CHAPTER 346: The Battle of the Gods... sort of,

After countless millennia, the two guardian deities of the ancient past met once again, their powers brimming with untold ferocity. The atmosphere crackled with tension.

High in the air floated one figure, a being cloaked in lightning so fierce it resembled the very essence of a storm lord. The arcs of lightning burst from his form, illuminating the heavens with a brilliant, almost blinding light, exuding a terrifyingly majestic aura. This was Huang Ti, the invincible guardian god of the Eternal Clan, his power electrifying the frozen land beneath him.

Below, a shadow lurked in the depths, its presence more sinister than the darkest of nightmares. A monstrous aura surged from this figure, dark and vile, coiling like a living entity beneath the earth. It was none other than the Desolate Demon Lord, leader of the current Ancient Demon Clan, his power equally formidable and terrifying, fermenting into an overwhelming presence that matched Huang Ti’s strength.

For a long moment, they stood in silence, locked in a confrontation that shook the very fabric of the world around them. Then, the eerie quiet was broken by the deep, resonant voice of the Desolate Demon Lord.

“Come down and face your death, Huang Ti,” the demon lord sneered, his voice echoing through the air. “I have prepared a battlefield for you, deep within the Myriad Layered Demon Abyss.”

The invitation was clear—a trap, no doubt filled with countless horrors. Any rational being would have refused. But Huang Ti was not known for being rational. His entire life, and now his existence as a guardian deity, had been defined by one principle: face challenges head-on, crush opposition with overwhelming might, and emerge victorious.

This was his nature. It had always been his way. To retreat would be to tarnish his spirit, and diminish his power. To advance, however, meant embracing his full potential—unleashing an even more terrifying, brutal strength.

For Huang Ti, it wasn’t really a choice.

Suddenly, the lightning surrounding his body erupted, surging in all directions. He gazed down at the bottomless abyss with a booming laugh that echoed across the frozen landscape.

“All right! All right!” Huang Ti shouted, his voice filled with equal parts amusement and challenge. “Let me see how confident a once-defeated enemy like you is, to dare speak such nonsense to me!”

With that, Huang Ti hurled himself downward, a living bolt of lightning, streaking through the sky like a fiery arrow shot from the heavens. He plunged headfirst into the deepest parts of the Myriad Layered Demon Abyss.

At that moment, the entire frozen land trembled. The very earth shook under the weight of their impending clash. From deep within the abyss, waves of violent energy began to erupt, cascading upward, as though the earth itself was rebelling against the battle. The Myriad Layered Demon Abyss, a place feared by gods and mortals alike, began to resemble an awakened volcano, spewing destruction into the heavens.


While the battle raged in the distance, the world beyond seemed remarkably undisturbed. In Xuanshui City, beneath the imposing presence of the Boshi Tower, life continued with an almost eerie sense of normalcy, unaffected by the cataclysmic events unfolding elsewhere. However, not all remained indifferent to the chaos.

Both Shufang and the Ice Pillar Demon God, Jeros, closely monitored the situation, their attention fixed on the unfolding conflict. Yet amidst their observation, another figure—Lu Ming—was preoccupied with a more personal and pressing matter. Despite being aware of the events transpiring outside, Lu Ming’s focus was drawn inward, toward a different source of power: Qing Jue’s divine energy.

Murmuring to himself, Lu Ming reflected on his progress. "In three years, I have managed to absorb half of the inner divinity’s strength," he noted, his mind racing to analyze his next steps. "If I am to fully decipher the complex structure of the divine formation, I must absorb its entirety. Yet, there lies a significant obstacle—my current mastery of formation techniques is insufficient to fully interpret the divine grid."

First, he needed to fully absorb the Divine Source—a task that demanded not only immense power but also precise control over the divine energy he had been harnessing. This process was far from straightforward, requiring a delicate balance between accumulation and understanding of the inner divinity’s nature.

Second, he had to elevate his mastery of formation techniques to a far higher level. His current knowledge, though substantial, was insufficient to fully decipher the intricacies of the divine grid. Without this deeper expertise, his progress toward unlocking the full potential of the Divine Source would remain stunted.

Although both tasks were formidable in their scale, the solutions remained within Lu Ming's grasp. If he could successfully surmount these challenges, he would not only fulfill the grand vision set forth by Jiu Han but also embark on the path toward becoming an Outer Dao God. This ascent would grant him access to the Divine Realm, an achievement that would bypass the arduous trials typically required by the Stairs of Ascension.

The goal was clear, and Lu Ming was filled with renewed motivation. His resolve burned brighter than ever.

“I cannot wait,” he whispered. “It must be done—soon.”


Meanwhile, deep within the Myriad Layered Demon Abyss, Huang Ti descended into a battlefield like no other. The abyss, one of the most dreaded places in the Black Mist Zone, was filled with untold dangers. Even the ancient demons, who had once tried to conquer its depths, had perished. Nearly ten Divine Realm experts had entered in search of glory—none had returned.

But Huang Ti wasn’t fazed. He was beyond fear. Compared to the abyss itself, the true threat was his ancient enemy, the Desolate Demon Lord.

The two deities had crossed paths before, and Huang Ti was determined that this would be the final reckoning.

As he plummeted deeper into the abyss, lightning clashed with the brown, murky demonic energy that rose to meet him. The demonic Qi took on grotesque forms, shape-shifting into various monstrous beasts, all of them surging forward to devour him. Yet they never got close. A hundred meters from Huang Ti, they were burned to nothingness by the purifying light of his lightning.

The clash of energies—one divine, the other demonic—was nothing short of catastrophic. It sent shockwaves rippling through the abyss, causing violent eruptions of energy to burst from the earth, reaching into the skies.

Huang Ti landed with a deafening crash at the heart of the abyss. The lightning that entwined his form illuminated the darkness around him, revealing a grim scene. The ground was hard, etched with faint red patterns that pulsed with a life of their own. And ahead, seated on a grotesque, towering throne carved from the very rock itself, was the Desolate Demon Lord.

The two enemies locked eyes. Huang Ti grinned.

“It’s been a long time,” he said mockingly, his voice carrying over the roar of lightning. “You’re still as disgusting as ever . . . Desolate.”

Bathed in the flickering light of the storm, the Desolate Demon Lord’s monstrous form was fully revealed. He looked like an ordinary Ancient Demon, if not for one significant detail—he was grotesquely, monstrously fat. Layers of thick, yellow scales bulged with fat, deforming his limbs and features until they were barely recognizable.

He was a monstrosity.

Yet the demon lord did not react. His face, so distorted by layers of fat, could barely show any expression at all. But his voice, deep and ancient, rumbled through the air.

“I hope your strength is as unyielding as your arrogance.”

And with that, the battle began.

The two deities clashed with unimaginable force, and the abyss itself groaned beneath their power. The heavens trembled, and the frozen land quaked as if it too feared the destructive strength being unleashed below.

End of Chapter 346

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