CHAPTER 33: Strength in Numbers

Life sometimes resembled a rollercoaster—a chaotic rush of events followed by stretches of relative calm. This sentiment resonated deeply with Wang Xiong. The preceding day had unfolded with breakneck speed: leaving for the Zhang family stronghold, witnessing Zhang Ye's ascension to a Level 2 Awakened, the sudden onslaught of the zombie horde and the destruction of the stronghold, the frantic return to Good Hope Village, and finally, the spectacle of Lu Ming single-handedly demolishing both the hunters and the undead tidal wave. It was surreal to think that he had relocated twice within a single day.

However, as the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” After the whirlwind of yesterday, a peaceful tranquility descended upon them. Each morning began with Wang Xiong leading the survivors in a coordinated effort to clean up the ravaged streets. Having elected to remain in Good Hope Village, this place was now their new haven. Maintaining a clean living environment was paramount, and the sight of rotting corpses festering at their doorsteps was unacceptable.

There was a significant amount of work to be done. Cleaning up the deceased was just the tip of the iceberg. Fortifying their dwellings, establishing a cordon to deter unwanted visitors, and actively seeking out more survivors to bolster their numbers—these were just a few of the pressing tasks, each one a time-consuming endeavor. Despite the demanding nature of the work, a sense of accomplishment bloomed within Wang Xiong. Creating their own haven, no matter the hardship, instilled a deep sense of fulfillment.

Following lunch, Zhang Lixin excused himself, citing his desire to assist Lu Ming with the development of new weaponry. Wang Xiong readily granted him permission. His afternoon was spent collaborating with the three remaining male survivors and Zhang Chengcheng in disposing of the bodies. Another crucial task involved the collection of corpse crystals. After a period of diligent work, Zhang Chengcheng interjected with a question.

“So far, how many corpse crystals have we gathered?”

Wang Xiong responded, “Fifteen Level 1 crystals and one from the Level 2 creature.”

Though they dissolved upon consumption, corpse crystals exhibited remarkable durability under normal circumstances. Even after the brutal dismantling of the hunters, the crystals remained unscathed.

“Present the Tier 2 crystal to Brother Lu,” Zhang Chengcheng declared, taking charge of the distribution. Wang Xiong found no reason to object.

“As for the Level 1 crystals,” she continued, her gaze fixated on Wang Xiong with a burning intensity, “which one of us will be using them?”

However, a troubled expression clouded his features.

“It might seem trivial for an Awakened to progress,” he stated with a touch of bitterness, “but such advancement often results in attracting a zombie wave. That concerns me greatly.”

The fallout from Zhang Ye's ascension and the consequent devastation of the Zhang family stronghold appeared to have left a lasting scar. Zhang Chengcheng couldn't help but roll her eyes in response.

Initially, she perceived Wang Xiong as a reliable figure, but compared to the formidable Lu Ming, the difference in resolve was stark. “What’s there to be afraid of? If you’re hesitant, I’ll take the crystal.”

Wang Xiong remained speechless. Not only was he outmatched by Lu Ming, but now, a woman held sway over him. A shadow of doubt crept across his face, a flicker of frustration with his perceived lack of masculinity.

From the periphery, Yang Guan, another survivor, interjected with a grin as he continued his work. “No need to squabble over it. I believe there might be enough for both of you to ascend. Previously, Brother Zhang...”

His sentence trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. The implication was clear—there might be Level 1 crystals lying amongst the wreckage of the Zhang family stronghold, where Zhang Ye had met his demise. The mention of Zhang Ye cast a pall over the group, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken grief.

A defeated sigh escaped Wang Xiong's lips. “Tomorrow, I'll have to go back,” he declared, a resolute glint in his eyes. “Not just for Brother Zhang, but to check on any potential survivors at the Zhang family stronghold.”

The probability of finding survivors alive was undeniably slim, but the mission couldn’t be ignored. Another survivor, Qin Lie, chimed in.

“We’re running low on food here,” he pointed out, “but there should be some remaining supplies at the Zhang family stronghold. Food is a constant concern.”

Zombies subsisted solely on human flesh, leaving untouched any stockpiled food supplies. The prospect of locating sustenance at the Zhang stronghold was undeniable.

Wang Xiong acknowledged his point with a nod. “Alright,” he conceded, “we’ll head back tomorrow. Today, we’ll focus on finishing cleaning the streets and establishing a basic barricade.”

The afternoon found Lu Ming diligently honing his skills. Today’s focus was leveling the proficiency in Throwing skills. Unfortunately, the results were far from satisfactory. Practicing this skill within the confines of his home was impractical due to the lack of space. Throwing objects outside would create excessive noise and potentially damage public property—something he was unwilling to do.

Left with no other choice, he switched to Unarmed Combat. His current level stood at Hand-to-Hand Combat Lv3 (64/300). Punching bag after punching bag succumbed to his relentless assault, but the increase in skill proficiency was painfully slow.

An hour passed, and Lu Ming surveyed the scattered remains of the sandbags with a look of frustration. As his physical attributes continued to improve, not only were his training tools failing to keep pace, but even skill farming was becoming a challenge. The effectiveness of punching sandbags on his skill improvement was negligible. Furthermore, his potent blows easily ripped through the sandbags, rendering the training time shorter than the time it took to replace them. To top it all off, he hadn’t stockpiled a large quantity of sandbags in anticipation of this issue.

He accessed his attribute panel. He had diligently used his daily allotment of 50 proficiency points earned from fitness training. His proficiency in skills like Slingshot (Lv. 11), Archery (Lv. 7), Cold Weapon (Lv. 10), and Hand-to-Hand Combat (Lv. 3) all remained stagnant at best. Throwing, at Level 1, was simply impossible to train within his home. The only avenue left for training seemed to be Archery (Lv. 7). However, another hurdle arose—a lack of bows and arrows.

“How long will it take Zhang Lixin to get those weapons finished?” he muttered with a hint of exasperation. “Asking for something in the morning and expecting it by afternoon? That’s unrealistic.”

He contemplated requesting an update when the doorbell chimed, jolting him from his thoughts. He descended the stairs and activated the electronic screen, greeted by the sight of Zhang Chengcheng's stunning face. A shy smile played on her lips.

“Brother Lu,” she addressed him, her voice laced with charm. “I brought something for you.”

A spark of excitement ignited on Lu Ming's face. “Could the weapon already be complete?”

However, his initial excitement was quickly replaced by confusion upon seeing the grey crystal. “What’s this?” he inquired.

“A Level 2 Corpse Crystal, Brother Lu,” Zhang Chengcheng responded, assuming familiarity on his part. “You’ve encountered these before, haven’t you?” she thought to herself, attributing his current strength to their consumption.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, remained utterly perplexed. “Don’t need it,” he declared bluntly. The mere sight of it evoked a sense of foreboding, and collecting these crystals wasn’t exactly his idea of a hobby.

Zhang Chengcheng’s initial surprise swiftly morphed into understanding after a moment's pause. Yes, that made sense. Brother Lu’s strength clearly surpassed that of a Level 2 Awakened, likely placing him in the Level 3 category. Why would a Level 3 Awakened require a Level 2 crystal? She discreetly pocketed the crystal, dispelling any further argument.

“Right,” she continued, seamlessly transitioning into the day’s events. “This morning, Brother Lu...” She proceeded to provide a concise account of everything that had transpired within the neighborhood. She gleaned from Wang Xiong that Lu Ming was hesitant to venture outdoors, making him reliant on Wang Xiong to serve as his external information source—the so-called “human friend circle.”

Understanding the situation, Zhang Chengcheng volunteered for this crucial role. After all, keeping Lu Ming informed about the happenings beyond their immediate vicinity was paramount. The critical matters needed his attention.

“Wang Xiong and I are planning to head back to the original gathering place for a reconnaissance mission tomorrow,” she concluded. While not known for her chattiness, the sight of the man standing across the threshold, capable of wielding Thor's Hammer, ignited a newfound desire to converse with her.


“Hold on, you’re going out tomorrow?” Lu Ming interjected, his voice laced with concern.

Zhang Chengcheng responded with a firm nod, mimicking the pecking motion of a chick. “Yes.”

“Okay,” he conceded with a sigh. “If you run into a zombie, lure it back here. I’ll take care of it.”

Since eliminating targets didn’t contribute to skill proficiency, hunting zombies was his only viable option. Venturing outside to actively hunt zombies was too hazardous—a risk he wasn’t willing to take. However, if the people outside could lure some zombies near his window, he could launch an attack from a safe distance.

This was an acceptable method as well.

His strength needed to continue its upward trajectory. That was his most valuable asset.

However, Zhang Chengcheng’s heart skipped a beat at his words. Was he worried about her safety? Did his concern extend to her well-being? Yes, that had to be itconcern for her. A blush crept up her cheeks, leaving her stammering and struggling to form a coherent sentence. After uttering a few more hurried words, she bid farewell like a startled deer, only to be met with another voice from within the house.

“If you’re in danger, lure it back! Remember!”

Zhang Chengcheng felt a pleasant weakness wash over her entire being.

End of Chapter 33

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