Chapter 294: The Binding Curse

Moonfiend Yue fell into deep contemplation.

The words “spy” and “bloodline revenge” lingered in her mind, tempting her with their simplicity. The idea of a spy gave her a convenient excuse—something to explain her actions to the Subverters. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than admitting the truth: that she couldn’t control Blackmond, and he had blatantly disregarded her authority.

As for the idea of revenge, it stirred something more personal within her. She knew there was little hope of taking vengeance on Shufang himself—he was too powerful, too untouchable. But if she could make his descendants suffer, or even eradicate them entirely, perhaps it would alleviate the sting of her humiliation.

If she couldn’t strike down the old, she could make the young bleed.

Yet, the thought of doing it herself seemed far too risky. How could she, Moonfiend Yue, dare to infiltrate the Eternal Clan’s territory alone? Moreover, her pool of loyal subordinates was pitifully small. After weighing her options, the only one remotely suitable for the task was Lu Ming.

She lifted her gaze and fixed it on him. “Can you truly infiltrate the Hundred Schools of Philosophy?” she asked, her tone calculated.

Lu Ming nodded confidently, though inwardly, he had no idea what the Hundred Schools of Philosophy even were. “Yes, I can,” he said without hesitation.

Moonfiend Yue scrutinized him for a moment longer. “And can you really trace Shufang’s descendants through eighteen generations?”

“He may not even have descendants,” she mused. Gods had lifespans that stretched endlessly, and for all she knew, Shufang’s descendants—if any existed—might be distantly removed or of no relevance at all.

Lu Ming’s reply was calm, calculated. “Even if there are no direct descendants, there are bound to be nephews, nieces, or distant relatives. Perhaps even close friends with living descendants. We won’t know until we try.”

His voice grew firmer as he added, “If you want to kill me out of frustration, why not take a gamble on me instead? To you, I’m already as good as dead. My life holds no meaning for you.”

Moonfiend Yue didn’t respond, so he pressed further. “Keeping me alive gives you a chance, a small one, but a chance nonetheless. And if I succeed—even if I eliminate just one descendant of Shufang—it's a victory. Isn’t that better than killing me for nothing?”

Moonfiend Yue fell silent again, deep in thought. Lu Ming’s reasoning struck a chord within her. Slowly, the anger in her eyes began to dim, replaced by a calculating gleam.

After a long moment, she spoke, her voice softened but still edged with caution. “I’m only afraid you might spread word of today’s events.”

Lu Ming shook his head. “My lips are sealed. Besides, even if you silence me, what of Shufang’s tongue? Can you silence the Four Ancient Beast Clans?”

He allowed a pause, then spoke with quiet intensity. “Revenge and bloodshed are the only things that can erase today’s humiliation. Only the blood of your enemies—not your own people—will truly cleanse your name.”

He watched her carefully. The truth was, Moonfiend Yue wasn’t a hero; she was a coward. Her first instinct was to take out her frustrations on her own subordinates, an act that would only prove her incompetence. But deep down, people like her craved validation from others. They wanted to do something that resembled a heroic act, like exacting revenge.

His words had hit their mark.

Moonfiend Yue’s eyes gleamed with newfound interest, and she nodded slowly. “You make a good point. Very well, let’s proceed as you suggested.”

Lu Ming exhaled, relief washing over him. He had narrowly avoided death at the hands of this unpredictable woman.

But his relief was short-lived. Moonfiend Yue’s next words sent a chill down his spine.

“But to ensure you don’t try to escape or betray me,” she said coldly, raising her hand, “I’ll need to place a measure of control on you.”

A dim gray light swirled in her palm, casting an eerie glow in the air between them. “Absorb this,” she commanded. “Now. It’s time to prove your loyalty.”

The word “loyalty” left a bitter taste in Lu Ming’s mouth. His disdain for her deepened, and for the first time, he felt a raw, violent urge to kill her. More so than even the Queen of Blade.

He suppressed the urge. Now wasn’t the time. He had to be smarter.

With a slow, measured breath, Lu Ming closed his eyes. He reflected on the events of recent days, and the more he thought, the angrier he became.

"It was you who disrupted my peaceful life," he thought. "You forced me to be your subordinate, made me follow orders without offering anything in return. And now, you’re venting your anger on me because someone stronger insulted you?"

­“Fine,” he thought bitterly. He understood the cruel hierarchy of the Black Mist Zone. Strength ruled all. Moonfiend Yue might have been a god, but for now, Lu Ming was far weaker. The weak were destined to be humiliated.

When he opened his eyes, countless thoughts raced through his mind, and just as Moonfiend Yue’s patience was wearing thin, he stepped forward. He reached out and touched the swirling gray light.

A cold aura instantly surged through his body, wrapping around his core, before it disappeared just as quickly.

Moonfiend Yue smiled, pleased. “The Moonlight Curse Seal,” she said, her voice smug. “My ultimate skill. Its effects are simple: I can detonate it at any time, and the trace of Divine Origin within it will obliterate your existence completely. There will be no coming back from it.”

She took a step forward and lightly patted Lu Ming’s shoulder. “Do your job well and be obedient. If you do, I won’t detonate the seal. In fact, I’ll even reward you.”

In his mind, Lu Ming rolled his eyes. Rewards? What rewards had she ever given him? This woman was delusional.

But he wasn’t too worried.

From the moment he had touched the curse seal, Lu Ming had opened his attribute panel. The text that appeared reassured him completely.

[Moonlight Curse Seal: A Curse of the Divine Realm. It can be detonated at any time according to the will of the caster. The trace of Divine Origin within it can entirely erase the life force of the cursed individual from existence.]

The effect was exactly as Moonfiend Yue had described.

But then came the important part:

[Note: You can use 1 Divine Origin Point to completely erase the effects of the Moonlight Curse Seal.]

“So, the price is 1 Divine Origin Point...” Lu Ming thought, feeling a sense of relief. It wasn’t cheap, but it was manageable.

Moonfiend Yue, satisfied with her control over him, seemed completely oblivious to his thoughts. “Go do your job,” she ordered coldly. “Head to the Eternal Clan and the Hundred Schools of Philosophy as soon as possible.”

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Lu Ming standing alone.

He watched her retreating figure, keeping his head bowed, his expression unreadable. Only after she had disappeared from sight did Lu Ming finally turn and begin his own journey back to Frost Lake.

Inside, however, his thoughts were burning.

End of Chapter 294

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