CHAPTER 36: The Awakening

Saturday, Day 14 of the Apocalypse CalendarBack Training Day

The crisp morning air buzzed with activity as Wang Xiong, Zhang Chengcheng, and the others gathered on the street. Zhang Chengcheng, her voice brimming with enthusiasm, addressed the group:

“We finalized the plans yesterday! Sandbags, bricks, wire mesh – everything’s ready. Let’s put in a solid effort and aim to finish this defensive line by nightfall!”

“Got it!” came a chorus of enthusiastic responses from Wang Xiong, Zhang Lixin, Yang Guan, Qin Lie, and Wei Jiming. The gravity of the situation wasn’t lost on them. Everyone understood that the upcoming awakening of Awakened individuals directly impacted their collective survival. This “Zombies Strike Array,” designed by Mr. Lu, was a crucial measure to ensure their safety during the process.

With a shared sense of purpose, the five men and Zhang Chengcheng dove into their tasks. Meanwhile, Lu Ming, back in his house, commenced his daily back training – a more accurate term would be a memorization exercise. Each session resulted in a noticeable increase in his attributes.

Crack Crack

The rhythmic sounds of exertion echoed as Lu Ming pushed his limits. However, this relentless pursuit of strength came at a cost. The equipment he used deteriorated rapidly. Adding more weight to the contraptions would maximize his gains, but it would also significantly shorten their lifespan. Conversely, lighter weights, while gentler on the equipment, wouldn’t provide the necessary stimulus for muscle growth and attribute improvement. This conundrum left Lu Ming frustrated, with his hopes pinned on the potential arrival of Zhang Lixin, who might create more suitable training equipment.

After an hour and a half of intense training, Lu Ming reached his limit for the day. Glancing at the digital display, he reviewed his progress:

Name: Lu Ming
Age: 25 years old
Strength: 30.4 (31.3) ↑
Physique: 30.9 (31.8) ↑
Agility: 30.3 (31.2) ↑


  • Fitness Lv4 (350/400)

He pushed open a second-floor window, his gaze falling on the bustling scene below. The half-completed “Zombies Strike Array” stood testament to their collective effort. The name, while imposing, masked the stark reality – the defensive line was essentially a low wall, barely reaching 1.3 meters in height. This was a deliberate decision made to avoid obstructing Lu Ming’s line of fire. However, the drawback was obvious – the wall posed a minimal obstacle to the approaching horde. Zombies, with their ungainly movements, could easily clamber over it.

Despite the additional layer of wire mesh on top, the overall height of the “Zombies Strike Array” remained woefully inadequate, barely reaching 1.7 meters. Its effectiveness was questionable at best.

However, the true ingenuity lay in the deliberate gaps in the low wall. Two strategically placed openings, each a generous two meters wide, served a crucial purpose. One opening stood directly in front of Lu Ming’s house and his primary vantage point —the front window. The other mirrored it on the opposite side, facing his back window on the second floor.

The plan hinged on a fundamental truth – the mindless nature of the undead. Normal zombies, lacking any semblance of intelligence, and even the slightly more cunning giant zombies and hunters, wouldn’t pose much of a strategic challenge. Zhang Chengcheng’s strategy was audacious: she and Wang Xiong, the two Awakened, would act as living bait, each positioned at one of the openings. Their presence would serve to lure the approaching horde, funneling them through the designated pathways and preventing them from attempting to scale the insignificant wall.

Whether this unorthodox tactic would work remained to be seen. With no architects or skilled builders among them, and limited resources at their disposal, this was the best defense they could muster.

By the afternoon, the core structure of the “Zombies Strike Array” was complete. Following Lu Ming’s suggestion, Wang Xiong and the others constructed a miniature, near-enclosed fortress directly in front of his house. This was to serve as a secondary line of defense for the survivors.

As Wang Xiong toiled away, he couldn’t help but scratch his head in confusion. The placement of the fortified structure seemed nonsensical, an eyesore practically blocking Lu Ming’s front door. “Why not simply house the ordinary survivors within Lu Ming’s residence?” He wondered.

Lu Ming, ever stoic, ignored his inquiry. However, Zhang Chengcheng stepped in to offer a clear explanation.

“The living attracts the dead,” she stated simply. “If the survivors stay here, the zombies will focus their attack solely on Brother Lu’s front door, ignoring the back window. In that scenario, he would only need to defend a single vantage point.”

A wave of realization dawned on Wang Xiong. He slapped his forehead in understanding.

“Of course! Even with Brother Lu’s strength, he can’t be everywhere at once. Having the survivors here serves as a decoy, allowing him to focus his firepower on eliminating the approaching horde. It’s pragmatic!”

By nightfall, under the cloak of darkness, the entire construction project was complete. Standing by the second-floor window, Lu Ming surveyed the makeshift fortifications with a critical eye. A slow nod escaped his lips.

“Not bad,” he murmured, not exactly expressing fervent approval, but acknowledging the effort nonetheless.

Their plan was relatively straightforward. When the inevitable zombie onslaught arrived, Zhang Chengcheng and Wang Xiong would station themselves at the designated openings, serving as bait to draw the horde away from the windows and door. If the two Awakened became overwhelmed, it would buy Lu Ming precious moments to retreat to the basement —a pre-determined escape route.

As Zhang Chengcheng glanced up at Lu Ming, their eyes met for a brief moment. He offered a subtle nod, met with a warm smile from her.

“Brother Lu, everything alright?” she inquired.

In response, Lu Ming raised his thumb in a gesture of approval. Whether his satisfaction was genuine or merely a courtesy extended in recognition of their hard work remained a mystery. He had always maintained a polite demeanor, and this instance was no different.

Zhang Chengcheng continued, her voice filled with nervous anticipation, “By the way, Brother Lu, Wang Xiong, and I are planning to attempt our awakening tonight.”

Lu Ming simply nodded once again. “Okay,” he replied, his tone conveying a sense of stoic acceptance.

8:00 PM, Day 21 of the Apocalypse Calendar

Wang Xiong and Zhang Chengcheng sat opposite each other at the dining table in the safe house. Before them lay a glistening display of wealth – ten Level 1 Corpse Crystals each. Zhang Lixin, Dr. Meng Jie, and the remaining survivors crowded around the table, their gazes flickering between envy and apprehension.

“Let’s begin,” declared Wang Xiong, his voice resolute. He took the initiative, grabbing a crystal and popping it into his mouth. One by one, he consumed the ten crystals, the taste as bland as ever, dissolving quickly in his mouth. Zhang Chengcheng followed suit, mimicking his actions.

A familiar phenomenon washed over them – a surge of heat emanating from within, reminiscent of Zhang Ye’s awakening process. However, subtle differences emerged. While Zhang Ye’s skin had turned a fiery red, Wang Xiong and Zhang Chengcheng felt the heat without the accompanying color change.

In Wang Xiong’s case, however, his skin acquired a distinct metallic sheen. When he tapped his fingers against it, a resonating metallic clang echoed in the air. Zhang Chengcheng, on the other hand, exhibited no immediate physical changes. Yet, a curious phenomenon unfolded around her —dust particles in the vicinity rose and fell in a mesmerizing, cyclical dance.

Dr. Meng Jie’s eyes widened in realization.

“Different superpowers!” she exclaimed. The evolution to Level 2 Awakened unlocked unique abilities, and these initial, physical manifestations often hinted at the nature and function of the superpowers themselves.

Ten agonizing minutes ticked by before their advancement concluded. Both their attributes had doubled in strength compared to their pre-awakening state. Wang Xiong, boasting a stronger foundation, witnessed a more significant improvement in his physique compared to Zhang Chengcheng. However, raw physical strength paled in comparison to the true prize —the superpowers they had awakened.

“My skin feels much harder,” Wang Xiong announced, flexing his arm. With a thought, he activated his newfound ability. A wave of transformation swept over him, his entire body turning a steely gray, resembling an imposing iron statue.

“Steel Skin,” he declared, christening his power. This defensive enhancement perfectly complemented his combat style, adding a crucial layer of resilience. It was like icing on an already formidable cake.

All eyes turned expectantly towards Zhang Chengcheng. Reaching out tentatively, she focused on Wang Xiong. A distortion rippled from her hand, wrapping around him in an invisible wave.

His face contorted in surprise.

“I feel... heavier?”

Dr. Meng Jie, ever perceptive, interjected, “No, it’s gravity!” Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Chengcheng’s superpower is gravity control!”

A slow nod confirmed this revelation.

“I can manipulate gravity,” Zhang Chengcheng elaborated. “Not only increase it but also reduce it on a target.”

“The limits of this power are still unknown,” she admitted cautiously. “Further experimentation is needed.”

A palpable wave of relief washed over the survivors. With Wang Xiong’s fortified Steel Skin and Zhang Chengcheng’s control of gravity, they possessed a formidable arsenal to face the impending onslaught. Their confidence, however, remained tempered. The true test of their newfound abilities, and their very survival, loomed on the horizon.

End of Chapter 36

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