CHAPTER 310: Shadows Behind the Smile

Lu Ming hadn’t noticed any glaring issues, but something about Lin Feng left him uneasy. There was a subtle duplicity in Lin Feng’s demeanor that he couldn’t shake—a sense that there was more beneath the surface.

After some reflection, though, Lu Ming wondered if he might be overthinking it. Lin Feng had passed the temperament test, after all, which meant that any flaws he had couldn’t have been too severe. If Jiu Han had approved, then Lin Feng couldn’t be all bad.

Better to keep my distance, Lu Ming decided. He wasn’t the type to crave companionship or need many friends. In fact, he preferred solitude. With that in mind, he dismissed his concerns about Lin Feng. Whatever secrets or agendas Lin Feng might harbor were of no real consequence to him.

It has nothing to do with me.

Lu Ming followed Jiang Weiquan to the base of Boshi Tower. Rows of serene courtyards stood at the foot of the towering structure, surrounded by tranquil gardens.

“What do you think of courtyard number 54, Student Lu?” Jiang Weiquan asked, gesturing toward a modest, yet elegant, dwelling.

Lu Ming raised an eyebrow. “Is this where the students stay?”

Jiang Weiquan chuckled softly. “It is, but not for just any student. Let’s just say this one is reserved for special individuals. Don’t overthink it. Just tell me—are you satisfied?”

Lu Ming nodded quickly. “I’m more than satisfied.”

With his new living arrangements sorted, his next concern was preparing for Jiu Han’s teaching session the following day. He watched as Jiang Weiquan took his leave and soon disappeared into the distance.

Meanwhile, Lin Feng, after observing Lu Ming walk away, took a deep breath. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips—calm, controlled, yet somehow chilling. He left the examination hall and strolled out of the Three Elements Academy entirely, heading to the hotel where he’d been staying. Once in his room, Lin Feng showered, reclined on the couch, and slowly drifted into sleep.

His consciousness spiraled downward, plunging into a murky abyss. In his dream, Lin Feng opened his eyes to find himself staring into a massive, half-human-high crimson pupil, hidden within shadows. Behind the pupil stood a looming figure, obscured by darkness.

Lin Feng inhaled deeply, then bowed his head in deference. “Master.”

The shadowy figure let out a low, guttural sound. “Hmph.”

“How did the assessment go?”

“I passed,” Lin Feng replied respectfully. “I must thank you for granting me the Source Dream Power, Master. Without it, I wouldn’t have been confident enough to pass the temperament test.”

The temperament test was designed to do more than gauge character. The crystal pillar could detect hostile intentions. It was a safeguard to keep out spies and infiltrators. For years, the Three Elements Academy had relied on this method to filter out countless secret agents, but, as with anything, no system was perfect. Especially now, with the rise of dream-based mutations.

Lin Feng hesitated before continuing. “But, Master, although I was a ‘lucky seedling,’ and despite retaining my memories during the dream test, I was accepted only as an in-name disciple. Not Jiu Han’s personal disciple.”

The crimson pupil narrowed as the figure spoke again. “An in-name disciple is still an achievement. Jiu Han hasn’t taken on a personal disciple in years.”

Lin Feng’s voice dropped slightly. “But, Master, Jiu Han made an exception this time. He accepted someone named Lu Ming as his personal disciple.”

There was a pause, then the figure’s voice shifted. “Oh?”

The figure seemed to contemplate the revelation for a moment before asking, “Tell me more about this Lu Ming.”

Lin Feng recounted everything he knew—how Lu Ming had outperformed him in the dream test, how his talent had caught Jiu Han’s attention, how Lu Ming had been granted the coveted position of personal disciple.

When he was done, silence stretched between them. Then, a soft chuckle echoed from the shadows.

“Interesting… very interesting. It seems Jiu Han has indeed struck gold with this one. It’s no fault of yours that you can’t compare to him. You truly can’t.”

Lin Feng gritted his teeth in frustration but remained silent.

“But,” the figure continued, “there’s one thing in your favor. You’re on the right side, while he, unfortunately, is not. That alone seals his fate. A dead genius is no genius at all.”

A dark gleam flickered in Lin Feng’s eyes. “I understand, Master.”

The figure’s tone softened. “This isn’t just guidance. I have my reasons for taking you under my wing. Your role will be important. For now, stay close to Jiu Han, but remain hidden. When we make our move against the Hundred Schools of Philosophy, you’ll be in a position to help.”

Lin Feng nodded obediently. “I won’t disappoint you, Master.”

“One more thing,” the figure added. “You mentioned that Lu Ming insulted a Divine Realm expert from our faction?”

“Yes,” Lin Feng confirmed.

The figure chuckled again, this time more sinisterly. “Find an opportunity to lure him out of the academy’s protection. We’ll deal with him. Not only will it remove a competitor, but it will also help you gain favor within our ranks.”

Lin Feng’s expression darkened as a glint of ambition flashed in his eyes. If Lu Ming were out of the way, his rise within Jiu Han’s inner circle would be much smoother.

“I’ll see to it, Master. He won’t live long.”

The figure faded back into the shadows, leaving Lin Feng to savor the thought of Lu Ming’s impending demise.

The next morning, Lu Ming arrived at Boshi Tower, where Lin Feng was already waiting, that same insincere smile plastered on his face. The uneasiness from the previous day returned, stronger now.

Their conversation was short and superficial—Lin Feng speaking with forced warmth, Lu Ming responding curtly. After a few minutes, the exchange became too awkward to continue, and they both lapsed into silence, waiting for Jiu Han’s arrival.

At precisely 8 a.m., a thunderous crash echoed through the air, the massive doors of Boshi Tower swinging open.

“Come in,” Jiu Han’s voice boomed from within.

Without a word, both Lu Ming and Lin Feng entered.

Boshi Tower stood over a thousand meters high, the tallest structure in Xuanshui City. It was more than just a residence for Jiu Han; it was a masterpiece of runic arrays and divine power, all designed by the man himself.

Rumors circulated that the tower was a divine artifact in its own right, though such claims remained unproven. What was certain, however, was that it was no ordinary building.

As soon as they stepped inside, a wave of spatial energy enveloped both Lu Ming and Lin Feng. The energy, infused with traces of Divine Origin, rendered them helpless as they were teleported deeper into the tower, to an unknown location.

When they finally stabilized, they found themselves in what resembled a grand, ethereal classroom. Jiu Han stood before them, hands clasped behind his back, holding a long, elegant teaching stick.


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