CHAPTER 306: The Trials Deepen

After the initial tests of temperament and skill transmission, the real challenges began.

The beauty test had measured self-control, while the choice of martial arts cultivation had revealed each candidate's disposition and approach to growth. Up to this point, no matter which path they chose, the results hadn't yet impacted their chances of passing. But everything they would experience next would determine their fate in this assessment.

Three days into the dream world, the first casualty of the test appeared. The candidate opened his eyes, disoriented, only to be greeted by Jiang Weiquan’s disappointed gaze.

“You have failed the examination. Please leave.”

The candidate, still groggy, couldn’t remember what had gone wrong in the dream state. Only the glow of the crystal pillar and Jiu Han, watching from afar atop Boshi Tower, knew the truth of his failure.

Jiu Han shook his head as he observed the young man’s defeat.

“He couldn’t resist the temptation of beauty,” Jiu Han muttered, though that alone wasn’t what sealed his fate. “What truly failed him was his lack of judgment. He couldn’t even follow simple instructions.”

Earlier, the Old Dad figure in the dream had given a clear warning: do not leave the house in the near future. The reasons were deliberately left vague, but all the candidates had the chance to inquire from their maids or butlers about the looming quasi-Divine challenge.

This candidate hadn’t bothered to ask. He hadn’t retreated into seclusion for cultivation. Instead, he had squandered his days with women, indulging in every luxury offered. For three full days, he had ignored the advice given, and when his scoundrel friends invited him to leave the mansion, he did so without hesitation.

He was dead within hours, slapped down by Jie Hai, the quasi-Divine Realm expert.

This was the first major stumbling block of the temperament assessment.

These candidates were no ordinary youths. They were the heirs of powerful noble families in Xuanshui City. With quasi-Divine realm fathers, they had led lives untouchable by common dangers. No one dared to provoke them. Their access to wealth and resources was unimaginable, and with that privilege came an additional layer of temptation. In their dream world, where wealth, beauty, and power were readily available, the true test lay in whether they could remain grounded amid these overwhelming luxuries.

That was the core of this assessment: could they hold onto their sense of self in the midst of abundance?

In truth, only about half the candidates historically passed this part of the exam. Many, having never lived in such opulence before, were easily caught in the trap laid by these temptations.

Soon after, two more candidates were eliminated. One was lured out by his friends and met the same fate—killed by Jie Hai. The other never focused on martial arts at all, instead indulging in the romantic attentions of his maids and concubines for over a month. His total lack of discipline led to his failure and expulsion from the Three Elements Academy.

Meanwhile, Jiu Han’s focus shifted to Lu Ming and Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s performance was impressive. After discovering the existence of the quasi-Divine challenge, he understood that with his current strength, there was nothing he could do. Without hesitation, he entered seclusion, training diligently every day. He only left his quarters to speak with the maids and butler, keeping his finger on the pulse of the outside world while maintaining his focus.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, operated on an entirely different level.

Though he remained unaware of the events beyond the walls of his mansion, his dedication to cultivation was unparalleled. Lu Ming devoted 60% of his day to training—only stopping to eat and sleep. If the dream scenario had included access to a Void Realm, Jiu Han had no doubt Lu Ming would have spent even his sleep time in cultivation.

One month passed like a whisper in the wind.

Then, the day of the quasi-Divine challenge arrived.

Naturally, this was far beyond the realm of what the candidates could influence. Those who knew about the challenge remained at home, waiting for news of the battle’s outcome. Those unaware—like Lu Ming—continued their intense cultivation, too absorbed in their personal growth to notice.

Three days later, the tension in the city finally eased.

Old Dad had defeated Jie Hai, securing victory in the quasi-Divine realm duel. The crisis was over, and life returned to its normal rhythm.

In theory, the temperament assessment was now more than halfway complete.

Over the next month, the focus of the exam shifted to monitoring the candidates' discipline—how seriously they took their training, how they managed their lives in their wealthy households. As long as they didn’t fall into a pattern of indulgence—over-eating, over-drinking, or abusing their status—they stood a good chance of passing. It was about balance, self-control, and focus.

During this period, three more candidates were disqualified.

Now, only four candidates remained in the examination hall.

They had passed the temperament test and met the criteria for entry into the Three Elements Academy. Among them were Lu Ming, Lin Feng, and Quan Chao.

Jiu Han’s interest was piqued.

His eyes narrowed as he watched Lu Ming, trying to make sense of the young man’s behavior.

“Why does this boy do nothing but cultivate?” Jiu Han murmured to himself.

In Lu Ming’s day-to-day life, the pattern was always the same: if he wasn’t eating or sleeping, he was cultivating. He didn’t engage in leisure, he didn’t pursue women, and he didn’t indulge in entertainment.

Jiu Han’s brow furrowed.

Is he even human? Or is he some kind of cultivation machine?

He sent a mental message to Jiang Weiquan, indicating that the assessment should continue. There was still more to observe. Jiu Han leaned back, folding his arms, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

“Let’s see how you handle the next challenge, Lu Ming.”

With a slight movement of his finger, he triggered the next phase of the dream.

Another month passed in the dream world. It seemed as though everything was settling into routine—until an unexpected event shattered the peace.

Late one night, Lu Ming was jolted awake by frantic knocking on his door. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he rose and opened it. Standing there were the maid and the butler, their faces pale with fear.

“Young Master, something terrible has happened!”

“What’s going on?” Lu Ming asked, still groggy from sleep.

“It’s the Old Master!” the butler stammered. “He’s been ambushed and killed by Jie Hai!”

Lu Ming froze, his mind reeling.

“What did you say?”

The butler quickly explained. Although Old Dad had won the earlier duel, the victory hadn’t been as decisive as it appeared. Old Dad had been injured, while Jie Hai, though severely wounded, had managed to escape. Over the course of the next month, Jie Hai had recovered. This time, instead of issuing a formal challenge, he had launched a surprise attack and succeeded.

The news hit Lu Ming like a thunderclap.

For a moment, he was stunned. Then he took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay calm.

“What’s the current situation?” he asked.

The butler shook his head, his expression grave. “I’m not sure, Young Master. All I know is that the Master’s soul lamp has gone out…”

Lu Ming closed his eyes for a moment, grappling with the weight of the news. In this world, the extinguishing of a soul lamp meant only one thing—death.

He opened his eyes, the fire of determination burning within them.

“Gather the money and treasures. We’re leaving.”

Turning to the butler, he asked, “There’s a secret passage out of the house, isn’t there?”

The butler nodded. “Yes, Young Master.”

Meanwhile, Lin Feng had already acted. He hadn’t hesitated when the news reached him. Within moments, he made his decision and fled. As he bolted from his family estate, a deafening explosion echoed behind him.

His family mansion, once protected by the divine power of his Old Dad, was now nothing more than a pile of rubble, destroyed by Jie Hai’s overwhelming force.

Lin Feng glanced back at the smoking remains, his heart darkening with the seeds of vengeance.

End of Chapter 306

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