CHAPTER 299: The Price of Potential

“Physique Realm, Level Four. Bone age: 1.5. Low potential...”

“Not qualified.”

With the stringent standards of the Three Elements Academy, it was no surprise that so few adult candidates made it through the annual entrance exams. This was, after all, one of the largest academies of the Eternal Clan, and those with real potential were usually identified and nurtured long before they reached adulthood.

Jiu Han never had much interest in the adult assessments. Why waste time here when the Eternal Clan's best had long since been discovered? Even for the academy’s adult exams, this pattern held true.

As he was about to turn and leave, a new group of candidates entered the hall. Something in Jiu Han’s gut told him to stay. He halted mid-step and turned back to watch. There were ten of them. He didn’t bother using his Divine Realm perception—that would spoil the fun. Instead, he observed them as any ordinary onlooker might, his sharp eyes scanning for promise.

A vague excitement fluttered within him. Perhaps there was something special in this batch after all.

With renewed interest, Jiu Han focused on the first candidate.

“Physique Realm, Level Three. Bone age: 1.2. Good potential. Qualified.”

The candidate passed, but he didn’t catch Jiu Han’s eye. His talent met the academy’s standards but fell short of the lofty expectations Jiu Han held. He turned his gaze to the remaining nine, observing their mannerisms, their stature, and the way they carried themselves.

“This one’s not bad,” Jiu Han thought, his eyes on a sturdily built man. “He looks older, but he’s strong. I wonder what level he’s at.”

His attention shifted to another, younger candidate standing confidently, full of energy and vigor. “Oh, this one’s good too. Spirited and sure of himself.”

Then his gaze caught on a third. “Hmm... That one standing beside the Firestone Clan member looks promising. He’s big, well-muscled. You can tell he’s put in a lot of effort with the Body Forging techniques. Calm, steady. He doesn’t show his emotions easily. Temperament’s solid. He’s older, but not too old... Not bad at all.”

Jiu Han’s eyes flickered with interest as he quietly evaluated them.

The assessment proceeded smoothly. Unlike Jiu Han, the candidates were gauging one another, their competitive instincts subtly surfacing. Some used quiet techniques to measure the strength of their peers. There was an unspoken understanding that those who felt weaker stepped forward first, leaving the strongest for last.

The first six candidates finished quickly, and only two passed.

When it was his turn, Quan Chao stepped forward toward the crystal pillar. The pillar lit up faintly as soon as he placed his hand on it.

The examiner spoke in a steady, impartial tone. “Third level of the Spirit Realm. Bone age: 2.2. Average potential.”

The examiner hesitated briefly, then added, “Qualified.”

Quan Chao’s strength and bone age were acceptable, but his average potential made him a borderline case. The decision could have gone either way. Given the low pass rate, the examiner chose to be lenient.

Sensing the precarious nature of his success, Quan Chao smiled and gave a courteous nod to the examiner before returning quickly to Lu Ming’s side.

“Next,” the examiner called, looking at the remaining three candidates.

Just as Lu Ming considered stepping forward, an older man with white hair and a deeply weathered face walked ahead of him.

“I’ll go first,” the old man said, his voice calm yet commanding.

He placed his hand on the crystal pillar, and immediately, a brilliant light filled the room. The examiner’s eyes widened in shock.

“Ancient Realm?”

The old man gave a slow nod. “Yes.”

“The crystal pillar can’t measure the bone age of Ancient Realm cultivators,” the examiner explained. “We’ll need to assess it manually. Do you have any objections?”

The old man shook his head. “No objections.”

Under the watchful eyes of the room, an Ancient Realm examiner prepared to step forward when Jiu Han, quicker on his feet, moved to take his place.

“Let me do it,” Jiu Han said with a small smile.

The examiner hesitated but then stepped back in deference. Jiu Han turned to the old man and nodded.

“May I see your mystical patterns?”

The man unbuttoned his shirt, revealing two silver mystical patterns etched into his shoulders.

“Level One of the Ancient Realm. Double silver patterns,” Jiu Han remarked. He stepped forward and gently placed his hand on the man’s wrist.

Just as trees have growth rings, the bones of living beings carry the markers of age. Even ordinary people could estimate a person's age by feeling their bones. But for someone like Jiu Han, a Divine Realm expert, this method was flawless. He never missed by more than a year.

After a moment, Jiu Han withdrew his hand. “First level of the Ancient Realm. Lifespan: 4,218 years. Average potential.”

The typical lifespan for an Ancient Realm cultivator was between 5,000 and 6,000 years, regardless of race. Beyond 5,000 years, even Ancient Realm experts were nearing the end of their life. At 4,218, this man was old by any standard, especially if he had sustained injuries earlier in life. His potential for further growth was limited.

Jiu Han smiled gently. “May I ask why you want to join the Three Elements Academy?”

He used the word join rather than enroll—this man clearly wasn’t here to study.

The old man gave a small bow. “My name is Bai Yao. I’ve spent most of my life wandering the world. A few years ago, I met a woman, and we married. We have a son. I no longer wish to live a life of conflict and danger.”

He hesitated, then added, “I came to the academy seeking a stable job. I don’t wish to grow stronger anymore. I just want to live peacefully and ensure my son receives the best education possible.”

Jiu Han sighed softly. “You’re a remarkable father.”

Bai Yao smiled faintly. “I wouldn’t say remarkable. I simply know how hard it is for those without connections. In my younger years, I risked my life to obtain origin power techniques at the Origin Realm and Ancient Realm. My son has good aptitude, and if I can join the academy, I can smooth the way for him. Help him avoid some of the struggles I went through.”

Jiu Han nodded, understanding. Origin Power techniques were plentiful within the academy. While access to them came with certain thresholds, it was far easier than seeking them out in the wild. Beyond that, the academy’s network of instructors and connections was invaluable.

“There’s no need for a temperament test,” Jiu Han said kindly. “Wait here. Once the assessments are finished, someone will arrange a position for you in the academy. Does that sound agreeable?”

Bai Yao smiled gratefully. “That sounds perfect.”

End of Chapter 299

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