CHAPTER 340: The Weight of Command

What had once seemed like a guaranteed success had now turned into a crushing and humiliating setback for Jeros. The feeling gnawed at him, filling him with a bitter sense of defeat that he could scarcely put into words. Humiliated—deeply humiliated. As frustration burned through him, more chilling power surged from within, intensifying his already ruthless demeanor. Yet, no matter how much force he applied, the Boshi Tower remained steadfast, unshaken. The implication was undeniable.

The Divine Origin contained within the Boshi Tower far exceeded the power Jeros could mobilize.

“Are you sure Jiu Han isn’t inside?!” Jeros barked, his voice sharp with rising anger as he turned toward the Desolate Demon Lord.

The response was calm, deep, and utterly unflinching. “I’m sure. Jiu Han is not inside the the Boshi Tower.”

“Then explain this!” Jeros roared, jabbing a finger furiously at the towering structure. His frustration had boiled over, and in his rage, he spoke without thinking, momentarily forgetting himself as he addressed the Desolate Demon Lord without the deference usually afforded to a superior.

The Desolate Demon Lord remained impassive, his expression inscrutable. How could he know what was truly unfolding within the walls of the Boshi Tower?

After a brief silence, the Desolate Demon Lord’s gaze shifted, settling on Moonfiend, who stood nervously at the opening of the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss. A cold shiver ran down her spine as his eyes fell upon her, sensing the weight of his attention.

Before she could fully grasp what was happening, the booming voice of the Desolate Demon Lord filled the air, reverberating in her ears like thunder.

“You. Enter the Boshi Tower and find out which god is guarding it.”

Moonfiend’s heart sank like a stone. “I’m not going,” she muttered under her breath, dread creeping through her veins.

Of course, she wasn’t going. The situation was far too uncertain, too dangerous. She had no desire to throw herself into such an obvious peril when the stakes were so high and the outcome so unclear.

But Moonfiend knew her own standing all too well—she was weak. In the grand hierarchy of the Gods, she was little more than cannon fodder, a pawn easily discarded. Just as she viewed mortals beneath the Divine Realm as inconsequential, the Desolate Demon Lord regarded her in much the same way—a slightly larger, more expendable ant. Most of the time, she was beneath his notice. But when he had a use for her, the dynamic changed, and her defiance was irrelevant.

“I’m not asking for your opinion,” the Desolate Demon Lord growled, his tone turning frigid. “You will go. Do you understand?”

Moonfiend stood frozen, her teeth clenched as frustration warred with fear inside her.

Sensing her hesitation, the Desolate Demon Lord let out a low sigh, his voice becoming colder and more cutting. “Either you go and investigate what’s inside, or you die here. I’m sure I’ve made myself clear—do you understand, you fool?”

His words were brutal, leaving no room for negotiation. The threat was unmistakable.

Moonfiend had only come here to observe, never imagining that she would be dragged into such a terrifying situation. Yet here she was, with no real choice left.

Beneath the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss, a powerful energy began to stir, as if a great, slumbering beast had awakened. The force it emitted was overwhelming, far beyond anything Moonfiend or even Jeros could possibly counter. Though those below the Divine Realm might have missed it, both Moonfiend and Jeros were keenly aware of its immense, crushing power. They understood all too well that it could reduce them to dust with little more than a flicker of its strength.

“I’ll go! I’ll go!” Moonfiend cried out, her terror breaking through as her voice echoed in the stillness.

Almost instantly, the ominous energy receded, its threatening presence dissolving.

“She’s so easily frightened,” the Desolate Demon Lord mused aloud, his voice tinged with casual disdain. “A little pressure and she folds.”

His voice echoed again, commanding the air with an effortless authority. “Good. Jeros, she’s your responsibility now. If she tries anything, kill her. I’ll stand behind you.”

Jeros sneered, his lips curling. “Understood.”

Suppressing the shame and anger that flared within her, Moonfiend made a last, desperate attempt to argue. “Lord Desolate, with your unparalleled power, wouldn’t it be faster for you to handle the Boshi Tower yourself? Why send someone as insignificant as me?”

“Hurry up and get in there!” the Desolate Demon Lord barked, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Moonfiend faltered, her hesitation palpable. The growing irritation of the Desolate Demon Lord was a presence unto itself, filling the space like a looming shadow. He was only moments away from ending her life himself.

But it was Jeros who intervened. Stepping forward, he grabbed her roughly by the collar and dragged her through the Blood Demon Gate to Xuanshui City. He tossed her in front of the Boshi Tower with little care, as though she were nothing more than an inconvenient burden.

“Let’s get this over with,” Jeros muttered, shaking his head in exasperation. “Can’t you tell? The Demon Lord has bigger things on his mind. If the Boshi Tower gets in the way of his plans, we’ll all regret it.”

Moonfiend hesitated, swallowing hard. “Plans?”

Jeros merely pointed toward the tower. “Get inside. Now.”

Without another word, he left her to face the inevitable on her own.

Reluctance weighed heavily on her as Moonfiend slowly approached the base of the Boshi Tower. Every step felt like a burden, her dread growing with each one. She knew, deep down, that no amount of delay would change the outcome. She had no choice but to move forward.

Finally, she stood before the gleaming, golden structure, the radiant light casting long shadows across her pale face. She glanced back at Jeros, her expression filled with fear.
“I… I can’t get in…”

“Allow me,” came a voice—not from Jeros, but from the Desolate Demon Lord himself.

A tremendous force erupted from the depths of the Ten Thousand Devil Abyss, striking Moonfiend in the back with brutal efficiency. The sheer power of it sent her flying forward, her body slamming against the surface of the tower. Her features twisted painfully under the impact, the pressure nearly unbearable.

Just when she thought her bones might shatter, the barrier before her vanished.

Disoriented and dazed, Moonfiend blinked, finding herself in a serene, tranquil space. The air was sweet with the scent of flowers, and the gentle chirping of birds surrounded her, in stark contrast to the terror she had just endured.

The Ancient Demon Clan had long mastered the art of spatial manipulation, and the Desolate Demon Lord, as their leader, was a peerless expert. Tearing through the Boshi Tower’s defenses with a touch of Divine Origin and sending Moonfiend inside had been a trivial task for him.

As her figure faded from sight, the Desolate Demon Lord’s voice reached Jeros’ ears once more.

“Leave the Boshi Tower to her.”

Jeros frowned, doubt flickering across his features. “Can she handle it?”

“It no longer matters,” the Desolate Demon Lord replied.

The Boshi Tower was crucial to Lu Ming, but to the Desolate Demon Lord, it was merely a distraction. Capturing it might have been useful, but failing to do so wouldn’t interfere with his greater plans.

From the ease with which the Desolate Demon Lord had handled the situation, it was clear that no matter how adept Lu Ming might be with array formations, his efforts were insignificant in the face of overwhelming power.

As Jeros had already noted, formations were little more than tricks when set against true strength. To the Desolate Demon Lord, the Boshi Tower was nothing more than a toy. If Jiu Han himself couldn’t challenge him, how could a divine artifact under his control possibly stand a chance?

“The next phase is all that matters now,” the Desolate Demon Lord continued. “Jeros, listen carefully. If my plan veers off course, here’s what you’ll need to do…”

Jeros’ expression grew increasingly serious as he absorbed the weight of the instructions.

Inside the Boshi Tower…

The very moment Moonfiend crossed the threshold, Lu Ming’s eyes snapped open.

His pupils constricted as his senses immediately registered the familiar presence. How did she get in here?!

End of Chapter 340

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