CHAPTER 5: The New World Order

Tonight, sleep was a luxury no one in Nanxiang City could afford. Lu Ming’s grim predictions had come true. The moment the ominous tower appeared, all internet connections severed abruptly. A dense black mist enveloped the city, forming a perfect circle that encompassed not only Nanxiang but also its three satellite cities and fourteen smaller towns. In an instant, Nanxiang became an isolated island, cut off from the outside world.

Three minutes after the tower's emergence, chaos descended. The elderly and infirm began to exhibit terrifying behavior, transforming into ravenous zombies with enhanced motor functions. These undead attacked indiscriminately, and their infectious bites were enough to turn a victim into a zombie within ten agonizing seconds.

It was an unimaginable disaster.

Within just three hours, the once-bustling metropolis of Nanxiang had fallen to the zombie outbreak. The streets were overrun, leaving survivors cowering in fear, too scared to even breathe. Running wasn’t an option—the zombies were far too fast.

Fighting back? The thought itself seemed absurd. The disaster struck with brutal suddenness, leaving the city in the grip of despair as survivors clung to the hope of rescue. But the night was long, filled only with sleepless worry.

Monday dawned at 6:00 AM. Lu Ming awoke refreshed, his mind clear despite the chaos that had unfolded the previous night. He rose from bed, dressed, and unlocked his bedroom door. His first stop was the kitchen, where he filled a pot with water, preparing to boil it for sanitation. From now on, bottled water was the only option for drinking. Boiled tap water would be used for washing clothes and showers, a precautionary measure against potential contamination from the zombies.

"Water will be depleted faster than food," he thought. "Fortunately, I installed rainwater collection barrels on the second floor." His foresight brought him some relief.

Lu Ming retrieved frozen green shrimp from the upstairs fridge, along with spinach from downstairs. Rice followed, destined for a pot of porridge. He turned on the gas stove and stir-fried the spinach with practiced efficiency.

"The gas won’t last forever," he mused. "But with the diesel furnaces in reserve, I won’t have to eat cold food anytime soon." Still, his diesel supply was limited, and rationing was essential.

Soon, breakfast was ready—a bowl of white porridge, five cooked green shrimp, and stir-fried spinach. It was a light but nutritious meal. Lu Ming devoured three bowls of porridge, a contented sigh escaping him.

"Seventy percent full," he noted. "My appetite seems to have increased."

After breakfast, Lu Ming headed upstairs to his reading area. He powered on his computer and accessed the pre-downloaded files.

"I just ate," he muttered, "so strenuous exercise will have to wait."

By 7:00 AM, Lu Ming stood, ready to begin his fitness routine. He made his way to his designated workout area and muttered,

"Alright, let’s get started."

Warm-Up—He began with a thirty-minute jog. By the end of it, his Agility had increased from 6.0 to 6.1.

Strength Training—Lu Ming moved to the barbell rack, choosing a 25kg weight for his bench press. After carefully setting up, he lay flat on the bench, gripping the barbell with both hands. He began a series of presses—three sets of twelve reps, with sixty seconds of rest between each set. Form took priority; this was his first encounter with the gym equipment, and mastering proper technique was essential. The weight was light for him, but it served as a good start.

Finishing the sets, a pleasant burn spread through his chest muscles. He quickly checked his attribute panel:

Name: Lu Ming
Age: 25 years old
Strength: 5.8 (6.0) ↑
Physique: 6.2 (6.3) ↑
Agility: 6.0 (6.1) ↑


  • Fitness (Lv. 1 5/100): Maximum attribute points obtained every day increased by 0.1 points.

He noted the results: a 0.2-point increase in Strength, a 0.1-point increase in Physique, and a 5-point gain in his Fitness skill proficiency. Pleased with his progress, Lu Ming continued his workout, following a carefully structured plan: warm-up, anaerobic exercises, aerobic exercises, and a cool-down stretch.

After an hour and a half, his Monday fitness plan was complete. Catching his breath, Lu Ming opened his attribute panel once more:

Name: Lu Ming
Strength: 5.8 (6.4) ↑
Physique: 6.2 (6.8) ↑
Agility: 6.0 (6.6) ↑


  • Fitness (Lv. 1 50/100): Maximum attribute points obtained every day increased by 0.1 points.

"Not bad!" he exclaimed, satisfied with the day’s results. He had maxed out his attribute gains, and his Fitness skill had reached 50 proficiency points—its daily limit.

Exhausted but excited, Lu Ming mentally calculated his future progress. "At this rate, with a daily increase of 0.6 points in each attribute, I can gain 6 points in ten days! I’ll surpass the average adult male in no time."

The rate of improvement was remarkable, but Lu Ming knew there were limits to what the human body could endure. Overtraining could result in injury, and injury would bring his progress to a grinding halt. He had to balance pushing his limits with allowing enough time for recovery.

As he rested, Lu Ming couldn’t help but wonder, "Could these attributes increase indefinitely?"

Would this pace of improvement continue? Would it even accelerate? The answers were elusive, but the questions stayed with him.

To replenish his energy, Lu Ming prepared a protein shake. He sipped it while pondering the limits of his attribute panel, pleased that the shake didn’t make him feel drowsy. He took the opportunity to watch a downloaded video—a tutorial on slingshot techniques. The middle-aged man in the video demonstrated the proper usage of the weapon, and Lu Ming found himself engrossed in the lesson.

For lunch, Lu Ming prepared a simple meal: boiled beef, stir-fried celery, and white rice. He ate a whole catty of beef, half a catty of vegetables, and two large bowls of rice, feeling 70% full once again.

Though drowsiness crept in, Lu Ming resisted the urge to nap immediately. Instead, he walked around the first floor for twenty minutes, allowing his body to settle. Finally, he retreated to his bedroom, locked the door, and climbed into bed for his afternoon nap, from noon to 1:00 PM.

When he awoke an hour later, Lu Ming felt refreshed. He checked his attribute panel once more:

Name: Lu Ming
Strength: 6.4
Physique: 6.8
Agility: 6.6

All his attributes had reached their maximum for the day, and a surge of power coursed through him. He clenched his fists, feeling his growing strength and confidence.

"A secure fortress, ample supplies, and the system on my side," he thought. "What could the apocalypse possibly throw at me?"

For a moment, arrogance flickered in his mind, but it was quickly snuffed out. He slapped his own cheek, a reminder to stay grounded.

"Steady. Stay calm," he muttered to himself. "The zombies outside are already formidable. Who knows what horrors lie within the tower and the black mist?"

Caution was essential. Lu Ming knew that venturing outside was a risk he couldn’t afford to take lightly.

"Going out?" he thought, shaking his head. "Not until my needs are fully met, my attributes are maxed out, and I’m completely prepared."

It became his mantra for surviving the apocalypse.

End of Chapter 5

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