Chapter 290: The Battlefield of Interests

Among the clans, there were no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

Humans, like all beings, could harbor bad intentions, and the same could be said of the powerful collectives formed by these groups. As a result, the alliance between the Giant Clan and the Insect Clan had always been fragile. It made sense that it would eventually shatter under the strain of shifting interests.

After Tang Chongye’s long explanation, Lu Ming began to understand the complexities underlying the situation. The animosity between the two clans went far deeper than mere disagreements.

"Six months ago," Tang Chongye said, "eight of our Insect Clan deities launched a surprise attack on the Giant King Court. Even the Corpse God got involved, personally killing the Giant Clan’s ancestor."

"At the same time, both the Insect and Undead Clan sent dozens of quasi-Divine realm experts to the battlefield. The Giant Clan’s army was wiped out in a matter of days."

The descriptions of deities destroying the heavens and quasi-Divine realm experts commanding powers over thousands of miles left Lu Ming thoughtful. Divine battles were rare in the Black Mist Zone, but when they occurred, the devastation was unparalleled.

“In that single battle, nearly ten Divine Realm experts were slain, and the Giant King Court was obliterated. Only Princess Haona and two surviving Giant Clan deities escaped, retreating to the east, seeking aid from the Aeonians.”

Lu Ming raised an eyebrow. "The Aeonians? Are they really going to get involved?"

Tang Chongye sneered. "Of course they will. The Aeonians can’t help but meddle in others’ affairs."

Lu Ming sensed something deeper at play. As they neared Archean City, the once-familiar landscape had transformed. Corpse soldiers filled the streets, Corpse beasts roamed freely, and Insect nests dotted the cityscape. Towers of vigilance stood watch, with their gaze fixed toward the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

This was no longer the Archean City Lu Ming had once known. It had become a massive military camp, and its forces pointed toward the mountains as if preparing for something far more dangerous.

Tang Chongye confirmed Lu Ming’s suspicions. "What the Aeonians don’t realize is that the Corpse God and Insect Mother never cared about the Giant Clan. Their real target is the Aeonians."

The revelations were startling, but Lu Ming felt a gnawing confusion. He glanced at Tang Chongye and asked, "By the way, which side am I on?"

Tang Chongye snorted, his amusement evident. "You don’t know? If you weren’t with us, do you think I’d be bothering to explain all this? Didn’t you realize that Lord Moonfiend is one of the guardian deities for this battlefield?"

Lu Ming truly hadn’t known.

"As for the progress..." Tang Chongye was about to continue when a voice, sharp and resentful, interrupted him.

"The progress is that the Blackmond Beast King has been paid off, and he’s sitting on his hands, doing nothing!"

Lu Ming and Tang Chongye turned to see Moonfiend Yue standing behind them, her expression betraying her frustration.

With a snort, she explained, "The original plan was to enlist the Four Ancient Beast Tribes and have them lead the exotic beasts into forming a beast tide vanguard. I had negotiated with Blackmond, but half a year has passed, and he’s still sitting idle, waiting for more benefits."

Moonfiend Yue’s sharp gaze flickered between the two men. "You two will come with me. I’ll deal with Blackmond personally."

She turned her attention back to Lu Ming. "Oh, and I called you here so you could get familiar with how things work. If you need anything in the future, don’t come running to me right away. Handle it yourself if possible. If you really need help, go to Archean City and seek out Tang Chongye or his father. His father is a quasi-Divine realm expert and should be able to handle most issues."

Lu Ming nodded, though he could already sense that Moonfiend Yue was the type to avoid trouble, much like himself.

Moonfiend Yue led Lu Ming and Tang Chongye deeper into the Hundred Thousand Mountains. As they moved, she said little, her focus solely on the path ahead.

Lu Ming found Tang Chongye’s company rather agreeable. Despite their differences, Tang Chongye possessed a calm, knowledgeable demeanor and spoke with a touch of humor. However, Lu Ming was keenly aware that they could never truly be friends—not after what had happened. He had killed two of Iron Lump’s brothers, and while they could bury the grudge for now, it was only a matter of time before it resurfaced.

Tang Chongye, continuing to brief Lu Ming, explained the stark differences between the various regions of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. "If the outer and inner circles resemble untamed wilderness, then the core area is like a kingdom built by exotic beasts. It’s far more structured."

In this core area, the Four Ancient Beast Tribes reigned supreme: Azure, Bai Xun, Blackmond, and Emperor Yao. These tribes were descendants of the Beast King’s land beast generals, but their power had waned over time. The strongest among them was only a quasi-Divine realm expert, far weaker than true deities.

Yet, the tribes still possessed valuable artifacts, such as the Primitive Barbaric Horn, which could command exotic beasts. This made them ideal allies—or cannon fodder—in the upcoming battles.

"In short," Tang Chongye said with a smirk, "with Lord Moonfiend on our side, the four tribes won’t be much trouble."

As they reached the heart of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, Lu Ming could see the vast difference in the landscape. The area had a much more organized feel compared to the chaos of the outer regions.

The Mutated Beast Kingdom was a domain unlike any Lu Ming had seen before. The exotic beasts here were not mindless animals—they had their own hierarchy, their own rules. The Four Ancient Beast Tribes governed with a system as complex as any human kingdom.

"The Beast Kingdom can be a formidable force," Tang Chongye continued. "Though the tribes aren’t as powerful as they once were, they still hold sway over large groups of exotic beasts. If we can rally them, they’ll be a valuable asset in the coming battles."

With Moonfiend Yue leading the way, Lu Ming and Tang Chongye entered the Beast Kingdom. They were here to resolve the issue with Blackmond, a beast king who had grown greedy, delaying his cooperation.

"With Lord Moonfiend involved, this is just a formality," Tang Chongye said confidently. "No quasi-Divine realm expert can resist a true deity, even one at the bottom tier like Lord Moonfiend."

Despite his reassurances, Lu Ming remained cautious. While he respected Moonfiend Yue’s power, he also knew that greed and ambition were dangerous forces—ones that could easily unravel the most carefully laid plans.

As they made their way deeper into the exotic beast kingdom, Lu Ming couldn’t help but wonder what awaited them in the meeting with Blackmond. Would he finally submit to Moonfiend Yue’s authority, or would there be another twist in this tangled web of alliances?

End of Chapter 290

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