CHAPTER 28: The Apex Predator

Compared to Wang Xiong’s emotional turmoil, Zhang Ye displayed an eerie calm. While Wang Xiong was initially paralyzed by the sudden chaos, Zhang Ye’s mind raced, swiftly formulating a plan.

“Follow me! We fight our way out!” he declared, his voice firm with resolve. A crimson glow flared from his hand, igniting into a small flame before launching it toward the densest cluster of zombies in the courtyard. A thunderous explosion shook the ground, momentarily clearing a path for Zhang Chengcheng and several survivors.

Zhang Ye led the charge, with Wang Xiong, Meng Jie, and another survivor flanking him, while Zhang Chengcheng guided the rest toward the courtyard. A quick headcount revealed only eight survivors remained.

“Where’s Li Zitong?” Zhang Ye asked his concern momentarily surfacing.

“No idea,” someone replied.

“I saw him,” another survivor muttered. “He scaled the wall with two women before things got worse.”

The group mentality had shattered in the face of catastrophe. Everyone was now prioritizing their own survival. Li Zitong, a more recent addition to the stronghold, had seen the tide turning and chose to flee. It wasn’t noble, but in such a desperate situation, it was understandable.

Zhang Ye took in the scene, his jaw clenched. The zombies had overrun the three small buildings in the courtyard, and the last screams of those inside were quickly being snuffed out. What had been intended as homes had become suffocating death traps. With a deep breath, he barked a command: “Follow me!”

Leading the group of survivors, Zhang Ye sprinted toward the backyard, urgency driving his every move. As a Level 2 Awakened, his strength and agility were vastly enhanced, while Wang Xiong and Zhang Chengcheng, as Level 1 Awakened, kept pace. The remaining survivors, selected for their physical strength, fought to keep up. Together, they formed a formidable unit.

Zhang Ye reached the backyard wall first and scaled it with ease. On the other side, a handful of scattered zombies lurked. With powerful blows, Zhang Ye cleared the area, his fists and feet smashing through the rotting undead with brutal efficiency. By the time Wang Xiong and the others reached the top of the wall, Zhang Ye had secured a small perimeter, giving them time to climb down.

Landing with a soft thud on the other side, Zhang Ye surveyed the streets. Dark, unfamiliar. His mind buzzed with uncertainty. Where do we go now?

“Head for the village entrance! Run!” Zhang Lixin’s voice cut through the tension, his words sharp with urgency.

“The zombies that attacked tonight—they came from the village entrance! I saw my comrades there! If they’ve left their post, the entrance is probably clear!”

Zhang Ye’s brow furrowed as he considered it. Securing military vehicles and weapons could change everything. It could give them a fighting chance.

“Let’s go,” he said with quiet determination.

They moved quickly, staying in the shadows, and avoiding larger groups of zombies. The front of the stronghold had drawn the horde’s attention, leaving the back relatively unguarded. Still, the village entrance was in the same direction the zombies had come from. A detour was their only option.

By nine o’clock into the night, after carefully navigating deserted streets and fending off the occasional stray zombie, the group paused to catch their breath. The oppressive darkness, broken only by flickering streetlights, added to the weight of their situation. They listened intently for any sign of movement, each breath laden with tension.

Then, a sudden, heavy thud broke the silence. Zhang Ye’s eyes snapped upward just in time to see a massive, decaying figure plummeting toward him from the rooftop. Acting on instinct, he sidestepped the attack, his enhanced reflexes saving him from being crushed. His fist lashed out in retaliation, shattering the giant zombie’s skull with a single, precise blow.

But the kill triggered something far worse.

The sound of heavy breathing filled the air as more giant zombies emerged from the shadows. Unlike the typical zombies, these creatures moved with an unsettling silence, their hulking forms blending into the darkness. It was an ambush, meticulously planned. Zhang Ye and his companions were surrounded.

The group froze as the atmosphere thickened with dread. The giant zombies stood eerily still, their pale eyes glinting with hunger. Zhang Ye exhaled slowly, his eyes scanning the area until they landed on a figure crouched on a rooftop, cloaked in shadow—a predator waiting to strike.

“A Tier 2 zombie,” Zhang Ye muttered under his breath, a sickening realization settling in. Only a Tier 2 zombie could control such a horde of giant zombies. His voice dropped to a whisper, filled with self-recrimination. “It’s all my fault. My advancement must have drawn this monster here.”

Zhang Chengcheng, sensing his despair, rushed to his side. “Brother, don’t blame yourself,” she urged.

But Zhang Ye raised a hand, silencing her. “No time for emotions,” he said coldly, his eyes hardening with resolve. “Dr. Meng’s theory was right—I’m the target. As long as you’re with me, you’ll all be drawn into this fight. I’ll take down the Tier 2 zombie. While I’m keeping it busy, you escape. Run as far as you can.”

Without waiting for a response, Zhang Ye roared and charged toward the Tier 2 zombie, his body blazing with fiery determination.

Zhang Chengcheng’s heart clenched as she watched her brother rush into the fray. Every fiber of her being wanted to follow, but Wang Xiong’s firm grip held her back. She could only watch as the swarm of giant zombies closed in around Zhang Ye, engulfing him in their grotesque mass.

“Let’s go!” Wang Xiong barked, dragging her toward the nearest building, seeking cover.

For a Level 2 Awakened like Zhang Ye, dealing with giant zombies was easy compared to the struggles that a Level 1 Awakened faced against normal zombies. His strength, fire manipulation, and sheer willpower gave him a devastating edge. He tore through the undead with burning fists, leaving scorched, broken corpses in his wake. He was a force of nature.

But the true enemy—the Tier 2 zombie—remained elusive.

Zhang Ye unleashed a massive explosion of fire, incinerating the zombies in his path. His flames roared with fury, but his energy was fading. His once-powerful blasts were becoming mere sparks. The giant zombies that had once fallen easily now seemed stronger, more resilient. His limbs grew heavy, and his punches lacked the force they once had. He stumbled, his vision blurring, overwhelmed by the relentless tide of undead.

Minutes felt like hours as Zhang Ye’s strength dwindled. Eventually, he was knocked to the ground, a grotesque pile of zombies pressing him down. His arms and legs ached as he struggled beneath the weight. And then, through the haze of battle, he saw it—the Tier 2 zombie.

The creature leapt gracefully from the rooftop, landing before him. As the moonlight illuminated its form, Zhang Ye felt a wave of dread wash over him.

Standing about 1.8 meters tall, the Tier 2 zombie was smaller than its giant counterparts, but far more menacing. Its body was lean, wrapped in taut, pinkish flesh. It moved with an eerie, animalistic grace, prowling on all fours. Its razor-sharp nails gleamed like knives, and its mouth, filled with jagged teeth, was a twisted mockery of humanity.

This was no mindless beast. This was a predator, perfectly evolved for the hunt. The realization hit Zhang Ye like a hammer—this was a creature unlike anything the world had ever seen.

The Tier 2 zombie approached, studying him with cold, calculating eyes. There was no hunger, no frenzy in its gaze—just a chilling sense of amusement.

Despite his situation, Zhang Ye forced a smile. He spat blood at the zombie, the glob landing squarely on its face.

“Well, well,” he rasped, his voice hoarse but defiant. “You look like a skinny old dog.” He chuckled darkly. “Is that all you’ve got?”

End of Chapter 28

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