Chapter 51: The Dawn of a New Era

By the time Wang Xiong and his group returned to Guangping Street, the sun had begun its descent, casting long shadows over the familiar streets. In their absence, Lu Ming, Zhang Chengcheng, Yang Guan, Qin Lie, and Wei Jiming had spent the day transporting the last of the supplies from the Zhang family’s estate.

Wang Xiong spoke quietly to Zhang Chengcheng, recounting the horrors he had witnessed. He asked if she could provide some comfort to the women who had suffered unimaginable abuse. Zhang Chengcheng nodded solemnly, the weight of their pain settling heavily on her heart.

But she had something else to share. “Lu Ming took some of the supplies back to his place,” she said, her tone laced with curiosity.

Wang Xiong raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” she replied with a cryptic smile, leaving him to puzzle over Lu Ming's motives.

The day eventually gave way to a night of restless sleep, the air thick with unspoken thoughts and buried traumas.

The next morning, Lu Ming woke to an unusual sight.

The street was alive with activity. Under Zhang Lixin’s supervision, the men were hard at work, building fortifications and disposing of the last of the zombie remains. Dr. Meng Jie oversaw the women, who were busy preparing meals and tidying up the makeshift homes.

Nearby, Wang Xiong, Zhang Chengcheng, and Li Zitong were hanging a large banner across the Zombie Strike Array outside Lu Ming’s house. Squinting against the morning light, Lu Ming could just make out the words:

—Warm Congratulations on the Official Establishment of the Guangping Street Gathering Place!—

Lu Ming blinked, bewildered. Before he could fully process what was happening, Zhang Chengcheng’s voice rang out below.

“Brother Lu! Finished with breakfast?”

Her timing was uncanny. Resigned to the fact that he’d been spotted, Lu Ming leaned out the window.

“What’s all this about?” he asked, pointing at the banner.

Wang Xiong beamed with enthusiasm. “Brother Lu, with so many new faces here, it feels like we’re truly becoming a community. We thought it was time to make it official. From now on, this place will be known as the Guangping Street Gathering Place. It’ll help everyone feel like they belong.”

Belonging. A simple yet profound concept. It struck a chord with the survivors, but Lu Ming remained unmoved. He merely shrugged. “Alright, carry on,” he said, before heading downstairs for his morning workout.

But Wang Xiong wasn’t finished. “Oh, and Brother Lu—after you’re done, we’ll need you to say a few words and cut the ribbon...”

Lu Ming froze mid-step. A speech? The mere thought of it made his stomach twist. He wasn’t a public speaker, and standing in front of all those people was hardly his idea of a good time.

Sensing his discomfort, Zhang Chengcheng jumped in with a playful smile. “Don’t worry, Brother Lu. No speeches needed. Just snip the ribbon when it’s time. Wang Xiong will handle the talking.”

Lu Ming let out a sigh of relief, grateful to be spared the spotlight. Zhang Chengcheng and Wang Xiong exchanged a knowing look. Everyone knew that Lu Ming preferred to stay in the background.

The night before, in a quiet conversation, Wang Xiong, Zhang Chengcheng, Zhang Lixin, and Dr. Meng Jie had reflected on Lu Ming’s unassuming nature. There was something admirable about his simplicity, but they couldn’t help wondering—could a man so withdrawn truly lead?

The question lingered in Wang Xiong’s mind as he went about his duties that morning. Leadership was a heavy burden, and as the group expanded, the weight of responsibility felt more daunting than ever.

By 10:30, Lu Ming had finished his workout and pulled up his personal stats:

Name: Lu Ming
Strength: 56.7 (58.1)
Physique: 57.4 (58.8)
Agility: 50.8 (52.2)


  • Fitness Lv9 (600/900)
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat Lv8 (1420/1800): Strength and stamina increased by an additional 1.8 points.

His training with Wang Xiong had paid off. The hand-to-hand combat sessions had sharpened his skills, boosting his strength and endurance.

“Another day, another power-up,” Lu Ming thought with a small sense of pride.

As he was heading home, Wang Xiong caught up with him again. “Brother Lu, no speech necessary, but you’ll at least cut the ribbon, right?”

After a moment’s pause, Lu Ming nodded. The ceremony wasn’t a grand affair—most of the survivors were still reeling from their experiences under Cheng Shen's tyranny. A small, simple event felt more appropriate for their circumstances.

After lunch, all sixty members of the gathering place assembled outside Lu Ming’s home. Bowls of food in hand, they murmured amongst themselves, exchanging tentative smiles.

Wang Xiong stood atop the earthen wall, surveying the crowd. Familiar and unfamiliar faces stared back at him, all etched with the scars of survival.

He cleared his throat and began. “Today is a day worth celebrating,” he declared, his voice steady. “It’s been over a month since the world as we knew it ended. Together, we’ve endured the chaos, the fear, and the brutality of this new reality.”

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. “But despite the horrors, fate has brought us together. This street is now our home. And in the days ahead, we will face whatever challenges come our way—together.”

Lu Ming watched him, quietly impressed. Wang Xiong had grown from a hot-headed youth into a thoughtful, confident leader. It was remarkable how adversity could forge strength.

“Maybe people can change after all,” Lu Ming mused.

Wang Xiong’s speech resonated with the crowd. “We all carry our own burdens,” he acknowledged. “But today marks a new beginning. Let us leave the past behind and move forward—together.”

His words touched the hearts of many, especially the former members of Cheng Shen’s group. Some stood silent, lost in thought, while others’ eyes shimmered with unshed tears. It was a step toward healing, a glimmer of hope in a world that had long since lost its light.

“With all of you as my witnesses,” Wang Xiong concluded, “I declare the Guangping Street Gathering Place officially established!”

Applause rippled through the air, the sound filled with a tentative optimism. Wang Xiong grinned and nodded toward Lu Ming.

Accompanied by Zhang Chengcheng, Lu Ming stepped forward. Zhang Lixin handed him a pair of scissors, and with a few swift snips, he cut the ribbon in two.

The sunlight caught on the blades as Lu Ming looked out over the gathered crowd. There were smiles—small, uncertain, but real. For the first time in a long while, Lu Ming felt something stir within him. A faint warmth, a sense of connection.

He smiled back. A new chapter had begun.

End of Chapter 51

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