thought, he resumed his exercise routine. However, the results were disappointing.

“No improvement,” he noted. “I don’t feel the hunger or fatigue either.”

“Looks like there’s a daily limit to attribute gains. The most I can increase in a single day is 0.5 points per stat.”

That realization dampened his enthusiasm slightly. He had fantasized about rapidly improving, obsessively training day and night. But the cap on daily progress put an end to that dream.

Sitting at his desk, Lu Ming pondered. Is there a way to increase the attribute points gained in a single session?

Push-ups, squats, and running were effective but basic exercises. Modern sports science offered far better training methods—ones that used weights, equipment, and professional guidance, paired with a precise diet.

Lu Ming knew the theory but lacked expertise. If he wanted to push his progress, he needed a new plan.

“One option is to go to a gym and hire a trainer,” he thought. But that idea was immediately dismissed. The nearest gym was too far, and the looming apocalypse made long-distance travel unthinkable.

“Another option is to hire someone to come to my house.” Again, Lu Ming shook his head. His home was his fortress, and he wasn’t about to let anyone inside.

“So that leaves me with one option... Self-learning.”

Thanks to the internet, Lu Ming had access to an endless stream of knowledge. A quick search yielded a treasure trove of fitness videos, guides, and scientific resources. He began downloading them all, organizing them into a comprehensive fitness and survival database.

By the time he looked up, the afternoon had slipped away.

A new plan was forming in his mind.

Even if the daily limit is 0.5 points per attribute, my progress is still rapid. Soon, my physique will surpass that of ordinary people.

Clenching his fists, Lu Ming felt the subtle surge of strength coursing through his body.

“More weights, more equipment,” he decided.

While waiting for his online orders to arrive, he couldn’t help but dive back into his research. Lu Ming downloaded combat techniques, survival guides, and shooting manuals, ensuring he’d be prepared for any situation. The apocalypse could cut off the internet at any moment, so he needed all the knowledge he could store.

He silently thanked his past self for investing in those terabyte hard drives.

By evening, all the materials were downloaded. Just as Lu Ming was preparing for another round of training, the doorbell rang.

His delivery had arrived.

End of Chapter 2

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